Princess Who Hides Her Fandom

It was a complete mistake to think that carrying someone on my back would be more comfortable than carrying one on my hands.

This was even more difficult.

Princess Agnes desperately wrapped her arms around his neck, as if she was planning to strangle him to death.

Of course, it wasn’t as painful as if I was being strangled, but it was frustrating enough to be annoying.

And I kept feeling a soft breath on the back of my neck.

I broke into a cold sweat in this space a while ago…I was nervous that the unpleasant smell of sweat would be passed on to the princess.

But what troubled him more than anything was…..

It was the soft body of a princess that could be felt on my back. The princess’s entire body was so soft that it seemed as though it belonged to the same person.

His indescribable sensation made Kylo want to turn into dust and disappear from this spot.

So, he walked and walked desperately, drawing the faces of the people he hated in his head.

He would have vented her anger if monsters came out, but where on earth were they hiding, they didn’t think of coming out?

On the other hand, Agnes’ mind, not knowing what expression Kylo was making, was just a field of flowers.

Agnes blinked, resisting the urge to shake her legs.

‘Uh? There’s a landmine over there.’

Agnes clicked her tongue as if it was a waste, looking at the landmine visible far away at her feet.

‘Please step on it.’

I prayed hard in my mind, but it was no help.

Kylo seemed to be walking only looking straight ahead, but he dodged mines like a ghost.

While silently reaching halfway into the forest, the two didn’t encounter a single monster.

Instead, something else appeared in the eyes of the two people.

It was a large river that started halfway through the forest.

Kylo dropped her off in front of a river full of blood. The expressions of the two people were colored with shock.

The bloody smell in the river at the refuge was just the tip of the iceberg.

Agnes felt like she was suffocating from the smell of blood that filled her nose. In the forest, it was a smell that I couldn’t really sense because it was hidden by the dense trees.

“It looks like the contamination started from there.”

Kylo pointed across the river.

He didn’t need to take a boat to cross the river. The ends of the forest were connected, so if you went back a long way, you could get to the other side of the river.

As he said, the contamination seemed to have started from there.

The water upstream was definitely clear and free of pollution.

Kylo was doubtful whether it would be possible to purify this much water.

The contamination was so severe that it was only possible if all the mages in the capital were brought in.

It wasn’t water mixed with blood, but was so thick that it was safe to say that it was all blood.

“I think it would be a priority to start with purification.”

Agnes, standing behind me, said. She took out her silver staff from within her uniform.

Kylo stood behind her while she purified herself, in case any monsters attacked her.


Similar to Kylo’s thoughts, Agnes also decided that purification might be difficult.

‘Is this going to happen?’

But I had to try it myself.

At least it might be possible to try purification several times using the power of the magic stone.

Agnes stretched out her hand for her wand and closed her eyes.

I could feel the magic power within my body circling and moving through my hand to the staff.

I felt a tingling sensation as if an electric current was flowing. Agnes focused her attention as if pushing out the magic power in her body with the magic stone.

The burst of brilliance was instantaneous.

Kylo squeezed his eyes shut and turned his head as the light exploded before his eyes.

It was the moment when he witnessed the second brilliance.

It was a while later that my eyesight returned along with an afterimage of light.

Kylo’s mouth opened in shock.

Apparently, the entire river was flowing with bright red blood a moment ago, but a lot of the water was purified in an instant.

The water was so clear and clean that you could see through it. The bloody smell that had stung his nose disappeared without a trace.

Agnes also couldn’t hide her shocked expression.

‘This works?’

this…It works…?

The magical power of the royal family was known to be greater than that of ordinary magicians.

However, she had never used magic properly before, so she had no idea her abilities were this high.

Agnes blinked in surprise and turned her head.

Did Kylo see this moment too? Maybe I looked cool in Kylo’s eyes?

“This is really amazing….”

Kylo muttered absentmindedly, like someone who had just witnessed something amazing.

And Agnes looked at Kylo as if he were fascinated.

The afterimage of the light floating around Agnes was reflected in his eyes.

The sky-blue eyes sparkled clear and bright with light.

It was so beautiful that I couldn’t take my eyes off it. Kylo’s eyes were truly gems.

It was a time when the two people were immersed in their own world.


A deep voice was heard from somewhere.

I turned my head and saw a huge man waving his hand across the river. It was Victor Craven.

And next to him, a little girl timidly moved her hand.

‘But why are they in that condition?’

Agnes was suspicious that all the blood she purified had gone to those two people.

Victor and Anna were literally covered in blood.

Even if it were a person who went into a river that turned into blood and came out, I could believe it.

“…I guess I’ll have to go over there first, leader? Those two’s condition looks a bit serious…”

“… ..Okay.”

Kylo finally came to his senses after hearing Agnes’ words and stared at her.

Agnes, who was hesitant, quietly went behind his back. It meant carrying me again.

Kylo carried her without complaint this time.

Having achieved this incredible miracle, it was clear that fatigue would set in.

If she was going to collapse like yesterday, it would have been better to carry her on my back in advance.

So the two went around the outskirts of the forest and moved to the other side of the river.

And Victor and Anna, with flushed expressions, greeted them, as if they had just run away from the kids cafe with excitement.

“Like potatoes, monsters came out one after another. It was a fun hunt.”

This was a review of Victor’s Kids Cafe.

“Wow, that was amazing! I really enjoyed hunting this much…A precious thing that has never been done even on the battlefield…!”

Anna’s review was like this.

Agnes listened to the two people’s terrible reviews with a stiff expression.

And as soon as the two people finished their reviews, I immediately purified them. The blood-stained body came back clean.

“Thank you. Sir Saint.”

“It’s refreshing. The best purification magic.”

And thanks to Anna, I was able to find out why the river was covered in blood.

“Yes, the surviving monsters…they collected the corpses of monsters and created a foundation. There, the blood gathered…”

It appears that the surviving monsters gathered the bodies of monsters killed on the battlefield and performed a resurrection ritual.

In the process, the blood that flowed endlessly mixed with the river water and was the cause of the pollution.

The monsters had gathered in one place to perform the ritual.

I could see why there were no monsters in the forest he and Kylo had passed through.

“Good job.”

The two elementary school students smiled happily at Kylo’s words.

So the four people searched all over the village until late dawn, completing several reviews.

It was a place where the villagers could return and live safely as before. As such, the search process was meticulous.

Agnes was able to realize how hard it was for the members of the Black Knights, whose reputation in the world was at an all-time low, in fact.

‘Raymond Spencer, you guys do your duty in a convenient place near the capital, and you eat up all the fame and credit.’

Agnes completely understood why the Black Knights hated the White Knights.

Anyway, during the meticulous search, they collected numerous land mines that had fallen in the forest.

While the three people were talking, Agnes was able to secretly hide a mine in her arms.

‘I’ll go again with Kylo later.’

It would be nice if we could be imprisoned at that time with a better relationship than we have now. The time is also full of 30 minutes.

‘I should have taken 10 of them.’

Meanwhile, feeling regretful, Agnes glanced at the opportunity to steal more mines.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. ABlossom says:

    Hahahahahah não creio que ela ta pegando as minas
    Thanks for the update 🇧🇷 😸 🥰

    1. Cathe says:

      Siiim!!! 🤣🤣🤣 Doida, inconsequente e pervertida 😅 Só tomara que ela não acabe ativando isso sem querer justamente quando estiver com outro homem, seria uma baita lição desconfortável 😅

  2. akerue says:

    She’s being stupid

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