Surviving in a School of Ghost Stories

Chapter 17

The semi-transparent ghosts were covered in pure white cloth, with only their eyes, nose, and mouth visible, allowing their expressions to be seen.



Moreover, they moved around making sounds that were half air, half voice, like sighs.

‘It’s ridiculous to think ghosts are cute.’

It seems I’ve been experiencing too many strange things lately. I silently glared at the white things floating in front of me.

Leonard looked at me seriously and finally spoke.

“We need to get you to the infirmary quickly. Did you hit your head? You seem a bit off.”

“Off? That’s rude. I’m smarter than you.”

“Of course you are.”

He grabbed my head, examining it from various angles, then immediately started walking, taking me with him.

I was quietly dragged to the infirmary, my wrist held by him.

Leonard brought me before the school nurse and explained in detail like a guardian bringing in a child.

“She collided with a male classmate’s head and her nosebleed won’t stop. After that, she seems to have lost a screw. There’s no brain damage, is there?”

Lost a screw? That’s quite rude.

“Hmm. Apart from a rather heavy nosebleed, there doesn’t seem to be anything particularly wrong.”

The school nurse briefly diagnosed me while looking me over.

“That can’t be right. She’s lost a screw.”

Leonard seriously examined my face, resting his chin on his hand.

At this moment, I made a firm decision.

From now on, I should avoid mentioning any strange things I see.

If I’m not careful, rumors about me being a strange student could spread, making it obviously difficult to achieve my goal.

“You can go now.”

At the nurse’s dismissal, we had to quietly return to the classroom.

I received one more apology from my seatmate, introduced as Dante Ave Wellington, and quietly attended the class.

Fortunately, nothing else happened after that.

However, it was a bit of a problem that the ghosts, not content with floating in the corridors, had even entered the classroom.

‘Why on earth are such things in the school?’

Were they always there and I just couldn’t see them before?

Judging from what the student council president from 903 said, that seemed the most likely possibility.

‘Do I have to live seeing ghosts from now on?’

Is this the price for coming back to the past to save Raven?

If it’s the price for such a thing, it’s not too bad.

The floating ghosts seemed uninterested in people. They didn’t appear to be particularly harmful either.

Anyway, that’s how the first day of classes ended.

As if the nosebleed was some kind of starting point, from then on I began to see ghosts wandering around the school.

It was surprising how many ghosts there were in the world.

Fortunately, today was just the first day of school, so we only had morning classes.

So, while admiring the strange and cute ghosts on my way back to the dormitory, I met Erica.

But her uniform was a mess. As if she had fallen somewhere.

“Erica, what happened to your uniform?”

“Ah… I just fell.”

Erica smiled awkwardly, fidgeting with her fingers and pulling at her crumpled uniform.

It’s so awkward that it seems suspicious. Did something happen?

As I looked puzzled, even the passing ghosts stopped and peered at us curiously.

I’m not sure if they understand human speech or are just reacting to my voice.

Anyway, their hovering around us like curious puppies was actually quite cute.

We were waiting for the elevator in the lobby of the girls’ dormitory with Erica.

“Oh, Lady Queensbury. It’s been a while.”

Someone in the lobby greeted Erica. It was a group of female students our age wearing the same uniform.

It seems that even at school, nobles maintain formal titles when addressing each other.

‘Nobles live such tiring lives. Impressive.’

The girl who spoke to Erica was a beautiful woman with striking features and curly red hair.

Another girl in the group sneered at Erica.

“It’s been a while, Crow Lady.”

“Lady Hayden, that’s too harsh. She’s still the heir to the great Queensbury Earl family, how can you call her Crow Lady?”

I thought she might be from an important family, but I didn’t expect Erica to be the heir to Earl’s family.

“What does it matter if she’s the heir? She’s a weirdo. Unpleasantly gloomy too.”

“It’s creepy that she’s still attending school normally after doing ‘that’ to Lady Eyrose last semester.”

I was surprised to hear their conversation and glanced at Erica.

However, Erica stood still with her arms crossed, listening to their words without reaction.

How should I put it? Thinking about it again, Erica wasn’t the type to be bullied by someone; if anything, she was more likely to alienate the world herself.

Then my eyes met with the red-haired girl. I checked the name on her uniform badge.

Sally Ann Sutherland.

“Oh my, who is this commoner? Have you resorted to bringing a maid along because you have no friends now?”

She looked me up and down, laughing.

Of course, I found her gaze quite interesting.

Erica didn’t seem to know I had been a maid either, so I thought this girl was quite perceptive.

Naturally, since I had actually been a maid, it didn’t particularly sting.

Lady Sutherland looked down at me with a condescending gaze and asked.

“It seems the Lady’s ears are closed?”

Lady? This is the first time I’ve heard such a polite title from a woman.

I smiled gently.

“That’s impossible. My ears are open. It’s impossible to close one’s ears. Can you open and close your ears, Lady? How impressive.”

Logically, it’s impossible to open and close one’s ears, but since Lady Sutherland brought it up first, I responded in kind.

Having dealt with the people of Chesswind Village until now, such wordplay from a cute peer couldn’t possibly intimidate me.

So if she intended to pick a fight with me, Lady Sutherland chose the wrong opponent.

Lady Sutherland’s expression became strange upon hearing my response.


I heard the sound of someone holding their breath beside me.


Thank you for reading! ♡

Thank you for reading! ♡ Feel free to check my other novel on my carrd!


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