Princess Who Hides Her Fandom

Kylo’s mother was a girl from a poor rural village.

There was only one reason why she left her hometown, having captured all the attention of the men in the countryside with her beauty.

She said that she wanted to catch a nobleman in the capital and rise up in the world, so she could follow the strategy of the woman from the next village.

The woman who went from being a maid to being a nobleman’s mistress had a more ungainly appearance than her.

She believed that she would be able to seduce her rich nobleman even more.

But reality was harsh.

No member of prestigious noble family would accept her as a maid, given her lowborn origins. She eventually found a job at Viscount Gray, where she managed to get a job.

Although she came from a low-income family and could only do odd jobs, she didn’t lose hope.

Her plan was to work hard here and then move to another noble mansion through her introduction.

It was a naive thought because she didn’t know the situation of Viscount Gray, who was secretly ignored by the nobles.

Instead, something else came in return for hard work.

The Viscountess, with her singularly conspicuous appearance, banished her to the stablekeeper’s shack next to her hut.

It was an order containing the intention to make eye contact with the stable keeper.

However, the maid eventually caught the eye of Viscount Gray and became a noblewoman as she wished.

Even though she wasn’t a great noblewoman, this is where she is. For her who was tired of her chores, Viscount Gray was her hope.

Until she gave birth to her son, she believed that she was lucky.

She seemed to have a quiet personality, so it was easy for her to see the Viscountess.

The Viscountess spent her days crying when her maid gave birth to her husband’s illegitimate child, and Viscount Gray began to feel belatedly guilty about his wife’s silent mourning instead of reacting to her misbehavior.

Even Viscount Gray went one step further. He suspected the infidelity of the maid who gave birth to his son.

If Kylo had wheat-colored hair like the viscount, she would never have said he wasn’t his son.

But Kylo had black hair.

His blue eyes resembled the Viscount’s, but Viscount Gray insisted that even they were slightly different.

So the Viscount began to distance herself from the maid more and more.

The maid’s belief that she would become a nobleman’s mistress was in vain.

Her young son wasn’t the gift that would change her life. It was just a lump of luggage that appeared out of nowhere.

As she became more and more nervous, her young son, Kylo, was the easiest person to vent to.

Kylo had an unhappy childhood, exposed to abuse from his biological mother, stepmother, and half-brothers.

Then one day it happened.

In the end, Kylo’s mother did something. Caught attempting to assassinate the Viscountess, she was taken to her backyard and beaten by the servants.

Even while being beaten with a large stick, she glared at Kylo, her most formidable opponent, and screamed like a demon.

“If it weren’t for you…If it weren’t for a bastard like you, my life wouldn’t have turned out like this! You bastard! What a parasite! This is all because of you!”

I never once wanted to be born into this world.

But Kylo always had to be a sinner in front of his mother.

That day, his mother died.

Kylo left the house.

He survived by moving from place to place like a mouse, and didn’t shy away from all kinds of unpleasant tasks.

He was once caught pickpocketing and stabbed, and another time he was caught stealing bread because he was hungry and was beaten before he ran away.

He was barely able to find work and was often beaten and kicked out of the store where he worked as odd jobs without receiving any money.

One day, I was living a wandering life like that.

A mercenary took pity on him and hired him as a servant.

From then on, Kylo decided to become a mercenary. He did anything that made money.

He survived like a bug that stubbornly comes back to life no matter how many times he is killed.

Just as his mother said, he was a scum and a parasite.

One day he gained fame as a mercenary and joined the Black Knights.

Viscount Gray summoned him.

Kylo thought it was his chance.

Although he became a member of the Knights Templar, there were many people in the castle who discriminated against Kylo due to his unclear identity.

I thought it would be better than now if it was revealed that he was the illegitimate son of a nobleman.

Kylo didn’t want to live a miserable life anymore.

Even though he had to bow his head before his hated father, he couldn’t bear it.

His knees were cheap anyway.

He bowed his head humbly in front of others and kneeling down wasn’t difficult for him at all.

But one day, if I inevitably come to power…

At that time, I wanted to repay everyone in the Gray family who looked down on me.

The driving force that allowed Kylo to survive until now was his obsession with success and revenge.


Kylo looked up at the luxurious yet shabby mansion with emotionless eyes.

After seeing it for the first time in a while, an incident from his childhood came to mind for a moment and his mood sank even further.

Leading his tired body, he headed to the drawing room where Viscount Gray was waiting.

Viscount Gray was a man of clear discrimination.

The only place Kylo, who couldn’t be the heir, could go to in this house was the guest living room.

However, ironically, Viscount Gray treated him like his own son when they were alone.

He allowed Kylo to use Gray’s last name, and even asked him how he was doing, expressing affectionate concern.

To be precise, he was treated as his own children only when he was of use value.

Even though Kylo knew it was all a charade, the role play wasn’t bad.

“Did you call me?”

“Yes, yes. You’re here, my son.”

Austin Gray, Viscount Gray, was a thin man with a sharp appearance.

Contrary to his rough appearance, his hair and skin were oily, as if he had applied oil.

“Sit here.”

The Viscount, who was sitting in the master’s seat, offered Kylo a diagonal seat.

Austin Gray, who wore all kinds of expensive things, from clothes to accessories, looked quite extravagant.

Although he hated the luxury of his wife and children, he was always generous with his treatment.

Kylo looked at his father, who was only half his size, and sat down in the seat he had given him.

“hmm…Yes, it seems like it’s been a long time since I last saw you.”

“Yes, have you been healthy so far?”

Kylo asked in a low but polite voice. On the outside, he seemed like an obedient subordinate.

No matter how I looked at him, he didn’t seem like a son. He said the only thing the two had in common was their blue eyes.

“So, how are you? I heard that the princess has become your direct subordinate.”

Viscount Gray immediately brought up the main topic he was most curious about.


“So, how was your relationship with the princess?”

Kylo didn’t know what the Viscount was curious about.

It was a fact that no one in the capital didn’t know about Princess Agnes ignoring Kylo.

There was no way they could get along.

When Kylo didn’t answer, the Viscount asked once more. This time, the blatant intention was revealed.

“You probably bowed down in front of the princess to help the family, right?”

“…Of course.”

“Yes, soon I will send your brothers to the Knights so that they can greet the princess.”

Great the princess?

Kylo again didn’t understand the viscount’s meaning.

The Viscount was a man who had little compared to the amount of greed he possessed.

He was a court noble and could go in and out of the imperial castle, but he had no connections with great nobles or trusted them, and without a fiefdom, this small mansion in the capital was all he had.

The great nobles who owned estates had their own strong communities, and the court nobles worked hard to attract their attention.

Viscount Gray also tried to look after the nobles, but few people trusted him.

In their eyes, the Viscount was a greedy man who wasn’t meticulous in handling his work.

Viscount Gray, who didn’t know this, simply thought it was discrimination against him, a nobleman without fiefdom.

The biggest dream of the viscount, who lived a life of such discrimination, was to be granted a fiefdom.

At first, he tried to achieve it on his own, but when that became difficult, he began to rely on his sons.

Viscount Gray and his Viscountess had four children. Including Kylo, there were a total of five Viscount bloodlines.

But unfortunately, the sons he had with the Viscountess were of little use.

Neither Benjamin, the eldest, nor Bradley, the second, could enter the gates, let alone join the Knights Templar.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. Cathe says:

    Oh boy… does everyone in this story have such horribly sad stories? Worse, all as children! 💔😭

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