Sickly? Husband's Contractual Wife

SHCW Chapter 94

Chapter 94


The servants I had called in seemed puzzled, exchanging glances, perhaps wondering what they were supposed to do in the maid’s quarters.

Among them was Robert, Rona’s lover.

“Search the room.”

With my concise order, the servants, though puzzled, quickly broke the lock on the door and opened it.

As we entered, the room was filled with darkness.

The only light came from the gap in the window that Noir had just broken.

Why would the room be completely dark in broad daylight like this?

As we pulled back the curtains, the room was instantly flooded with light.

“Do you have something you’re looking for?”

“A snake.”

“A what?”

“There might be a snake. Someone might be keeping snakes in the mansion.”

“That’s… unlikely.”

Even the sage-like butler’s face showed a bewildered expression at the thought.

“Search thoroughly. You might come across something unexpected. Oh, and be careful, don’t get bitten.”

When the servants learned that we were looking for a snake, they all tensed up.

They began tapping the floor and searching the surroundings.

“There’s this box here.”

Robert brought in a box with a large lock on it.

“What should we do?”

Asking for my approval with their eyes, I spoke without hesitation.

“Open it.”

When I nodded, Robert promptly broke the lock.

“Be careful.”

With a tense expression, I watched as the lid of the box opened.


Although I was quite tense, what was inside the box wasn’t a snake.

But there were even more surprising things inside.

“This is…”

I reached out and picked up what was inside the box.

It was Amoide’s shirt.

As we rummaged through the box, more astonishing items kept popping out.

Empty perfume bottles, strands of golden hair stuck to a hairbrush, handkerchiefs with names embroidered on them…

Everyday items that seemed insignificant and wouldn’t be missed, but the problem was that the owner of these items wasn’t Emma.


I pulled out the tangled hair with the comb.

Bright golden strands with a lemony hue.

They were Amoide’s hair.

“Why… why are these here…?”

As I stood frozen, holding the hair, someone screamed.

“Here, here…!”

As if seeing something terrifying, the voice trembled.

The butler next to me approached the corner of the room first.

“What’s there?”

Robert, with an urgent voice, said as I took a step forward.

“Don’t come here, it’s dangerous.”


In the large wooden box, there was a snake coiled up.

The same snake that had appeared in my room recently.

No, there were three snakes.


“Did all this come out of that room?”

Camilla was in shock as she looked at the items in front of her.

I wasn’t as shocked as her, but I was better off than when I found Amoide’s hair tangled in the comb.

“All these were found after searching the room, including the snakes.”


Camilla’s face slowly turned, and then she looked at the snake Robert was holding.

Then she stared back at the box containing Amoide’s belongings with a blank expression.

“What are all these? Why are Amoide’s belongings coming out of your room?”

Camilla asked Emma.


Emma was kneeling in front of Camilla, her eyes as sharp as ever.

“It’s… It’s a gift from your master.”


“In appreciation for taking care of him. That’s what he said.”

Camilla laughed briefly at the pathetic excuse.

“Are you saying that I’ve been eyeing Amoide with dirty looks the whole time?”

Camilla’s hand trembling as she gripped the armrest.

In an instant, Emma raised her head and screamed.

“What’s the difference between that woman and me! She’s just a woman who came to bear a child anyway!”

Emma pointed at me with her finger.

“I can bear a child for you, Camilla. Can’t I?”

Emma crawled on her knees, clutching Camilla’s dress hem and looking up at her.

“What kind of madness is this…”

Camilla muttered as she looked at the items in front of her.

“What’s wrong with all of you? Why is everyone obsessed with Amoide?”

“This is insane…”

The gaze directed at Emma was filled with horror.

“Let go, this, let it go…”

Camilla shuddered as if a creepy bug had attached itself to her.

“What are you doing!”

Greta jumped in and forcibly separated Emma from Camilla.

“Get a hold of yourself!”


Greta fiercely slapped Emma’s cheek.

Emma’s partially turned face turned towards me.

Chills ran down my spine as I looked into her eyes, visible through her tangled hair.

“To harm the young mistress for such a reason!”

Greta slapped Emma’s cheek again.

This time, her face turned in the opposite direction with a thud.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know she was like this. I was careless as a housekeeper. I should have paid more attention.”

Greta kneeled beside her.

“This is madness.”

Camilla glared at Emma, then added, “Exorcise and expel her.”


“Sear and drive her out. Burn all of Amoide’s belongings. Get rid of everything she has touched.”


Emma screamed like a beast, clinging to Camilla’s feet.

“Luckily, I’m not hanging you.”

Camilla’s stern declaration silenced the room as if cold water had been splashed.

And then…


I felt a surge of anger at Camilla’s words.

“Urgh… Urgh.”

“Are you alright?”

Rona, who was holding my hand, quickly patted my back.

Camilla’s eyes sparkled momentarily as she watched the scene.

“Why all of a sudden?”

“I’ve been like this for a while now.”

“A while? What were the symptoms?”

I hesitated for a moment before answering.

“I’ve been feeling dizzy and nauseous.”

“Really? In that case…”

“There’s no way! You, bearing the master’s child! You!”

Greta once again covered Emma’s mouth.

“Do you really want to die?”

“Get rid of her. Exorcise her and drive her out. Oh, and give her severance pay.”

Camilla commanded, then turned to look at me with fierce eyes.

“Madam! Madam!”

Emma was dragged away, still screaming.

But Camilla seemed unconcerned about Emma’s actions.

With a bright smile on her face, Camilla ordered,

“Summon Raymond.”

The way Camilla looked at me was so intense that I felt a different kind of fear creeping over me.

“What’s wrong? Call Raymond right away.”

Without taking her eyes off me, Camilla waved her hand imperiously.

“Doctor Raymond left the mansion a while ago.”

At Cotton’s response, Camilla glared at him.

“Chase after the carriage and bring him back, even if you have to catch up.”


Cotton bowed his head and left the room.

“Why didn’t you say anything earlier?”

“Because it wasn’t certain.”

“If it wasn’t certain, why did you mention it? About the due date… roughly…”

As I watched her happily folding her fingers and chattering like a child, I felt increasingly heavy-hearted.

What if it’s not pregnancy?

“What’s wrong?”

Suddenly, everyone turned to the sound.


Camilla called him in a surprisingly gentle voice.

“You’re here.”

Amoide stood at the doorway.

His long legs were supporting him against the doorframe.


Even when everyone turned their gaze towards the sound, I couldn’t lift my head.

After hesitating for a moment, I finally raised my face, meeting Ahmed’s gaze head-on.

Surprise, confusion, distrust.

All those mixed emotions were directed towards me.

“What nonsense did I just hear?”

He walked in steadily.

“What… they said your successor is going to be born?”


I tried to stop him hastily, but Amoide’s expression distorted slightly, having already heard Camilla’s words.

For a moment, it felt like my heart sank to the ground.

‘Does he hate it so much?’

What does that expression mean?

If he despises the idea of ​​me having a child…

Various negative thoughts bubbled up like foam.

I stared at him blankly.

But as soon as our eyes met, he quickly turned his face away.

I clenched the dress I was holding until my fingers went white.

With my other hand, I unknowingly cradled my stomach.

A child.

A child between him and me.

But if Amoide hates it so much…

“Are you sure?”

He asked in a dry voice.

“Well, of course. I have a good feeling. La Touze made a prophecy not long ago. He said a star of succession appeared to the Marquis.”

“A star of succession?”


Amoide and I exclaimed simultaneously.

“Yes. It’s true. They said you’ll have a successor.”

Camilla’s eyes sparkled with moisture as she pronounced the word ‘successor.’

“They said the energy of the stars is getting stronger and shining brighter. They said we’ll soon hear the awaited news.”

Camilla continued excitedly.

And as I listened to her voice, my pounding heart was trying to hold back.

Originally, I would have thought it impossible, something I wouldn’t believe could happen.

But now, it was different.

We had enough, more than enough conditions for it to happen.

I glanced up at Amoide, wondering if he had the same thoughts. His face was thoughtful.

“I warned you not to put too much faith in that astrologer’s words.”

He sighed.

“Such superstition…”

“La Touze is an astronomer. He doesn’t spread superstitions.”

Camilla said firmly, not forgetting to glare at Amoide, who doubted her belief.

“And besides, the dream was good. It was a good dream.”

“What dream?”

Amoide asked, prompting Camilla to describe the dream as if it were unfolding before her eyes.

“The moon fell from the sky and landed in my lap.”

As Camilla spoke, it felt like my heart dropped and rolled somewhere into the distance.

While the tension was at its peak, Cotton appeared from behind.

“Madam Camilla, Doctor Raymond has returned.”

I received Raymond’s examination while leaning against my bed.

It was quite an awkward experience.

Being examined by a doctor while surrounded by soft bedding and not moving at all.


I looked at each face surrounding the bed one by one.

‘Ah, this is a bit uncomfortable.’

All eyes in the room were on me.

Camilla, Raymond, Rona, other maids, and even Amoide.

Although I was comfortable lying against the cushion provided by Rona, my mind was anything but comfortable.

It felt especially uncomfortable because of Amoide.

He was sitting closest to me.

Right beside the bed, in the chair placed there.

It was closer than even Camilla’s position.

While Camilla was urging the examination, her eyes sparkling with impatience, he was sitting next to me, not blinking once, just watching me intently.

‘It’s so uncomfortable.’

Although my body was relaxed against the cushion, my mind couldn’t be at ease.

It felt like tingling sensations spread wherever his gaze landed.

When my mouth dried up and I could barely wet my lips with my tongue, struggling through this dry spell, it happened.

“Hmm… This is ambiguous.”

Raymond finally spoke after a long examination.


Even though Camilla asked, Raymond only smiled and nodded.

“I can’t give a definite answer right now.”

“Why not?”

Camilla’s face wrinkled in surprise when she heard an answer that was anything but definitive.

“Since when did you have the last conjugal visit?”

“Well, that…”

I was about to say it was our official conjugal visit, but bit my lip.

Raymond’s sharp brown eyes were fixed on me.

It didn’t seem like he was asking about the formal conjugal visit.

“You two have been getting along quite well recently.”

Amoide and I glanced at each other momentarily.

Though our eyes met for only a moment, our faces quickly turned red.

‘Does he know everything?’

Does this family doctor know everything?

But I couldn’t deny his gaze, which seemed to see through everything.

Should I say it or not?

I hesitated inwardly, and when I opened my mouth:


“I mean, it’s a matter between spouses.”

Amoide cut in sharply.

“What does it matter when we had a conjugal visit?!”

A somewhat sharp voice resonated in the room.

“Oh, I’m not reproaching you.”

Raymond said with a soft smile.

“Just, if you had conjugal visits other than the scheduled date, it’s difficult to determine when the conception occurred…”

‘No, I know.’

But I couldn’t say it like that.

“That’s… true.”

I just smiled vaguely and nodded.

But Camilla’s expression, as she listened to the conversation, seemed a bit awkward.

“You two… when…”

I felt my face burning and bowed my head, but Amoide seemed indifferent.

“If we need to have a successor.”

He smirked.

“Is there a problem with me sleeping with my wife?”

“Your health…”

“I’m perfectly fine except for when I collapse. And my wife has been particularly attentive to my health lately.”

“Still… if you overdo it…”

“There’s no overdoing it when it comes to loving my wife.”


As soon as Amoide finished speaking, someone coughed loudly.

And silence fell in the room.

“We’re in our prime, after all.”

He said casually.

Enough, enough!

Don’t say such things in front of me!

I wanted to plug my ears and bow my head immediately.

It was like my ears were already burning hot without even touching them.

It’s just one night, just one night!

Isn’t it too big a deal for just one night?

A baby, a baby.

Moreover, it sounded like we rushed into it because of Amoide’s words.

I felt like I wasn’t the only one who thought that.

From the corner, where the maids were waiting, they exchanged glances and seemed to share a strange smile.

“So, Raymond, why can’t you tell us right away?”

Camilla quickly changed the subject, having accidentally learned about the son couple’s nightly activities.

“I can’t give a definite answer right now because…”

“When was your last conjugal visit?”

“Two weeks ago.”

He replied briefly.

I resisted the urge to grab a pillow and hit him right then and there.

Now everyone knows.

What was just speculation has spread far and wide.

“Even if conception occurred, it’s too early to confirm. We need to wait a bit longer.”

“But isn’t that morning sickness?” Camilla pointed at me.

“It could be morning sickness or it could not be. More importantly, you seem to have symptoms of gastritis. Have you been under sudden mental stress recently?”

I looked back on recent events in response to Raymond’s question.

Sudden mental stress.

In other words, stress.

Yes, there was, wasn’t there?

Whether it was there or not.

After spending the night with him, I was mentally stressed out trying to avoid him, and then I met Veronica, and then Amoide resigned from his position as knight-commander…

Thinking about it, I realized that I had been exposed to quite a bit of stress lately.

“But considering the frequent conjugal visits recently, it might be worth expecting positive results.”

“Yes, even if only one of them hits…”

Camilla, who was uncomfortable just a moment ago because she accidentally learned that Amoide and I shared a bed, suddenly forgot all about it and started playing the probability game.

What hits?!

It’s not frequent conjugal visits, no, it’s not.

It was just one night.

One shot, one kill.

But I couldn’t say it.

“At least another week has to pass before I can give a definitive answer.”

Camilla seemed somewhat satisfied with Raymond’s words.

“Yes, let’s wait and see.”

Camilla smiled, her mouth curling up, making her look like a witch from a fairy tale.

But what worried me the most at this moment was…


Amoide’s expression, which was completely inscrutable.

Was it good or bad?

“I, I’d like to rest now.”

I said softly, but Camilla understood immediately.

“Yes, of course. Pregnant women need to rest.”

Even though it wasn’t confirmed yet, Camilla seemed to have already concluded that there was Amoide’s child in my belly.

“Okay, everyone, out. Only the midwives stay.”

Camilla got up first.

When Raymond and Amoide got up in turn, I hurriedly grabbed Amoide’s sleeve.


He looked down at me, still holding onto my hand.

“Can you… stay by my side?”

He didn’t answer immediately.

‘Is he going to refuse?’

Did I ask for too much?

To someone who hasn’t shown any signs of liking or expecting anything from me.

After looking at me for a moment, Amoide turned his gaze away.

“Everyone, leave.”

At his words, people quickly left the room.

Camilla looked back and forth between me and Amoide with a slightly uncomfortable expression, then left the room with Raymond.

“What’s the matter?”

It was only after the room was empty that he spoke to me.

“Tell me.”

Standing there like a stiff log and looking down at me, he was intimidating.

“Just… sit down and talk.”


“If you stand there and stare like that, I won’t be able to say anything, will I?”

I blurted out, and Amoide pulled a chair over and sat down with a thud.



  1. inrealitee says:

    Thank you for your translation! I’m really enjoying this story! I hope you keep going!!!

    1. Sid says:

      You are welcome. Of course I’ll continue this story. I’ve been busy with my finals lately that’s why I couldn’t upload new chapters. I’ll upload new chapters on this coming weekend, stay tuned.❤

  2. denshiroen says:

    ahhhhhh the suspense of everything!!!! thanks for translating!

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