Leave the Divorce to a Professional Lawyer

Noel quickly assessed the situation, rolling his eyes.

“Yeah, I didn’t expect ‘her’ to act this way, but the situation itself wasn’t unfamiliar.”

With a blank, emotionless face, she had been planning this all along, as if she had no ulterior motives!

Meanwhile, Natasha was naturally heading to the room.

“Wow, nice room.”

It was the top floor, a room reserved for VVIPs, and it was quite spacious and luxurious. Natasha gave a small gasp of admiration as she laid down on the soft bed.

“Oh, the bed’s really comfy too.”

Noel had finished preparing himself mentally. He began to skillfully unbutton his shirt with one hand.

Click, click.

Hearing that, Natasha lifted her head slightly to look at him.

“What are you doing?”

“Ah, I’ll wash up first. Just wait a moment….”

“No. What are you doing?”

Natasha stared at him in disbelief.

“Why would you wash up? Did you really think you were going to stay here tonight?”


If she wasn’t planning to spend the night, why would she reserve such a luxurious room?

However, Natasha dismissed his question as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Forget it. Just stand there and watch.”

There was clearly a reason she had dragged Noel all the way here. And today, what Natasha needed wasn’t Noel taking a shower and grooming himself.

‘…This isn’t a seduction?’

Noel suddenly felt a strange sensation.

He was a man who knew how to make use of his appearance. He was handsome, and that was an unchanging fact, no matter where he went.

Even before he came to the Petrov Duke’s house, the Marquis family he had worked for sent him to law school just to make him their ‘pretty-faced lawyer.’

There were also plenty of noblewomen who offered to make him their lifelong companion if he became their lover.

So it was only natural that he assumed Natasha had brought him to the hotel room for the same reason.

‘…What is this feeling?’

When he first realized Natasha wanted him, he thought, ‘Of course.’

He was amused to find that no matter how noble or different she pretended to be, she was just like everyone else.

But realizing that all of that was his misconception, he felt a slight sense of relief and at the same time… a small sense of disappointment.

‘Disappointment? Disappointed about what?’

What exactly was he disappointed in?

While Noel was feeling confused, Natasha pressed her ear against one of the walls, leaning in close.

She stood like that for a while before mumbling to herself.

‘Maybe because it’s an expensive place, but the soundproofing is good. I can’t hear anything.’

She clicked her tongue softly and eventually pulled a magical item out of her pocket.

The object, which looked like a megaphone, was placed against the wall, and when she pressed her ear to it, she could finally start to hear the sounds from the room next door.

“What are you doing now?”

Noel couldn’t help but ask as Natasha appeared to be blatantly eavesdropping on the room next door.

Natasha replied calmly.

“Oh. If you want, you can use what you see here in court. I won’t complain if you charge me with violating privacy and disturbing the peace. I’ll just pay the fine, whatever.”

“…What are you talking about?”

Though Natasha could be unpredictable, she wasn’t one to talk nonsense.

The fact that she said this meant there was indeed a reason for Noel to meet her in court.

‘Is she planning to sue the Petrov Dukedom? For what? What does eavesdropping on the next room have to do with that…’

As the thought occurred to him, something suddenly dawned on him.

Didn’t Natasha have a certain flamboyant title?

Divorce lawyer, Natasha!

“You’re not…!”

As Noel’s expression turned to one of shock, Natasha was already contacting the front desk.

She picked up the communication device and shouted urgently.

“Yes, this is room 802. I think I heard something strange from room 803…! It sounds like… a man is… hitting a woman…! Please send security to check it out, quickly!”


Without changing her expression, Natasha put down the receiver, having spoken with a trembling voice.

The trap Natasha had set was just beginning to show its true value.


“They say there’s going to be a fireworks display this evening. I think it’ll be really beautiful.”

“Is this your first time in Mosqueche? The fireworks during the festival are quite a sight. You’ll have the best view from this room, so you can look forward to it.”

Yelena smiled happily. She gently rested her head on Mikhail’s shoulder.

“It feels like it’s been so long since we’ve had time alone, without having to worry about others.”

“…I’m sorry. I should’ve been more attentive, but I’ve been busy with the merchant’s guild lately.”

“No, it’s okay. I know better than anyone how busy you are, Mishka. With estate matters and the duties of the Duke’s household, even two bodies wouldn’t be enough.”

Mikhail couldn’t help but be touched once again by Lena’s lack of greed, even though she had every right to feel slighted.

Her attitude of being grateful for such simple things made her all the more endearing to him.


He gazed at Yelena with a heated look, and she met his gaze, her face slightly flushed.

As their faces slowly inched closer together…

*Knock, knock, knock.*

Someone knocked on the door.

Annoyed at being interrupted at such a moment, Mikhail responded with a slightly lowered voice.

“What is it?”

“We received a report of strange noises coming from the neighboring room. I’m sorry, but could you please open the door for a moment?”

A report?

Mikhail didn’t want anyone to find out he was with Yelena, so he brushed it off.

“You must have misheard. We haven’t made any loud noises since we entered this room.”

“Yes, I understand. But it’s standard procedure to check when a report is made. It’ll only take a moment, sir.”

He wanted to reveal that he was a member of the Petrov family, rulers of the Western Territories, but he held back.

If he did, it would leave a record that he had visited Mosqueche, a tourist city, at an inopportune time instead of his domain.

He had even made the hotel reservation under a pseudonym and paid in cash; there was no need to undo that effort now.

“Lena, put on your robe for a moment.”


They whispered to each other quietly, then both put on robes that covered their faces.

Mikhail slightly opened the door, only enough for him to be seen.

“There’s nothing going on here. Is that enough for you?”

“Where is the person who checked in with you?”

“She’s in the room.”

“I’d like to ensure their safety, if possible. Please don’t take offense; this is purely a formal procedure, sir.”

As the butler continued to bother him, Mikhail frowned slightly, though it was hidden.

“What kind of rudeness is this?”

“My apologies if I’ve upset you…”

“A report was made from the neighboring room? And without verifying if it’s a false report, you just show up like this? It’s quite irritating.”

“Yes, I understand that. But as I mentioned, it’s simply part of the procedure…”

“I can’t let you in.”

When Mikhail responded firmly, the butler smiled awkwardly.

Then, instead of the butler, someone else appeared in the narrow gap of the door—a man clad in armor with a sword at his waist.

The emblem of the Mosqueche Knight Order was visible on his chest plate.

“Apologies. We received a report that a woman might be getting assaulted in this room. We ask for your cooperation.”

“Assault? What nonsense…”

“When a report is made, it’s our duty to check and protect the woman’s safety. I must inform you that failure to cooperate could lead to charges of obstructing official duties.”

Obstructing official duties?

No one had ever dared to bring such charges before Mikhail.

“I—I’m fine! I appreciate the guards’ concern, but I’m really okay.”

Yelena raised her voice from behind, her tone tense, likely out of fear that her identity might be revealed. The guards exchanged uneasy glances, apparently finding her voice suspicious.

“Excuse me.”

With that, they began to apply force to open the door that Mikhail was blocking.

“How dare you…!”

Mikhail’s eyes flashed with anger as the guards forced their way in.

“How dare you commit such rudeness without knowing who I am!”

The confidence in his voice made the guards hesitate. According to their records, he was supposed to be a commoner with no surname.

In the Western Territories, the wealthy merchant class was so prominent that it wasn’t unusual for a commoner to stay in a high-end hotel.

But his demeanor made him seem more like a noble.

There were times when nobles used pseudonyms to indulge in activities they didn’t want traced back to them.

As the guards began to worry they had made a mistake, someone appeared behind them.

*Click, clack.*

The sound of footsteps echoed.

“Well now. Just who do you think you are?”

Mikhail’s expression instantly hardened. How could he not recognize that voice?

“How did you…?”

“Is that really important right now?”

Though her hair was hidden, the crimson eyes beneath the robe were unmistakable.

Chloe Petrov. His only wife had just stepped out from the room across the hall.

“Well, well. What a coincidence, isn’t it?”

As the door of the neighboring room opened, another familiar voice rang out.

“I’m here on vacation too. Who would have thought I’d run into the Petrov couple here?”

Natasha casually strolled down the hallway, feigning surprise with exaggerated wide eyes. Her acting was insufferably fake.

Even Noel, who looked thoroughly embarrassed, was with her!

“What is… this…?”

Mikhail realized it immediately.

It was a trap. He had walked right into Natasha’s cunning trap.

But by the time he realized it, it was too late.

“The Petrov couple… you say? Oh my, I apologize for the grave insult!”

“We’re sorry, Lord Petrov!”

“Please forgive our rudeness!”

As the terrified guards bowed their heads, one clueless guard mumbled to himself.

“Wait, but why is the lady in the room across…? Then, the woman in this room…”

Yelena gasped. In her panic, she desperately looked for a place to hide, but the luxurious VVIP room they were in was on the eighth floor with no easy escape.

“Well then, who could possibly be in there…?”

Mikhail swallowed hard, locking eyes with Chloe.

“I’m also very curious. May I confirm who’s in there? I’m quite worried that the lady inside might be injured.”

The guards, finally understanding the situation, looked as though they wanted to disappear.

This was clearly a case of them stumbling upon Lord Petrov’s affair.


Mikhail muttered softly. He could clearly see who was quietly smiling behind this whole setup.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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