I'm Trying to End This Possession

I picked up the vase on the nightstand, which happened to have forget-me-nots that matched Allice well. Holding the vase, I walked toward Allice with heavy steps. “Allice Windsor. Does your knee not hurt?”




“You’ve been crying out loud since earlier. Isn’t your throat sore?”


“Si-Sister? Are you worried about me?” Allice smiled brightly, and her eyes sparkled. “Thank you, Sister. I knew you would do something like this…”


The next moment, I poured water over Allice’s head, still with a smile on my face. Drip. The clear liquid drenched Allice’s head, and the flowers scattered.


Allice looked up at me, incredulous. “Sister… now…?”


With the last drop falling, Allice’s lips trembled. “H-How could you do this to me, Sister?”


“You’re one to talk.” I tilted my head quizzically. “Allice, how could you do such a thing to me?”


Allice looked up at her with teary eyes filled with sorrow. “I-I-I didn’t want to hurt you, Sister. But love doesn’t always go as one wishes!”


“I feel the same.” I smoothly replied and grabbed Allice’s hair.


Ack! Si-Sister?!”


“I feel the same, Allice. I don’t want to hurt you. But anger doesn’t always go as one wishes,” I said, glancing at the door.


Why haven’t they come yet? Just as I thought it was time for them to arrive. Stomp, stomp, stomp! The sound of urgent footsteps began to approach. Finally, they’re coming.


I raised my hand with a calm face, and then. Slap—! I slapped Allice across the face.




At that exact moment, the door burst open.


“What are you doing!”


A man with statuesque platinum blond hair, Dana’s uncle, Carl Windsor, burst in.


“A-Allice, my god. How could you do such a thing!”


Followed by the aunt, Sandra, who also rushed in.


I greeted them with a smile. “Uncle, Aunt. You two are here. Good morning.” While gripping Allice’s hair. “Have you had breakfast?”


Kyaa!” A scream erupted from Allice, and Sandra cried out in horror.


“Let go of my daughter’s hair right now!”


“Yes.” I let go obediently, and Allice burst into tears and ran into Sandra’s arms.


Sob, sob, Mom, Dad.”


I quietly observed the scene. I didn’t particularly like violence; in fact, I despised it. But… They had to see this since.


I had thought they would come. Because Allice had been crying so loudly in my room as soon as she had entered.


Someone among the servants would have gone to tell them. But I didn’t expect them to come this late.


“You!” Sandra shouted, her eyes flipped in rage. “Are you insane, Danae!”


“The insane one is your daughter.”




“If she wasn’t insane, why would she hide naked under my fiancé’s desk?”


Sandra stared at me with a dumbfounded face. Danae is always smiling, kind, and gentle. Such words were unthinkable coming from Danae…


“Dana, it looks like you’ve lost your mind.” Then, Carl Windsor’s voice, filled with anger, was heard. “To engage in such vulgar behavior. I can’t believe it.”


I stifled a laugh. So he had such an expression too. It was the first time Carl looked at me with such eyes. Why not? He had never frowned at me before. He had always been gentle and kind. ‘


After all, I showed him the scene of hitting Allice on purpose.  Hoping that Carl would get angry at me.


“That’s too much.”


As an excuse for me to get upset.


“Uncle may be Allice’s father, but you’re also my guardian.”


Guardian. At that word, Carl’s expression hardened.


I expressed my grievance with the saddest face I could muster. “I thought that when I was treated unfairly, you would share my anger, Uncle. Because you’re my guardian.”


Carl’s anger seemed to dissipate completely at those words. In the past, I would have thought that his anger subsided because he sympathized with me…


“If you don’t stand by me even in this situation, then what’s the use of a guardian?”




“Are you still my guardian?”


Now I know. How desperate he was to maintain his position as guardian.


Watching Carl Windsor’s frozen face, I swallowed my laughter. What will you do, Carl Windsor?


I humiliated and insulted your daughter in front of you. If you take my side now… You’ll become a pathetic father.


A father and husband incapable of protecting his daughter. But if you turn against me… You’ll lose your position as my guardian. And thus, no chance to inherit my wealth. The role of a head of the family. And my vast fortune.


Which would Carl Windsor choose? I waited with glee. Whichever side he chose, it would be the beginning of Carl Windsor’s downfall. He was a man who must be brought to his knees. Because only then can I obtain the holy relic.


I looked at Carl. More precisely, I observed the ring on his left middle finger. A large amber-colored gemstone ring, a heirloom of the Windsor family, passed down to the head of the family. And… That’s the holy relic.


Carl Windsor had never taken off the ring since becoming the head of the family. Unknown to anyone, that was the holy relic. The very item that would help me return to my world. And I intended to take it. Even if it meant cutting off Carl’s finger.


“…Dana.” After a tense silence, Carl spoke, seemingly having made a decision. “It seems there’s been a misunderstanding.” And then he laughed. As always, like a kind uncle.


“I didn’t mean it in that way.”




At that moment, a shock like lightning passed through Allice’s eyes. Sandra felt the same.


Ignoring his daughter and wife, Carl soothed me. “Don’t misunderstand. It saddens me that you would say such a thing.”


“A misunderstanding? Allice has deceived me, Uncle.”


“Yes, yes, Allice was wrong. I’ll scold her well, okay?”


Carl hugged me and patted my shoulder.  “You’re very upset, aren’t you? Let’s calm down.”




“I’ll take care of Allice, okay?”


While embraced by him, I stared sharply at Allice and my aunt. They were trembling with a sense of betrayal. Although I wanted to laugh, I pressed down my anger and pushed Carl away.


“No, will scolding be enough?”




“Allice doesn’t even know what she did wrong. So.” I looked at Allice’s utterly bewildered face and said, “I think we need to follow the traditional disciplinary methods of the Windsor family.”




The deep-rooted military tradition of Windsor. That was corporal punishment.


To discipline Allice corporally? Carl’s gaze shook violently. To discipline his beloved youngest? His daughter, whom he had cherished and raised with care?


“You need to show Allice that this was wrong, Uncle. For her sake.”




“Uncle, you are Allice’s father… and also my guardian.”


Yes, guardian. Carl swallowed hard. I’m her guardian. The guardian who, in just a year, would become the primary heir to the estate…


Carl closed his eyes. And after a moment. “…You there, bring the cane.”



  1. Natasha801 says:

    Thank you for the chapter!❤️‍🔥

  2. FunsizedCountess says:

    Dana, you’re a BAMF and I’m here for it!

  3. niki1da1 says:

    he he he I’m loving this 😉

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