Surviving in a School of Ghost Stories

Chapter 18


Looking back, I saw Erica’s face contorted in an odd expression as she tried to hold back laughter. Not only that, but all the girls standing around had turned their heads away. Their shoulders were shaking.

“She got what she deserved.”

Erica said, finally swallowing her laughter.

I could see Lady Sutherland’s face turning redder and redder like a radish.

Just then, a voice called out from the lobby entrance.

“Lady Sutherland! I bought the items you requested from town!”

A female student opened the doors of the dormitory lobby, entering with her hands full of luggage.

She was carrying a mountain of packages stacked higher than herself, performing the feat of walking without dropping them.

‘She looks like she might fall over.’

It’s dangerous. There was a large statue of Sister Gloria in front of Erica.

The female student, unable to see ahead due to all the packages, was heading straight for that statue and Erica.

I quickly stood in front of Erica and hugged her.

Sure enough, the student tripped over her own feet and fell, and the many packages she was carrying hit the statue and dropped.

Then the statue tilted and fell over onto Erica and me.

Crash! Clang!

The statue hit my body and shattered. It hurt, but fortunately, I didn’t seem to be injured. I was lucky.


With the screams of the watching students, people began to gather. The ghosts also startled, fluttering about anxiously around me.

“Melody. Are you okay…?”

Erica, still in my arms, looked at me with a shocked face and hurriedly examined my body.

“I’m fine.”

I answered, but a nosebleed suddenly gushed out.

Erica pulled out a handkerchief from her pocket and pressed it against my nose.

Of course, the nosebleed didn’t stop and continued to flow, the amount excessive.

‘I feel dizzy too.’

As I answered in a dazed state, I noticed the eyes of the cat in Erica’s arms changing from yellow to blue.


I rubbed my eyes and looked again, but they were yellow.

Did I see it wrong? I’m sure they just turned blue a moment ago.

Hearing the commotion, female students from the second-floor dorm rooms began coming down the stairs.

Sally seemed flustered and in a panic.

“What are you doing! Hurry and fetch the doctor!”

Suddenly, Erica exploded in anger. Her previous timid demeanor was nowhere to be seen.

The female student who had knocked over the statue jumped in fright and ran out of the dormitory.

The students began whispering as they saw us.

“Oh my, what do we do? Did you see it? Lady Sutherland to Lady Queensbury…”

“She finally did it. She’s a scary person.”

“I knew she disliked Lady Queensbury, but goodness, how could she do such a thing…”

It seems that most of the main school students knew that the redhead, Lady Sutherland, disliked Erica.

A look of bewilderment crossed Lady Sutherland’s face. Her face turned red.

“I-I didn’t… I didn’t mean to go this far…”

Her eyes filled with tears as she stammered.

She moved her lips a couple more times as if feeling wronged, then suddenly scrunched up her expression. Then she turned around and walked away from us.

‘Is she running away?’

But she stopped in her tracks and was sniffling with tears.

‘Is… is she crying?’

Kids will be kids. She was only eighteen, so it was understandable.

Considering my age before the regression, I found them all just cute since I was older than them.

After crying and taking deep breaths, Lady Sutherland calmed down a bit and came back to us, saying,

“…This was an accident. I’ll caution Lady Lumiere. It wasn’t intentional.”

Then she looked at me.

“Lady, you got hurt because involved with Lady Queensbury for no reason. Be careful. Lady Queensbury tends to bring bad luck. And for your injury, I’m s-s-s…”

It seemed she couldn’t bring herself to say sorry no matter what.

However, she didn’t need to apologize. In reality, it was another lady who knocked over the statue.

But Erica still glared fiercely at Lady Sutherland and said,

“You can formally apologize when Melody survives safely.”

Watching the situation with interest, I widened my eyes in confusion.

Huh? What?

“…Am I dying?”

Erica looked at the handkerchief pressed against my nose and said:

“I’m just worried. Your nosebleed won’t stop.”

Erica pinched my nose with the handkerchief as if handling a child.

‘Wait. I can’t breathe.’

Meanwhile, the female students behind us started to stir.

Wondering what was happening, I took the handkerchief from Erica, held it to my nose, and raised my head.

I saw a man walking towards us from the lobby of the girls’ dormitory.

Jet-black hair and blue eyes. An elegant gait and handsome features.

‘He looks familiar… Oh?!’

It’s the student council president. The man who disguised himself as a postman to meet me in 903, and who brought me to this time.

“S-Senior Eglinton?!”

Lady Sutherland jumped in surprise and moved aside.

I just stared at him, approaching with a slightly dazed expression.

Would he remember that we met in 903?

Of course, he wouldn’t remember.

I couldn’t read anything from the president’s expressionless face.

With the president’s arrival, even more students began to gather.

The dormitory supervisor, who seemed to have been away, belatedly appeared.

“Goodness, what’s happening here? Are the students alright? Wait, why is Eglinton student here…”

The president politely bowed his head in response to the supervisor’s words and answered:

“I was passing by and saw an urgent situation, so I came to help. I unintentionally broke school rules. I apologize.”

“O-Okay. Then, Eglinton, could you take our female student to the hospital?”

The supervisor quite naturally entrusted me to the student council president.

“May I?”

The president politely asked me.

Excuse me? What for? I nodded reflexively.

Then, the student council president smiled faintly and swiftly picked me up in his arms.


Thank you for reading! ♡

Thank you for reading! ♡ Feel free to check my other novel on my carrd!


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