Other People's Rice Cakes Taste Better [R19]

Prologue: To Seah

Prologue: To Seah.

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Twenty~ How exciting and beautiful is the age of twenty.

Seah, who had just entered university, happily walked hand in hand with her first boyfriend towards the classroom.

People said you’d find a boyfriend at university! And that turned out to be true.

Seah shared the same class as him, and they hit it off at the freshman welcome party. Soon after, he confessed his feelings to her, and they began dating.

Now, they were a young campus couple who had been dating for less than a month.

Seah, what should we have for lunch today?

Hmm, I want to go to the cafeteria…! Is the food there really that bad? I’ve never been there because everyone says it’s not that good.

The two of them chatted and teased each other playfully. Their passing classmates glanced at them with envy.

Hey, Seah, you’re not hanging out with us anymore because you have a boyfriend now?

Are you having lunch with your boyfriend again today?

You guys have to understand that it’s only been about a month for them. They’re head over heels in love.

Despite their friends’ playful remarks, Seah just laughed it off with a bright smile.

Indeed, having been dating for just about a month, they found the world to be incredibly beautiful, even when walking beneath the dust-filled Seoul sky as if they were walking on clouds.

How much more could they flirt with each other?

Then, Seah’s cell phone rang with a ding.

              Seah, when does your class end? I’ll pick you up. Jun and I finished the project we were working on, so we are free from today.

Seah’s face instantly brightened as she checked her phone. Her boyfriend, Chanwoo, who was standing next to her, cautiously asked.

What’s wrong? Who’s texting you that you’re smiling like that?

His question contained a hint of jealousy in his voice, but Seah didn’t notice it and continued to smile.

Oh, it’s my brother. He’s been really busy with work lately, going to the office even on weekends and working overtime all the time.

Oh, right. Didn’t you say you have two older brothers?

Yeah, twin brothers! They look exactly alike, so it’s hard to tell them apart unless you look closely for the moles under their eyes. Anyway, I haven’t seen them in a while because they’ve been busy, so I haven’t been able to see their faces. Looks like their work is finally done.

Chanwoo let his guard down, relieved to know that the person who texted her was her brother. Then he carefully put his arms around her and held her close.

Wow, but no matter how I think about it, it’s amazing that they’re twins.

It wasn’t exactly a typical case, so it’s understandable if he finds it fascinating.

Why? They say that twins are very similar, not just in looks, but in personality and stuff. Are your older brothers like that too?

Oh, my brothers? Yeah. Their personalities and even the work they do are similar. I don’t know exactly, but… Anyway, I know they have similar jobs. That’s why when they’re busy, they’re usually busy together.

As she responded to Chanwoo’s words, Seah diligently moved her fingers to send a reply.

            I finish at 3 today, can you pick me up then? Are you not busy?
            Yes, I’m not busy. I think Jun will leave work on time… I’ll come pick you up at 3. Is that okay?
            Yep! Okay! See you then! Call me when you leave!!

Unlike other siblings, their texts were quite affectionate. Perhaps it was because her older brothers had taken care of her from a young age, having lost their parents in an accident. Seah trusted and relied on them immensely. They had filled the void left by their parents, so it was only understandable.

Moreover, unlike Seah, who had just turned twenty, the two of them, who will be entering their mid-thirties next year, didn’t act meanly like typical older brothers due to their decent temperament and maturity.

To Seah, they were the sweetest brothers ever.

I should brag to my brothers today.

Brag? About what?

I’ll brag that I have a boyfriend!

Seah hummed excitedly and said.

My brothers were too busy, so we haven’t had time to talk.

Unlike the excited Seah, Chanwoo awkwardly smiled, darting his eyes around quickly.

Oh, I feel a bit nervous… What if your brothers don’t like me?

Eyy, they won’t. My brothers are really nice, so I’m sure they’ll like you, Chanwoo. Next time, I’ll introduce you! Let’s ask them to buy us some delicious food!

While Chanwoo seemed a little nervous, Seah looked happy.

What if your brothers disapprove of us being together?Chanwoo jokingly asked as he playfully wrapped his arms around her.

No, that’s not going to happen, really.

Well, what if? What would you do if they do?

Well, then I guess I would run away…?

Seah burst into giggles, finding her own words funny.

Obviously, what she had just said was not something a twenty-something would say unless they were in their first relationship.

It was a completely unrealistic answer, but Chanwoo was too busy laughing like an idiot as if he liked that answer.

They were at the age for such things. The time when one sets foot in a new university with excitement, intoxicated by the newfound freedom different from high school, wandering around like a puppy, exploring here and there.

Seah gave a small smile as she squeezed Chanwoo’s hand even tighter.

Their relationship which had begun as an innocent crush would probably grow and blossom into love.

Lost in tingling and thrilling emotions, they whispered affectionate words to each other, hoping that their feelings would last for a long time.

It was an innocent and pure love, not the calculating love of adults who weighed things out.

It was the kind of cute romance where even a light kiss could make them feel embarrassed and unsure of how to react.

However, if Seah had known that this love would be shattered so cruelly, she would never have started it.

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