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LPLBS Chapter 104

Murder magic was classified as the most dangerous and inferior of all black magic.

The reaction that followed was also strong.

Benjamin had to go back and forth between life and death after losing consciousness for a while after every use.

He couldn’t show her the ugly side.

So he had to endure for the time being by hiding out of anyone’s sight and vomiting blood.

And finally, he became the Head of Ferdinand.

Her face, which showed how surprised she was by opening her eyes wide in surprise when she saw him returning as the Head, was still unforgettable to Benjamin even after a decade.

Be, Benjamin? No, My Lord…what should I call you …?

Looking at him in a flustered manner, wondering what to do, Benjamin felt a hot feeling for the first time.

‘I, I protected her.

The fact heated him up from top to bottom.

Once tasted, the sense of fullness easily poisoned and stained him.

Benjamin wanted to be a solid wall that protected her forever.

So he kept doing dirty things and also kept those dirty things from getting tangled around her.

Every time that happened, the sense of pride grew day by day.

However, his plan to own her later failed due to the interference of Emperor Theodore.

When he took Yves away from him.

Benjamin once again dabbled in black magic to get her back.

Rudolph and Margarate, who died, believed in the power, but it was a force that Benjamin did not want to use.

It’s a strong force, but the reaction was as strong as that.

So at first, he urged Katarina to use that power.

Katarina succeeded in erasing Emperor Theodore’s memory, but couldn’t do much more.

It’s because of having poor mana.

‘I wish she had turned the Emperor’s mind upside down, tsk.’

Eventually, Theodore lost his memory but still refused to let go of her, and Benjamin stepped up and made a scarecrow for her.

It was very difficult to make inanimate objects that would move like living things.

But Benjamin did it without difficulty.

Because it was for her.

As soon as the carriage stopped, Benjamin woke up from his thoughts.

He glanced out of the carriage window and noticed that the carriage had not yet passed through the main gate of Chernicia.

The tightly closed door recognized the visitor and gently opened the door, and the butler of the mansion came out and greeted him.

“I’m sorry, Lord Benjamin. The Lord said she would not accept guests for the time being.”

“Even though it’s me, Benjamin Ferdinand, who is here?”

“I’m sorry.”

The butler bowed to him once more.

It was a clear denial.

At that moment, Benjamin felt something inside him snap and break.

* * *

Benjamin is here.

But even so, I didn’t want to see him yet, because I was disturbed by Theodore.

“Well, Lord Benjamin hasn’t left the front gate of the mansion yet.”

The butler of the mansion told me restlessly.

“He’s been there a long time…….”

“Just ignore him.”

I answered coldly. [T/N: Ungrateful female lead. Hate you 😡]

Benjamin was a friend who supported me for a long time. So it was right to listen to him.

Whether Theodore’s words are true, then why he did it, or if there is any misunderstanding, I have to figure it out.

Sadly, however, I didn’t have the energy to meet him now.

It may be because I heard confirmation from Celine, who visited the mansion just yesterday, that Benjamin was the culprit who attacked Brother Brian.

Yesterday, I went to the temple to investigate the royal palace magicians, but no magic tricks were found.

Then it’s not Benjamin’s fault.

We didn’t find any traces, but the crystal ball reacted. It’s a crystal made of sensing stone that detects black magic.

It clearly means, someone clearly did black magic trick to hurt Brother Brian.

The High Priest of the Great Temple was a person with a strong divine power that was hard to catch up with.

A person with such strong magic power that even the High Priest of the Great Temple could not find out wanted to hurt Brother Brian.

And those who have more power than the High Priest of the Great Temple…… It could be counted with five fingers.

Your Majesty was on the western continent at the time, and I was with Brian. And if I excluded me and the Emperor from the list of suspects…….

The one who’s left is…… There’s only one person.

I took over Celine’s words with a miserable expression.

There’s one more way to find out for sure. Your Majesty has more power than the High Priest of the Great Temple, so he may be able to find the traces. You won’t get confirmation unless it’s the testimony of someone with higher power.


It didn’t have to be. The answer is already crystal clear.

Even the question ‘why the hell Benjamin did it’ hurt my head.

“Mom, why can’t you let Benjamin Samjon come?”

“Did you have a fight with Benjamin Samjon?”

Erwin and Odelia, who had been waiting for Benjamin’s visit, clung to my side and asked.

“Fighting is a bad thing…….”

“Mom, then are you a bad kid?”

“Stupid, Mommy is not a child. Mommy is an adult.”

“Lia is a fool!”

The children began to huff and puff among themselves.

I watched the figures in silence and asked.

“Er, Lia. Are you fighting?”

“Oh, no.”

The children shook their heads quickly in case they were scolded.

When I sat with my hands together calmly and watched the children shaking their heads quickly as if they hadn’t fought, I laughed.

Soon, I shook off all the thoughts that gave me headaches, and went down to dinner holding hands with the children.

* * *

In front of the main gate of Chernicia’s mansion, Benjamin waited for a long time.

But the tightly closed door never opened.

As the sun slowly set and darkness sank, Benjamin finally had to admit that she had shut the door of her heart from him.


Benjamin looked at the tightly closed door and chewed his lips.

“…… I did everything for you.”

A slow voice was scattered over the darkness.

* * *

The Emperor did not come out of the Imperial Library even though it was late at night.

Several books were piled up in front of the table where he was sitting.

Some of them were books banned by the previous Emperors.

Theodore, who suddenly began to search the library as if possessed by something, was reading all the books related to “Tenebris.”

“Tenebris fell into a desire to cover the land under Chernicia with his darkness…… He have gathered his shattered soul and put it to rest…… The piece that didn’t disappear in the end…….”

The servants glanced at him with anxious eyes as he turned over the pages of the book, reciting the contents of the book like crazy.

At first glance, in the words that the Emperor muttered, there were things like “darkness” or “resurrection.”

Everyone had to hide their chills at the thought of whether the mad Emperor was really trying to revive the ancient darkness now.

“I thought the Imperial Palace would be a little more stable now after His Majesty came back from the war…….”

“I’m sure he was trying to find its traces, right? It’s really ancient darkness.… Oh, it’s not like that, is it?”

“I don’t know. I heard His Majesty had found traces of ancient darkness on the western continent…….”

“It’s the same with the accident at the palace not too long ago, and why everyone is so disturbed…….”

“By the way, I heard Prince Ernst is still not awake?”

Just in time, the servant of the 2nd Prince’s Palace, who was monitoring on Ernst’s condition, sighed.

“But the doctor said that both body temperature and pulse are normal. I hope His Highness wakes up soon.”

The attendant of the Prince’s Palace had a few more words with other servants and then headed to the Prince’s bedroom.

He opened the door and saw Prince Ernst lying still on the bed.

Since he had not yet risen and was unable to take the medicine himself, the servant raised Ernst’s head and poured the medicine into his lips with a spoon.

Afterwards, he wiped the mouth with a handkerchief, took the empty medicine bowl, and closed the door.

For a while there was silence in the room.

Wiggle. Wiggle.

Then, Ernst’s fingertips, which had been lying motionless the whole time, flinched slightly.

T/N: A lot of readers have been saying Benjamin doesn’t deserve Yves. So my question is, why? Both Benjamin and Theodore are of same personality. Theodore loves Yves, so does Benjamin. Both of them went to great length to have her. Then why is Theodore right but Benjamin wrong? Just because Yves loves him? But why does Yves love Theodore not Benjamin? What could actually be the reason? Who is actually at the fault in the end?

I’d love to know your opinion in the comments.❤️❤️

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  1. fury emvio says:

    I haven’t seen anyone say that Theodore is right and Benjamin wrong for Yves, they both suck hah
    In my opinion, she should lead Chernicia and raise her kids, and later if she finds love, good for her 😀 But they are both possessive men incapable of real love because they didn’t receive it and I think they are showing it in the only way they know so I do feel a little bit bad for them but that’s not her fault and she shouldn’t suffer because of it, she suffered quite enough.

  2. sukunaa15 says:

    Benjamin put her this situation so why would she be grateful toward him ? He even wanted to kill her brother, she has all the rights to cut off her relationship with him. Theodore isn’t the best person I completely agree but siding with Benjamin is very questionable 🤨

  3. butteredcoco says:

    How is she ungrateful…

  4. freyavanadis1 says:

    Yvonne isn’t ungrateful, she’s literally refusing to host her abuser. What else would you call it when someone isolates you from all friendship and support networks and tries to make you completely dependent on them? He protected her when she was younger but she didn’t ask for that and honestly Benjamin worked HARD to ensure Yves was isolated and dependent on him. It’s a super common trait of domestic abusers.

  5. Kiara says:

    The fact that benjamin and theodore was a 🚩

  6. Desvendo says:

    Benjamim matou a imperatriz e o tio por Yves, mas deixou que ela ficasse presa a Katarina. Ele isolou ela, a monopolizou. Não tem justificativa para as suas ações. Tanto o imperador quanto Benjamin são ruins.
    Eu fiquei com muitas contradições em relação a Benjamin, pois ele ajudou Yves, mas também a prejudicou demais só para mante-la ao lado dele. Além disso, o imperador tinha uma personalidade ruim antes, mas ele nunca machucaria Yves.

  7. 7uuss says:

    Both Theodore and Benjamin have obsessive personalities. It was mainly Benjamin’s fault however because why the hell is he trying to make himself so dependable for her? Sure, that sounds nice and all but by separating you from all of your friends and even your lover was such idiot behavior to be honest. And how is she being ungrateful? Considerate about how hurt she was with the four years from Theodore, which was CAUSED by mainly Benjamin , it’s going to take her for a while to trust Benjamin, despite them being childhood friends. (Theodore and her were also childhood friends, so she doesn’t know who to believe.) It’s best for her to think about it herself, without worrying her children anymore.

    1. 7uus says:

      Also I meant Benjamin is very controlling and tries to isolate Yves from everybody else, which is why he went to lengths to even erasing Theodore’s memory. He shows weird behavior like always trying to make her feel so ‘safe’ when he literally created that space for his own comfort. He only wants her for herself, and even sacrificed people for it. I’m not justifying Theodore’s actions either, he’s weird but not worse as a person, as a lover in the first very chapters? Yes. He was worse at first, but he’s gradually getting better. (Not really but you know what I mean.) Either way, thanks for translating.

  8. flayful says:

    Well, both of them are mad men but the difference between the two? Think back to the chapter when Brian under royal orders was traveling by teleportation.

    Benjamin wanted Brian Chernicia, the lone surviving family of Yvonne/Yves, to die all for the selfish reason that he did not want Yves to reunite with her family and regain her noble position. Theodore, on the other hand, may have thought to hang Brian upside down 😂 to lure Yves, but he never intended to murder her family.

    Benjamin’s idea of keeping his love right beside him is to isolate her and make her fully dependent solely on him, if possible. Theodore, although he’s quite obsessive of Yves himself but he always wants to earn Yves’ good favor (like a dog 🐶 arf! 😆) and thinks of ways he can do that can make her happy and earn him “belly rubs”. LOL.

  9. Truck kun says:

    Idk bout your opinions but I fine with someone like Benjamin irl. It’s just a difference in the level of trashiness, like in 长相思 (idk the English name so u can Google it urself to find out). Theo hurts Yves, while Benjamin hurts the people around her instead. Personally, compared to mentally scarring Yves, Benjamin is actually better. Also, don’t use black magic as an excuse to whitewash the ml. It doesn’t make him fall for anyone else, nor does it make him hate people. It only erased his recent memories. It was his own choice to believe in what the k-something-person and Benjamin told him. If he had been a bit more attentive, a bit more patient, and payed a little more attention, he would have figure it all out soon enough.

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