The Dead Villainess Had A Child With The Male Lead

DVHMLC Chapter 106

Chapter 106 What You Can Do Very Well

A party was held at the Imperial Palace to celebrate the return of Saint Evangeline. Many nobles were eager to see her up close, as she had not been seen in public for a long time.

Everyone was waiting for the saint’s arrival, eyes shining with anticipation. Finally, the door opened and Evangelina walked in slowly.

“Wow, you look just as beautiful as ever!”

“You always look the same!”

Dressed in a plain white gown with little ornamentation, Evangelina looked beyond beautiful to divine. She looked like a true saint.

Veronia couldn’t take her eyes off the saintly figure she hadn’t seen in a long time.

‘Evangelina… You seem more mature than the first time I saw you.’

Of course, she had just become a saint then, and now five years had passed. It was a change she deserved, given the many places she had traveled and the many people she had shown the power and grace of the Goddess to.

Veronia glanced up at Killion beside her. In the original story, Killion would have fallen in love with Evangelina. 

But there was no emotion in his blue eyes as he looked at her. They were the gaze of a complete stranger.

‘It feels weird.’

She thought she was used to Killion saying he loved her, but she guess not. 

The situation where the male and female protagonists are in the same room was just awkward because she wasn’t used to it.

Evangelina, who had been walking with all eyes on her, turned her head at an angle and locked eyes with Veronia.


The way Evangelina stared at her made Veronia so nervous she forgot to breathe.

‘Evangelina… is looking at me, why?’

Veronia’s heart pounded, hard, as if she could see right through her. Veronia’s entire body flushed red, feeling as if her secrets were being revealed to Evangelina.

Only when Evangelina looked away, smiling faintly, did Veronia manage to breathe properly. It had only been a moment, but it felt like tens of minutes.

Evangelina walked slowly out and bowed respectfully to the Emperor and Empress.

“Greetings, Emperor and Empress, the glory of heaven and earth in one body.”

“Welcome, saint, and I hope your journey back was not a difficult one?”

Jonathan asked, his expression and voice as gentle as ever. Evangelina’s face, which had been somewhat tense, relaxed. She answered Jonathan’s question in a somewhat distant tone.

“The journey itself was not difficult, Your Majesty. Thank you for your concern.”

“I am glad to hear that.”

“But on the way back, I was very troubled to hear of the plague in the south.”

The word ‘plague’ from the saint’s lips startled most of the people in the banqueting hall. Veronia was no exception.

‘A plague? A plague in the south of the country?’

The South, a region of poverty and famine, had been the scene of civil unrest five years ago. ‘Just when I thought things had settled down a bit, now a plague! Killion’s expression didn’t change, so he must have known.’

Jonathan, his face darkened, spoke up.

“Ah, that… Even if it wasn’t, the imperial family is troubled by the news. They say the plague is spreading fast, and the patients are getting very sick.”

“Yes, Your Majesty, but they say that the cause of the plague hasn’t even been discovered yet, and it’s not easy to treat.”


Sighs and sighs of disappointment erupted from around the banqueting hall. After a moment of thought, Jonathan spoke in a stern voice.

“The imperial family will not turn a blind eye to the hardships the southern region is experiencing, Saint, so please don’t worry too much and be patient. I will have the personnel to send to the south selected as soon as possible.”

“Thank you so much, most gracious Emperor.”

Saint Evangelina bowed deeply at Jonathan’s promise of support. Jonathan raised his voice again, this time to the entire banqueting hall. The Emperor’s solemn voice rang out.

“As you have all heard, the situation in the south is very bad, and we need as much help as possible, as quickly as possible, and we need your help.”

The faces of those listening to Jonathan stiffened slightly. Veronia knew why. Jonathan’s words implied that a special tax in the form of donations would soon be collected, though he didn’t say so directly.

The stern voice continued.

“For the sake of the troubled South, for the sake of the Empire, for the sake of the Imperium, show your allegiance.”

As Jonathan finished speaking, one by one, the people began to bow their heads and shout loudly.

“Of course, Your Imperial Majesty, we will actively help, whatever that may be.”

“I will do my best to the best of my ability.”

“Your Majesty’s will be done.”

Before long, everyone in the banqueting hall was bowing to Jonathan. 

It was a gesture of willingness to contribute. They couldn’t completely erase their embarrassment, but they were willing to make do with what they had.

Soon, a satisfied smile crossed Jonathan’s lips.

“My people have not disappointed me after all. Excellent, and although my heart is heavy with sad news, I am in a very good mood right now!”

His laughter echoed throughout the ballroom, and soon the party was in full swing as upbeat music began to play. The serious faces were quickly wiped away and replaced by bright laughter.

Veronia and Killion had just finished their first dance and were quenching their thirst with champagne. A servant quietly approached, announcing that Jonathan was looking for them.

“Me too?”

Veronia asked at the mention of the two of them being sought, to which the servant nodded and said simply, “Yes.”

‘I can’t believe I have to face Jonathan again!’

She didn’t like it, but she had no choice. It was an order from the highest authority, and she had to obey. Veronia pushed an unspeakable sigh deep into her throat.

As they were escorted by a servant to Jonathan, Killion spoke in a low voice.

“I think we’re going south.”

“I think so, too, and… I’d like to go with you.”

Veronia opened her mouth cautiously, and Killion shook his head once and for all. It was ridiculous.

“You can’t do that. It’s too dangerous.”

“It would be dangerous for everyone there, including the children. I want to heal the sick ones.”


“I don’t know about anything else, but that’s something I can do, and I’m very good at it.”


Still, it’s too dangerous. Killion couldn’t bring himself to say the words that had been bubbling under his chin, and he held his tongue. He believed no one, not even himself, had the power to break Veronia’s strong will.

With mixed feelings, the two stood before Jonathan.

“I hope I’m not interrupting your party.”

“No, Your Majesty, we are only grateful that you have found us.”

“I have summoned you because I have a favor to ask of you.”

Jonathan cut straight to the chase. It was the expected course of action.

“The situation in the South is critical, and I want you to take the lead and go there. What do you say?”

It was a question of first asking their will, but the command was clear. Jonathan continued in a calm tone.

“You handled the civil unrest in the South five years ago very well, and I know that the people of the South have great faith in you. I believe that your presence in the South this time around will give them peace of mind in this difficult situation.”

“At Your Majesty’s command.”

Killion replied respectfully, bowing his head. Jonathan’s lips curled into a satisfied smile.

“But unlike five years ago, the Chancellor cannot be away from the palace for too long, so I will only ask for two weeks.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“And Lady Nia, I believe your healing powers will also be of great benefit to the suffering children of the South, so please accompany the Chancellor to the South.”


“I know you are busy preparing for your wedding in a month’s time. But the lives of many are at stake, and I need your help.”

“Yes. At Your Majesty’s command.”

Veronia inclined her head stiffly toward Jonathan, then glanced in Killion’s direction. There was a hint of disapproval in his gaze, but he kept his mouth tightly shut. Veronia was grateful that Killion didn’t interrupt her any further.

As they turned to leave, Veronia looked up at Killion and smiled.

“Thank you.”


“You’re not mad, are you?”

“I’m not angry, you know that, I can’t be angry with you, Nia.”

“…Yes, I know.”

Phew, Veronia smiled pleasantly. Normally, Killion would have laughed along with her, but this was different. He seemed worried about her journey south.

“Don’t worry, you’ll be by my side.”


Killion’s earlobes tinged pink.

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