Princess Who Hides Her Fandom


Kylo answered bluntly.

The opponent was a duke. He is a man of such high power that one cannot even dare to look up to him.

The man adjusted his clothes to hide his nervousness, holding his bouquet in his hand.

It was Princess Agnes who made even a man with such high power feel embarrassed.

A woman who has never had anything less than the best in her life.

Kylo once again realized the great distance between himself and Princess Agnes.

Although the physical distance was close, the actual location was worlds apart.

The more Duke Salton looked excited, the more Kylo felt his inferiority complex rising.

The fingers curled into his fist dug into his palm.

Just like Raymond Spencer, I felt the urge to throw the man in front of me away.

However, he was a man who proudly came to propose a partner for the ball to the princess.

Unlike him, he was a dork who had never participated in anything like a prom.

He is a person who has neither the qualifications nor the position to dare to interfere.

Kylo bit the inside of his lip and glared at the innocent Duke of Salton.

I imagined a scene in my mind where the man in front of me and Princess Agnes were entering a fancy ballroom.

It wasn’t a very fitting picture.

Princess Agnes wouldn’t choose him as her partner either.

However, when Raymond Spencer was inserted into the scene instead of the Duke of Salton, the picture was complete.

The sight of two people who fit together like a picture will arouse admiration from people.

I felt so sick that I felt pain.

It was a moment when I became more resentful of my insignificant status than ever before.


As Kylo expected, Duke Salton was kicked out before even 10 minutes had passed.

The Duke of Salton returned with the same bouquet he had prepared to apply for partner.

Still, Kylo Didn’t feel relieved.

It felt like something in him was blocked.

I was even anxious because I thought Raymond Spencer would come in the same way tomorrow.

I wanted to stop it if I could.

Even though I have no qualifications.

That night, after completing his mission, Kylo inspected the night guard knights and returned to the knights’ quarters.

He was late from work.

Even though it was late at night, someone came to his lodgings.


“You’re late.”

It was Viscount Gray.

The Viscount had come here several times, but this was the first time he had come so late at night.

The corners of Viscount Gray’s mouth rose. It seemed like he made the right decision to come at this time.

Kylo’s expression showed a look of bewilderment, as if he hadn’t expected it to come at this time.

Viscount Gray gestured and ordered him to open the door immediately.

Kylo quietly opened the door and let Viscount Gray into his quarters.

“Hmm, it’s pretty spacious.”

The Viscount clicked his tongue as he looked at the interior, which was more luxurious than he expected.

On the topic of illegitimate children…How dare you think you would be receiving such good treatment in a place you don’t even know.

This must be why his arrogance is sky-high.

Viscount Gray believed that everything Kylo enjoyed was thanks to his permission to use the last name ‘Gray’.

So he thought Kylo should get a decent reward. If he dared to use a nobleman’s last name, it was natural that he would have to pay a price.

Kylo sat across from the Viscount on the sofa.

Viscount Gray got straight to the point.

“Did you become arrogant just because you became the princess’s escort knight? Why on earth are you ignoring my calls?”

“…It’s not that I ignored it, I was busy.”

“Nonsense! You could have taken the time to come visit me, but you ignored me!”


Kylo had absolutely no energy left to confront the Viscount.

All day today, his mind was filled with negative feelings of inferiority.

In addition to his emotional exhaustion due to feelings of inferiority and self-loathing, he also had to endure considerable physical exhaustion.

Kylo stared at Viscount Gray with listless eyes.

Viscount Gray was furious at the shameless gaze, but this was not the time.

The Viscount cleared his throat loudly and said.

“I heard that the princess trusts you very much and is close to you.”


In fact, such rumors were spreading.

Thanks to this, everyone in his social circle who despised him began to show favor towards Kylo.

At the tea party that followed as the princess’s escort, there was a hint that the noble ladies coveted him as a son-in-law.

The great nobles that Princess Agnes met separately also looked at Kylo with a covetous eye for talent.

Everything was what Kylo had hoped for. In a way, he was getting his way.

If he puts his mind to it, he might be able to achieve a great position without having to be shoehorned in by Viscount Gray anymore.


Kylo felt like everything was meaningless.

His desire to succeed and his vengeful feelings were gone.

He only saw Princess Agnes.

His desire to succeed turned into his desire to kill the men who approached Princess Agnes, and his feelings of revenge turned into childish feelings of wanting to get Princess Agnes’ attention.

Just like before, he wanted to receive Princess Agnes’ warm gaze and lean on her kind voice.

Raymond Spencer was right.

He was caught up in an absurd illusion.

And that realization lit Viscount Gray on fire.

“Isn’t it possible that Princess Agnes wants you that way?”

“….What do you mean?”

Viscount Gray whispered secretly.

“I wonder if she wants you as a man.”


Viscount Gray has been worried every night since he heard the rumor.

How can I make the most of this opportunity?

Will my sons be able to gain attention if I take advantage of the princess’s trust in Kylo?

At one time I thought it might be possible, but it wasn’t. No matter how much he thought about it, he didn’t have much chance of winning.

No matter how much massage and good lotion they applied, Benjamin and Bradley’s appearance remained the same.

Compared to Raymond Spencer, whom Princess Agnes liked, Benjamin and Bradley were very poor looking.

Benjamin and Bradley still haven’t given up hope and are working hard on the massage…

Viscount Gray also realized this when he saw that their appearance wasn’t improving no matter how much they tried to improve it.

Those guys won’t be able to get the princess’s attention.

But what about his other son, Kylo?

No matter what anyone said, his appearance was great because he resembled me.

Not to be outdone by Raymond Spencer.

As I thought about that, unknown possibilities began to open up.

Although no one thought of it that way, Viscount Gray was filled with hope.

Princess Agnes may have Kylo in her heart and keep him by her side…

Although she had ignored and despised Kylo in the past, he had never known the relationship between a man and a woman.

Viscount Gray therefore decided to change his direction.

I decided to use Kylo himself.

“Listen to me carefully, Kylo.”


“Seduce Princess Agnes by any means possible.”


Kylo barely suppressed a laugh.

Viscount Gray was talking nonsense very seriously.

“It doesn’t matter what kind of despicable thing you do. All you have to do is win the princess’s heart. Isn’t there nothing bad for you?”


“If the princess insists, the emperor will have no choice. What will the emperor do if the princess becomes pregnant with even four children, huh?”

Viscount Gray spoke in a mean voice and laughed grimly.

Kylo stared at the Viscount with a cold, unsmiling expression.

“Please go back.”


“I told you to go back.”

Viscount Gray flinched at the cold gaze he had never seen before.

Part of me wanted to yell at him, asking how dare he glare at me, but he was only human, so he wasn’t without fear.

He seemed to have chosen the wrong day.

Kylo’s condition looked very bad.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. tatant says:

    Thank you!

  2. Kyo says:

    Ahhhhh thankyuuuuuu!!!! Awww our kitty Kylo doesn’t care for revenge against the Grays anymore! He just wants Agnes’ affection. Agnessssss! Wruuuuu? Our boy needs youuuuu *bites hankie*

  3. Eternity4Ever says:


  4. Angel says:

    At this rate everyone knows that Agnes like kylo except kylo

  5. Cathe says:

    Oh Kylo 🥺🥹🤧💘💘💘💘💘❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹

  6. Eleisa says:

    “no matter how many lotion and massage their appearances didn’t improve” i would just kms if i hear my parent saying that⚰️🪦

  7. rina2183 says:

    Esse não é um pai não, cara. É um demônio chamado lúcifer kakaka

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