Since When Were You The Villain?

Chapter 97  


After joining the Orhel, Estelle narrowly escaped death several times.  

She was injured when the building next to her collapsed, and she almost consumed a dangerous poison.   

In the novel, all of this was depicted as Killian’s schemes to incapacitate her. (T/L: Our poor Killian. 

However, the true mastermind was the Empress.   

Whether the Empress intended for the escape of the monster or not remains unclear.   

But in hindsight, Sophia thought that the Empress might have had ulterior motives for actively recommending Estelle to join Orhel and exerting her influence to secure her entrance.    

‘Estelle must not enter Orhen!’  

“Perhaps I can go with you? I’d like to meet the Empress!”  

Sophia, completely disregarding decorum and tact, interjected herself into Estelle’s situation.   

“Sophia, are you too?”   

“Yeah…! I want to meet the Empress, and also, that cat! The Empress has the cutest cat as a pet. It’s so adorable that I might catch a severe case of lovesickness just from wanting to see it.”   

Sophia blurted out her words without thinking.   

At times like this, she found herself lacking in logical reasoning and improvisational skills.   

But Estelle, whether feeling burdened to face the Empress alone or for some other reason, nodded her head in agreement.   

“I’ll ask Her Majesty if you can come along.” Estelle inquired with the Empress if Sophia could accompany her.   


* * *   


“Sophia..” She glanced over Estelle’s response and smiled as she thought of that exceptional child for a moment.   

Having that child close wouldn’t be a bad thing. It seemed that she could be a useful pawn in catching Killian.   

Beatrice readily approved of Sophia’s company.   


* * *   


“Does Her Majesty intend to call for Estelle separately?”   

The next evening, Sophia met Killian and told him her story with the Empress. Killian’s expression darkened, clearly worried about Estelle meeting the Empress.   

“Don’t worry. I’ve decided to go with her, and Her Majesty has granted permission,” Sophia reassured him.   

“You’ve decided to go with her?” Killian asked.   

“Yes! I’ll watch over her.”   

Sophia smiled, and Killian grabbed her hand.   

“Sophia, Her Majesty suspects me, and she knows that I care for you,” he confessed.   

Killian was worried that the Empress might use Sophia as leverage against him. He feared that she might make Sophia an unwitting pawn, threaten her safety, or harm her, just as she had done with Fideut and Percel.   

“Surely not. Her Majesty still doesn’t know the identity of the Black Moon,” Sophia reassured him.   


“You worry too much, Killian.”   

Sophia brushed off his concerns with a smile. However, Killian couldn’t ease his mind, even with her smile.   

“Promise me, though. If anything happens, promise me that you will prioritize your safety above all else.”   

“I don’t need to promise that; I always prioritize my safety. I don’t have the courage to sacrifice myself recklessly.”   

Sophia chuckled softly, but Killian held her hand even tighter.   

“Promise me that you won’t do anything as reckless as confronting a bandit with a sword in front of a thief.”   

He vividly remembered the fearless way Sophia had confronted a bandit with a sword.   

“Oh, that was a rather exceptional case…” Sophia belatedly recalled the incident and pursed her lips, feeling somewhat embarrassed.   

Back then, during the early stages of her transmigration, she had believed in the clichés of the heroine and had become particularly overconfident.   

“Promise me there will be no exceptions.” Killian insisted.   

“I promise. I’ll keep my life safe for a long, long time and live happily for a thousand years.”   

After several firm requests from Killian, Sophia finally nodded.   

“And it’s best not to reveal your relationship with me in front of her Majesty. If anyone asks about me, say it’s a political engagement.”  

“But I already caused a scene in front of Prince Mikhail…”   

Sophia recalled the lie she had told Prince Mikhail in the lounge at the ball.  

If they act so awkwardly around each other, who would believe that their relationship isn’t good?   

Killian, realizing this, felt flustered, but he soon lowered his head.   

“Perhaps His Highness won’t disclose such matters to Her Majesty.”   

Killian trusted Mikhail. He had stepped forward and provided an alibi for them when he saw the two of them acting flustered in front of the Empress.   

So, there was no need to worry about the lie he had told Mikhail.   

“Will His Highness Mikhail be okay with the servant who sent the clothes?” Sophia asked.   

“It should be fine, I suppose.”   

As long as Mikhail kept the secret, there was no reason for a servant to spread such rumors. Killian couldn’t be entirely certain, but he thought it was unlikely.   

Sophia quietly observed Killian, who was deep in thought.   

His face appeared dry and emotionless, but his empty eyes revealed the turmoil within him.   

Deep within that profound emptiness resided a multitude of complex emotions that were impossible to dissect.   

Sophia hugged him tightly.   


“I wanted to hold you for a moment.”   

Sophia whispered as she leaned against his chest.    


“Is it bothering you?”   

Sophia looked up at Killian, who remained silent.   

Killian shook his head quietly, wrapping his arms around her.   

Only then did a faint smile appear on his lips.   

Killian knew that Sophia was trying to comfort him, sensing the emotions he hadn’t even realized himself.   

A person who discovered and cared for my emotions before I did.   

If I hadn’t met this woman, how would I have endured all of this?   

Killian etched Sophia’s warmth into every cell of his body and met her worried gaze with a reassuring expression.   

Thanks to you, everything is okay.   

“More importantly, is your leg okay?” Sophia asked while being held in his arms.   

“It’s fine since I mostly sit for long periods.”   

“I saw the guards running around like crazy.”   

Sophia looked at him with concern.   

“I’m not the one going out into the field.”   

Killian smiled to alleviate Sophia’s worry.   

“How can I not worry?”   

Since Killian left Fraus with his still healing leg, Sophia has been worried about him constantly.   

Whether it was when the guards searched the whole capital or when they entered the nobles’ houses.   

Even when the guards entered Fraus and searched every corner of the house, Sophia wanted to know if Killian was doing well.   

“Do you know how surprised I was when you collapsed that day?” she asked.   

“That day… I’m sorry for causing you worry, but the injuries weren’t as serious as you might think.”   

“You call that not serious?”   

Then what is considered serious? Does the leg need to be completely severed for it to be serious?   

Sophia’s eyes flashed, and Killian touched her cheek gently, trying to soothe her.   

But Sophia remained stern.   

“Don’t try to mend it with a gentle touch.”   

“The injuries are really fine. That day… it was just because I wasn’t feeling well for another reason.”   

The reason he collapsed that day was not solely due to his injuries. The shock from the events involving the illegitimate child and Nicolas had pushed him over the edge.   

“The fact that there was another reason that your body wasn’t well worries me even more.”   

Sophia could guess somewhat what the other injuries were that were tormenting him, not just the injuries to his leg.   

She bit her lip.   

Killian chuckled as he looked at his fiancée, who worried about him more than anyone else.   

In the ruins of what he thought was his whole world, Sophia was the only piece of land left.   

This small and delicate person was supporting his world.   

Killian kissed Sophia’s forehead.   

“Because you came to find me like this, everything is fine now.”   


Sophia scowled and raised her eyebrows in anger, but Killian just smiled.   

It wasn’t a lie, it was the truth.   

Just by looking at her, everything seemed to get better.   


* * *   


The next day, Sophia, along with Estelle, made their way to the palace.   

Perhaps due to the incident during the ball, access to the palace was much stricter than usual. They were thoroughly checked for any suspicious items on their person before being allowed entry.   

Although there was a prevailing atmosphere that the Black Moon was a man, there was no lack of scrutiny when it came to verifying the identities of everyone, regardless of age or gender.   

“We greet Her Majesty, the Empress.”   

After passing through nearly an hour of procedures, the two were finally able to meet Beatrice.   

Today, there was a white gazebo set up in one corner of the Interneus Palace gardens.   

(T/L: It has chairs instead of sofas.)  

“Oh, Lady Sophia, Lady Estelle! How nice to see you.”   

Beatrice welcomed the two young ladies with open arms and a warm smile.   

Elizabeth, who had noticed the commotion and rushed over, recognized Sophia and curtsied to her in her dress.   

“Hello, Elizabeth.”   

Sophia bent down and patted her head. In response, Elizabeth happily nuzzled against her waist and then playfully lay down, showing her belly.    

“It seems Elizabeth remembers you, Sophia.”   

“I was so worried that she might have forgotten you. I’m relieved. It seems Elizabeth inherited her cleverness from Her Majesty,” Beatrice commented with a smile as she watched Sophia interact with Elizabeth.   

Sophia, with Beatrice’s permission, sat down next to Elizabeth and gently stroked her well-groomed white fur.   

Beatrice looked on with fondness. The fact that Elizabeth was following someone like this was truly astonishing.   

Throughout her life, the only person Elizabeth had followed so closely was a single servant who took care of Beatrice and Elizabeth.   

While Sophia was petting Elizabeth, the Empress introduced Elizebeth to Estelle.   

“May I also touch Elizabeth, Your Majesty?”   



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