She Was Sent by God

SWSBG Chapter 27



“Get up.”


Someone grabbed Agnes’ arm with a strong touch.

In her daze, she looked around to see a man dressed in black.


“Who are you?”

“I don’t have time to explain. I’ll tell you as we go.”


Another man suddenly appeared and untied the ropes that bound Agnes’s arms and legs.

As her senses began to return, the area where she had been shot throbbed painfully.




The man noticed and pulled out a leaf from his pocket, handing it to her.


“Chew this. It will help alleviate the pain.”


Following the man’s advice, the pain significantly subsided.


“We need to hurry. The king sent more troops.”

“Who sent you?”

“We’re part of the Elesh.”



She suddenly found herself on a horse. The man sitting behind pulled the reins. The wind passed by on her cheeks.


“To put it simply, it is a secret armed group of the Arpad family. Originally meant for the lord…”

“You talk too much.”


Another man running alongside them interjected.


“Why didn’t you head south?”


He asked in a tone mixed with some criticism.


“Oh, that’s actually…….”

“They’re coming!”


The man beside her shouted quietly.

As the dawn had not fully broken, there was nothing visible in the surroundings.


Agnes looks around briefly.


He urged his horse forward. Two horses crossed the plain.

Then, in the distance, two arrows whizzed past with a sharp sound.


“Get down!”

“Ralph! You go ahead and escort the madam!”

“Can you handle it alone?”

“We’ve come this far, what can’t we do?”


“Okay. Kess, let’s meet in the afterlife.”


Ralph said.

Kess chuckled. It wasn’t a solemn or a stern tone, but her heart ached as she listened to it. Ralph kicked the horse on the side and took the lead.


Kess turned the horse’s head and galloped towards where the arrows had come from.


“Have you been following me this whole time?”

“That was the lord’s final command.”




She clenched her teeth to suppress the tears that threatened to spill if she uttered a word.

Her heart trembled as she remembered his final moments. 

Faint shouts were heard from behind. Ralph’s expression hardened.


“It seems we need to go back into the forest and shake them off again.”


He turned the horse’s head and entered the entrance to Kishun forest.

The sound of hooves chasing after them grew louder.


“Capture them!”

“Do not let them escape!”


Arrows flew threateningly. Agnes flinched.




Ralph let out a short scream. Startled, Agnes turned around to look back.




He gasped and handed over the horse’s rein.


“G-Go south, ugh.”


Ralph couldn’t finish his sentence. His body faltered and soon fell off the horse.


“N, no!”


There was no time to mourn.

Agnes had to run forward without even wiping away the tears streaming down her cheeks.

How much further did she run? 

The shouts of pursuers behind her grew louder and louder.




At that time, the horse suddenly slowed down and ran wild. Glancing back slightly, it seemed like an arrow had hit it.


“Please, please.”


Agnes tried to calm down somehow, but it was useless.


“Shoot now!”


In the meantime, the horse was shot several more times and collapsed there.

Despair washed over Agnes as the men surrounded her.


“Dammit. What a hassle to catch just one person.”


Someone grabbed Agnes’ hair like a rag. Her body shook helplessly.


“L-let go of me right now!”

“Tsk. But after all, royalty is royalty, isn’t it?”


He forcibly lifted Agnes’s face and leered at her with greedy eyes.


“What are you going to do?”

“We’re going to kill her anyway, right?”

“But if the commander comes and sees this, it’ll be a mess.”


The man with a thin and high voice hesitated.

When he didn’t easily agree, another man spoke irritably.


“Oh, then I’ll do it alone, you can watch from the sidelines.”


As his rough and menacing hand began to rummage under her skirt, she struggled fiercely.


“How dare you! Let go of me!”


The man on top of her giggled unpleasantly.


“Stay still. I’ll do something good for you before you die.”


The man came through the skirt. His hands touched her bare skin. She got goosebumps all over her body.


“Ugh. G-Get your filthy hands off me right now.”


She wanted to scream out in protest, but her voice trembled uncontrollably in the wind.

Fear stiffened her entire body. Despite wanting to resist, her body wouldn’t move as she wished.


“It would be a waste for you to die like this, wouldn’t it? Your husband is already dead, so why not have some fun with me before you meet the same fate?”


He seemed to think it was a funny joke as he laughed alone.


Duke Arpad.


Again, she remembered the man’s face. Agnes bit her tongue.


‘Should I die?’


Wouldn’t it be better to die early than to be taken by this man?


Whether she was dragged before Sebastian or dying a little earlier, what difference does it make?

Tears she thought had dried up suddenly welled up.

Feeling wronged, angry, and miserable, she couldn’t bear it.

The sense of regret and pain for having lived all this time just to die like this overwhelmed her.

Agnes opened her eyes. Then she drew her remaining strength and pushed the man who was weighing on her.


“Let me go!”

“This is really…”



In an instant, she was slapped so hard that her ears rang.


“I told you to stay still!”


A fishy smell emanated from her mouth. Tears streamed down Agnes’s face as she was pushed by him forcefully again.

Each time she raised her arms, it hurt terribly. To the point where she wants to die.

But at the same time Agnes wanted to live.

She didn’t want to put the life that the man saved in vain like this.


‘Help me.’


She muttered unconsciously.


‘Anyone. Help me. Save me from here. I don’t want to die. I want to seek revenge on Sebastian.’


But all that came out were sobs and tears, mixed with screams.


‘I can’t die without seeking revenge.’

“Stay still!”


Annoyed by her continued resistance, he began tightly tying Agnes with a rope.

When her arms were tied, she kicked the man like crazy with her legs this time.


‘I can’t die like this. Save me. Save me. Save me.’


A strong desire served as a good painkiller. Agnes bit her lips and clenched her teeth hard.

It didn’t hurt anymore. Her head gradually turned white.


‘Anyone, help me!’


It was then.

The man who had been dominating Agnes suddenly opened his mouth wide and then collapsed onto her heavily.


“Is it you?”


The darkness around made it hard to identify the person in front of her.

Also, tears in her eyes blurred her vision.

The man, who appeared out of nowhere, lifted the man who was lying on top of Agnes with one hand and threw him away.

He showed no signs of screaming or struggling.

It was then that Agnes realized that the man who tried to harm her had died.


“W-Who are you?”


Agnes trembled and opened her eyes wide.

A man with red hair and mysterious golden eyes stood.


“Did you call me?”


He lowered himself to match eye level with Agnes, who was lying on the ground.


“What’s this, I, I, don’t understand…”


She tried to push herself back, trembling.

He stared at Agnes with curious eyes, like a child who had seen an ant crawling for the first time.


“A human calling me. How intriguing.”


He raised the corner of his mouth in a smile, but his cold demeanor remained unchanged. His smile felt eerie instead.


“I don’t know how long it’s been since I came out like this.”


He added in a whisper. Agnes didn’t understand the situation.

She had no idea what the man with red hair was talking about.


“When did I, when did I call you?”


As Agnes asked, the man burst into laughter unexpectedly.


“You don’t even know you called for me?”


She had no idea.

She couldn’t understand why this man suddenly appeared, or why he was saying these things to her.

The man grabbed Agnes’s chin and shook it back and forth.


“You really don’t know?”

“Ugh, let go.”


Agnes shook her head and pushed his hand away. With her arms bound, all she could do was resist in that way.


“Haha. It’s amazing that you called me without even knowing who I am.”

“What are you then?”


As time passed, her breathing calmed down. The pain was still there, but it wasn’t unbearable.


“The head of the torn, the monarch of the fallen, the king of the abyss, or a dragon. There are many names that humans call me.”

“A dragon?”

“But you can call me Eugene.”


He showed favor and kindness at the same time.


“You’re a dragon?”


Agnes repeated the same words with a stunned face. In an era where the existence of a wizard is rare, dragons are legendary creatures.

In myths, dragons are said to have helped God to create a world, or they say they are forever trapped in hell for hating humans for burning them.




Agnes suddenly became desperate. She pressed her face close to Eugene’s.



  1. Natasha801 says:

    Oh my God, it is such a good story! Oh, really!❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

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