My Lover Isn't Interested With The Female lead!









My Lover Isn’t Interested With The Female lead!













Time passed quickly, and Letticia had already turned 13.


Now, she heard more compliments about being beautiful than cute, had mastered dining etiquette, and naturally addressed her brother as “big brother” instead of “brother.”


Ironically, her older brothers flinched every time they heard that title, but she had become audacious enough to ignore such reactions.




However, Letticia’s mind was currently in a state of complexity bordering on madness.


This was because she, at the age of 13, was about to face the National Phileas Fogg Academy entrance exam, a process most nobles experience.


The National Phileas Fogg Academy is the empire’s largest educational institution, with almost all nobles in the capital attending.


This prestigious academy, which even admits aristocrats, boasts a dazzling list of graduates from its seven departments.


Emperors, prime ministers, commanders of knight orders, chief justices, world-renowned artists, merchants, and numerous socialites—famous figures from various fields.


It had been a place where countless influential figures and celebrities had passed through, to the extent that listing them all would be difficult.


Therefore, nobles have no choice but to choose this academy to gain important connections through their academic background.


The problem lies in which department to take the exam for.


‘In the original work, it seems like Ariette also attended the academy…’


Ariette, who suffered torment from a home tutor in her early years, continued to harbor trauma from the existence of tutors.


However, as the daughter of a duke, Ariette couldn’t avoid education, so she decided to attend the capital’s academy where her brothers were studying.


Despite the duke’s reluctance to part with his beloved daughter, her brothers, who hadn’t seen their beloved sister in the capital, welcomed her with open arms and encouraged her to join the academy.


Eventually, the duke agreed, with the condition that he would return to the estate during vacations. Still, not satisfied, he personally came to the capital’s duke mansion to ensure that his daughter stayed at the mansion on weekends.


‘The issue is which department Ariette entered.’


For now, they were certain about Alexander and Achilles’s departments. Alexander, the duke’s successor, would likely be in the political science department, while Achilles, aspiring to be a knight, would be in the knightly studies department.


What remained were the business administration, public administration, arts, law, and liberal arts departments.


‘In the original work, it seems Ariette graduated from the academy and went into business, so would it be the business administration department?’


Letticia, who had been gathering information and making deductions on her own, saw her brothers entering the study.


All of them were in the Business Administration department.


‘Wait, Business Administration? That’s risky!’


Lenard, the successor to Count Sharon, entered the Business Administration department to lead the family business. Kenneth, still undecided about his future, also joined the Business Administration department with the intention of assisting in business, similar to Lenard.


Moreover, Marianne, expressing her interest in product planning, enrolled in the Business Administration department. If Ariette were to enter the same department, the likelihood of getting involved with the family would significantly increase.


“Big brother Ren, big brother Ken!”


As Leticia urgently called them, Lenard, who was about to take out a book, glanced in her direction. He still seemed slightly uncomfortable with the “big brother” address, his face showing a slight grimace.


“What’s the matter that you called us so urgently?”


“Big brother’s, do you happen to have any interactions with the first-year students? Like a welcome event for new students.”


“Of course, plenty. Especially in Business Administration, there are many such occasions. The school organizes many events to help students build connections.”


Instead of Lenard, Kenneth replied, and he was taken aback by the disappointment on Letticia’s face upon hearing his response. Kenneth couldn’t discern what was wrong with his answer.


“Why all of a sudden, Letty? Is there some issue with the first-year students?”


“No… It’s just that life isn’t going smoothly. Even if I try hard, there seems to be a limit…”


Kenneth, grinning at the unexpected answer, asked,


“Life isn’t going smoothly? Is it because of the entrance exam preparation?”


“Well… It’s more about my future. I feel a bit uneasy.”


Actually, it was because of the protagonist’s future in the original story, whom she had never encountered so far. Unable to reveal the truth, Letticia brushed it off vaguely.


Fortunately, with the mention of the future, both Lenard and Kenneth seemed to understand, their expressions changing to concern.


“Did you suddenly want to go to a different department? Where else would you go besides liberal arts? You don’t like studying, and you’re not exceptionally good at making a living through the arts. What would you do in another department, especially when you can only handle liberal arts?”


“Big brother, please…”


Kenneth tried to intervene in surprise, but Letticia had already heard enough of the fact-laden remarks to the point of irritation.


Not only was she annoyed at the unfiltered comments, but also at the casual expression while making such statements.


“Yes, yes. Instead, I’m better at dancing and horseback riding, right? Big brother’s, how about a competition with me riding horses?”


“Mom explicitly told us not to do that because it’s dangerous. Do you know how much trouble I got in last time?”


“I don’t know. Normally, the younger sibling’s mistakes are the older sibling’s responsibility.”


“If that’s the case, then it’s my right to scold you for that mistake. Can you accept that?”


Whether it’s the younger sibling casually making up excuses on the spot or the older sibling who can’t let those excuses slide and counters back, it was truly a typical family scene.


Unable to ignore the meaningless sibling quarrel any longer, Kenneth sighed and addressed Letticia with an affectionate tone.


“Well, I’m worried that you’ll struggle if you go to a different department. Besides, in our family, you’re the only one suitable for socializing, so honestly, I wish you had chosen liberal arts.”


Letticia understood that his words were not just empty talk.


When Letticia mentioned choosing liberal arts, the family’s reaction was the most dramatic she had ever seen.


The adults applauded with approval, and cousins cheered in joy.


“Well done, Letty! Don’t ever change your mind, never!”


“I was even considering marrying Lenard to a prominent figure in society if things didn’t work out, but since Letty has made this decision, there’s no need for that. I’m really relieved.”


“… Letty, thank you. Thanks to you, my marriage issue is resolved.”


Becoming the savior, influencing even her brother’s marriage with her choice—it felt ironic for someone born into an introverted family.


While in novels, people usually seem eager to join high society, it couldn’t be denied that their family was quite unique.


“And if you’re going to debut in the capital’s high society, you have to attend Phileas Fogg. Otherwise, the social pressure will be immense.”


“I know that. That’s why Mother insisted on going to the liberal arts department.”


“Knowing all that, why were you so hesitant?”


Seeing Lenard bewildered, Letticia deliberately sighed as if there was something more.


“There is something. You don’t need to know, big brother.”


“Are you going through puberty? Some kids got caught writing strange poetry in their major notes and had to recite it in class. You’re not doing something like that, are you?”


“Do you think I like poetry? That would never happen.”


After expressing her annoyance, Letticia scrutinized characters other than Ariette.


Alexander is a year older than Lenard, so by the time Letticia enrolls, he probably has already graduated, while Achilles, being the same age as Kenneth, would have a couple more years to attend.


‘Going through academy life with a crazy brother for a younger sister, I hate it.’


There must be separate hardships in life. Maybe enduring more meaningful challenges could somehow prevent idealization through memory correction.


‘… But the academy scenes were mostly skipped, and it seemed to focus more on doting on the daughter. Well, there was that one time they held a festival in the duchy because she did well on exams…’


No matter how hard she tried to recall, the details of Ariette’s academy life didn’t come to mind.


Even in the notes she had kept over time, there was little mention of academy-related content.


Typically, when talking about a doting parent, it tends to cover the early years, but the academy was mentioned a few times and passed over.


“And there might be people picking on you at the academy. Instead of just fighting back, handle it well.”


In the midst of her thoughts, Lenard suddenly drew attention. His expression suggested he recalled something irritating.


“Are you want to pick a fight with me? Why?”


“Among the aristocrats in the capital or neutral parties, there are quite a few who send their children to the academy. Moreover, Mother mentioned that in the liberal arts department, there might be a lot of disputes, even physical altercations.”


“If Mother said so, it’s probably true. It’s going to be a hassle.”


Faced with a troublesome issue, Letticia rubbed her forehead.


The Empire’s nobility can be classified into three factions regardless of their regions.


The ancient nobility that has preserved history, tradition, and lineage.


The newly rising nobility, favored and ennobled by past emperors.


The neutral faction, composed of those who intermarried with both rising and ancient nobility.


While social ascent was not unheard of throughout the Empire’s history, the past emperors particularly favored commoners, granting them titles to curb the influence of the ancient nobility.


Thanks to this, the prestigious Sharon Count received a promotion to a count, and Leticia’s father, Patrick, married Camilla, a member of the ancient nobility, establishing their family among the leading figures in the newly rising nobility.


Although their family’s essence lies in business, avoiding political involvement and exerting influence only in social and economic circles, they still faced constraints.


When she was younger, Letticia didn’t know, but the Sharon County had a considerable amount of background story.















To Be Continued…


Thankyou for coming to this sites and read my translation, enjoy! Sorry if theres still have any mistake on the translation. See you on the next update!
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