Secrets of the Azure Sea

TL: Leila
Editor: Anon


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Outside the ship, lights were illuminated throughout the entire island, and as Kyrie mentioned, this island seemed to be the home of the people atop the ship. A lukewarm breeze, mixed with the scent of the sea, clung to her body. The moonless, pitch-black night sky felt as if it mirrored the inside of Floria’s mind.

“Now, Princess, this way,” said one of the women.

In a plaza-like area near the harbor’s pier, bonfires were lit, and the men had already begun their feast. The barbarian warriors who had fought against Franz earlier were excited about their victory and were making a lot of noise and joy.

Looking ahead, on a particularly high and wide, flat rock-like structure, a carpet was laid out. It almost seemed like the rock itself was in the shape of a throne. Sitting comfortably on it was the heron-like man. Zanarf, the king of this island, observed the warriors’ celebration from his throne. He exuded an indescribable aura of authority and intimidation that set him apart from the other islanders.

When Zanarf noticed Floria, he gestured for her to come closer with his hand. “Come here. Are you hungry?”

Zanarf seated Floria right next to him. He waved his hand to dismiss the island women who had accompanied her, indicating that they should step back. Only Kyrie quietly remained nearby, close to Floria.

In front of them, there were grape wine, delicious-looking fish and shellfish, and various tropical fruits laid out. However, Floria didn’t feel hungry at all. She couldn’t help but feel anxious about the wedding ritual that Kyrie had mentioned earlier. Would it really be conducted?

What does this man intend to do with her? Could it be that he plans to perform a wedding ritual on her, even though she is a married woman?

“Please, please, I beg you. Return me to my country, to Franz…” Floria pleaded.

“Wasn’t it Prince Franz who gave you to me? In exchange for his own life?” Zanarf responded.

“…….” Floria bit her lip tightly. She didn’t want to hear that. Because even now, Floria herself found it hard to believe.

“I wouldn’t let another man touch my woman. Even if it meant exchanging my own life for it,” Zanarf murmured to himself and stood up, holding a cup of wine.

Floria, who was right next to him, was startled. Zanarf loudly shouted something in the island language while raising his cup high. In response, cheers erupted from the savage men who were celebrating. The festivities seemed to have reached their peak.

Something unimaginable to Floria was about to begin.

With a sense of unease brushing through her mind, she looked at Kyrie with a gaze that pleaded to be told what was happening. Kyrie momentarily pursed her lips and then whispered to Floria in a way that only she could hear.

“…He says he’s taken a treasure from Prince Franz and now he will perform a wedding ritual with that treasure… with you,” Kyrie said.


this is starting to get weird but trust the process, we shall win this war

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Hi! Leila here, a random person on the internet and I translate Asian web novels for funzies


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