My Lover Isn't Interested With The Female lead!





“Then those people must have stopped by there before coming to our ball. Since His Highness Eustace was to attend our ball.”


It is not uncommon for events to overlap during the social season in the capital. There are so few famous individuals like royalty or high-ranking nobles who can grace such gatherings.


Thus, people do everything they can to invite such guests to their balls. However, it is rare for the invited celebrities to stay long at any one event.


They show their faces briefly, sometimes for less than 30 minutes, and then move on to the next ball.


It is a customary privilege reserved for people whose very presence at an event elevates its status.


In accordance with this privilege, the Duke and Duchess of Dinever danced the first dance with the daughter of the host family at the Norton Count’s ball, before heading to Camilla’s ball.


After all, Letticia’s first dance partner was to be His Highness Eustace.


“After all the distinguished guests had departed for the true destination of the day, the Countess Sharon’s ball, even though it wasn’t yet midnight, the ballroom did not appear deserted thanks to the presence of Count Wallace, the head of the knights, his daughter, the Daffodil, and his niece, the Swan. Therefore, there is no need to mention how grateful Countess Norton must have been for her friendship with Countess Wallace. It seems like they barely managed to keep up appearances… Why did they hold the event on the same day as ours?”


As Letticia read the article, she felt indignant, and Camilla clicked her tongue.


“There must have been some reason, like scheduling conflicts with the band or difficulties with other guests’ attendance. Still, thanks to the Wallace family staying, the nobles in their faction held their ground. Compared to other gatherings, it wasn’t a complete failure.”


“Here’s another interesting passage. The host’s daughter typically holds the right to command the gentlemen at the ball, but Lady Letticia Sharon was different. She danced with distinguished guests such as His Highness the Prince, Duke Dinever, and Count Freke, while yielding the young gentlemen to other ladies.”


This was referring to how Letticia mostly danced with older high-ranking nobles after Eustace.


It seemed she had been caught choosing partners based on social connections for the benefit of her family, as she had little time to converse with men due to her duties managing the tearoom.


“They managed to phrase it as if you were being generous. They could have made it sound worse if they wanted to.”


“That’s not quite true.”


Kenneth, who had already read ahead, pointed to the following sentence.


As Letticia continued reading, her expression hardened at the absurdity of the words.



[The debutantes sometimes resort to rather cunning tactics to attract a man’s attention. The fear of spending three seasons without being chosen robs them of their composure, so engaging in some maneuvering for the sake of their future is understandable.


However, if someone refers to the dignity and restraint displayed by the Queen as arrogance rather than grace, it should not be considered a justifiable strategy, but rather a desperate act revealing their own lack of integrity.]



In short, it meant that if anyone were to speak ill of Letticia, it would reflect poorly on that person instead.


Letticia was left speechless by this line, which seemed to simultaneously silence dissent while provoking resentment.


“What kind of intelligent bullying is this? Are they trying to provoke those who dislike me?”


“It’s pretty much the same thing. It’s similar to the article when you debuted.”


Praising and elevating one person to provoke others’ envy and hostility.


When those provoked individuals cause trouble, it becomes a story that draws public interest.


It was a clever tactic for generating ongoing news, but it was infuriating for Letticia, who was at the center of it.


“They also wrote about the jewelry chain. This one is just full of compliments without any excessive praise or provocation.”


“…So, by helping promote the jewelry chain, they intend to prevent us from getting upset?”


“That’s right. In fact, it’s thanks to our Sharon Count family’s standing that they’re paying this much attention. Other families wouldn’t receive this level of care.”


As Kenneth analyzed the situation, Lenard propped his chin on his hand, deep in thought.


“Then, there would be no risk to the jewelry chain itself. It would be problematic if an increasing number of people were to refuse to buy the jewelry chain due to growing resentment towards Leti, but if people continue to buy the jewelry chain and only dislike Leti, there would be no immediate loss from our perspective.”


“Exactly. It shows they’re cleverer than those who simply criticize us in their articles.”


Patrick picked up the newspaper, glaring at the article.


If a newspaper article causes material loss, it can be grounds for a lawsuit and claims for damages. However, if more enemies are made in the social circle, while the jewelry business benefits, it poses a complex issue.


After all, it’s impossible to have no enemies in society or in business. Everyone is fighting over who gets a slice of the pie and how big it will be. Trying to avoid making enemies could lead to losing even one’s share.


Of course, making too many enemies is not good, but if it’s possible to gain benefits by sacrificing those who are already inclined to turn hostile, then it’s not necessarily a bad choice.


Having come to this conclusion, Patrick put down the society paper and looked around at everyone.


“…For now, the jewelry chain has been sufficiently promoted, and it’s been shown that we still maintain connections with the imperial family and other high-ranking nobles. We can consider the ball a complete success. We’ll have to wait and see what impact this article might have on the resentment towards Letty, but for now, we’ve achieved enough.”


“Does that mean we’ve regained some public attention?”


Lenard asked, and Patrick responded cautiously.


“Yes, but it doesn’t mean their influence will completely disappear. In terms of practicality and marketability, our jewelry chain is superior, but the impact of the jewelry dress is stronger. As long as that impact remains, those who purchased the dress will certainly wear it to the ball.”


“Since they said they’d sell it to VIPs this quarter, we’ll find out by the end of March who will buy the jewelry dress.”


“If that’s the case, there’s only one major ball where that dress will likely appear.”


Camilla calculated the dates and gave the answer everyone expected.


The ball hosted by Countess Freke, the matron of the first half of the spring social season.


The place where the jewelry dress will clash head-on is there.


“So, Letticia must not lose to anyone wearing the jewelry dress at that ball. Sharon’s jewelry chain should not be overshadowed by Canotia’s jewelry dress.”


Letticia felt a headache coming on at Lenard’s words. Not being overshadowed by the jewelry dress was a difficult order to fulfill.


“They have covered the hem with so many diamonds; how many chains would I need to wear to stand out more than that?”


“About several dozen chains should do it, don’t you think? Just enough to match that hem.”


“I think it would be easier to add jewels to my dress as well. It’s such a simple design that it doesn’t even sparkle much.”


Letticia had purposely chosen a simple dress to showcase the jewelry chain. The concept was to highlight the chain by draping it around a white dress.


However, compared to a dress adorned with hundreds of diamonds, it was indeed less dazzling.


“Let’s discuss it with the atelier and come up with a solution. And quickly, if possible.”


With that comment from Camilla, today’s brief morning meeting came to an end.


What remained now was the accounting between Letticia and Lenard over the dances from the previous night.




Letticia recounted the names of all the people she had danced with to Lenard. Although she hadn’t danced after dinner, she still danced with ten people, which she considered a fair effort.


“I danced ten times last night, so that’s 3.3 rounds. Rounding up to 4 rounds. Is that okay?”


“You’ve really picked a number that rounds up nicely. You’ve got a knack for this.”


Lenard looked at Letticia with an exasperated expression. However, given his character of keeping his word, he wasn’t likely to go back on his promise.


“Then, as promised, I’ll arrange four meetings with Ezkhiel. After that, you’re on your own.”


“Oh, by the way, I heard from Lord Bright yesterday that you told him we’d be going boating together!”


When Letticia mentioned the boating plan she heard about from Ezkhiel, Lenard responded as if he had forgotten.


“Oh, right. I meant to tell you, but I forgot because of that spy.”


“Well, it can’t be helped. You’ve adjusted the schedule, right?”


“Yes. I told Kenneth, so you can go without worrying. Think of it as an advance payment.”


“You know I love you a lot, right?”


“Don’t do it; your true intentions seem obvious.”


This was a conversation that perfectly exemplified the end of capitalism. It might have seemed absurd to others, but it was a common exchange between Lenard and Letticia.






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  1. Cathe says:

    😂 These siblings 😅

    This story is so interesting and clever. Many details I never considered or when I did wonder, wasn’t answered by other novels.

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