I'm The Only One Who Doesn't Know That the Villainess Is A Man


Chapter 7


Upon seeing the woman’s face, I quickly recognized who she was. She bore a striking resemblance to Sally.


“If the young lady has other plans today.”


It was Margaret, Rachel’s nanny and Sally’s mother. Rachel fell silent at her words. I alternated gazes between Rachel and Margaret with a cautious eye.


“Even if it’s to protect Rachel, is it okay to ignore her opinion and dismiss it? Her eyes seem to yearn to go outside, don’t they?”


I’ve never raised a child in this life or the previous one, so I don’t really know. However, I’m certain Margaret’s attitude doesn’t reflect that of a proper parent.


“Well, there’s still time for tea with me. Can’t we go out and come back before that?”


I put on an innocent childlike face and gently prodded Margaret’s emotions. People’s true nature emerges not when they are smiling, but when they are angry.


“It seems going out today might be difficult. Do you find my words hard to understand?”


“Would it be alright if we got permission from the Duke first?”



Margaret, who had been pretending to be kind until then, suddenly frowned. My earlier words could have been interpreted as a disrespectful remark about her authority regarding Rachel’s upbringing.


Of course, being just a nine-year-old, I may not have meant any harm, but could this have made her even more upset?


Even a nine-year-old daring to disregard her authority. As I expected, Margaret dropped the act of kindness and spoke in a cold voice.


“You seem not to understand. I am in charge of the young lady’s overall education. My will is His Grace’s will. Do you understand now?”



could hear it as a statement that disregarded Rachel’s authority in raising her.


Of course, I am just a nine-year-old child now, so it might seem innocent.


“Wouldn’t that make you even angrier?’’


It’s to the extent that even a nine-year-old child would disrespect their own authority.


As I expected, Margaret put aside her kind nanny act and spoke in a cold voice.


“You seem to still not understand, I am in charge of Miss’s overall education. My will is the same as the Duke’s will. Do you understand now?”



Oh, treating me like an ignorant child. But what resides in me now is not just a simple nine-year-old child but someone with memories from a past life.


‘Hmph, I won’t fall for such gaslighting. However, the problem is…’


I observed Rachel’s reaction to the situation.


Rachel did not object to the nanny’s statement of wanting to leave.


Agreeing with her words regardless of her own feelings signifies how absolute the nanny is to Rachel.


‘If I confront the nanny here, Rachel will only resent me.’


For now, just discovering that the nanny isn’t such a good person was a significant gain. ‘Maybe I should step back for now.’


Just as I was trying to handle the situation, the shadow fell on the stairs.


‘…The Duke?!’ The Duke appeared. The nanny’s face paled at facing the Duke.


“Y-Your Grace! I was just, worried about Miss…”


“If you are truly worried, you can assign more guards.”



The Duke said, glancing at Rachel for a moment.


Rachel, meeting her grandfather’s gaze, hesitated for a moment, then averted her eyes.


‘Come to think of it, in the original work, Rachel and the Duke have a strained relationship.’ In the original work, it is mentioned that Rachel becomes estranged from her family after turning dark.


‘I thought their relationship soured due to her turning dark, but it seems it was never good from the start.


As I observed Rachel’s demeanor, I suddenly felt a gaze and turned around.


The Duke, who had shifted his gaze from Rachel, was now looking down at me with a cool, polite gaze. I swallowed nervously.


‘Is this what intimidation feels like?’


His towering figure and piercing gaze made me feel exposed.


Without avoiding the Duke’s gaze, I tried to smile innocently.


It somehow felt necessary. Like when facing a beast, one shouldn’t avoid eye contact.


The Duke, who had been observing me for a moment, spoke up.


“If you want to go, then go.”


Upon the enthusiastic approval that came out of his mouth, both Sally and the governess, along with myself, were taken aback and widened our eyes.


“Of course, you must return before the sun sets.”


The governess, who had momentarily shown a bewildered expression at the

unexpected situation, retorted a beat late.


“But, Your Grace. The young lady must attend etiquette lessons in an hour.”


It seemed like the final attempt to thwart my plans.


“Can’t it be postponed until tomorrow?”


The Duke dismissed the governess’s objection as inconsequential.


“Owen, have the carriage prepared.”


In a swift manner, the carriage was readied.


He then turned and walked away.


‘Oh, is this the taste of power?’


Dazed by the unexpected turn of events, I belatedly noticed Sally and the governess glaring at me as if they wanted to kill me.


Seeing their expressions, a new plan suddenly came to mind.


‘It seems both Sally and the governess are intent on chasing me away.’


On the other hand, for some reason, the Duke seemed to hold a favourable view of me.


‘Why not try a tightrope walk while I’m at it?’


With a wicked smile, I approached the Duke.


“Your Grace!”


Instead of replying, the Duke turned his head to look at me.


I respectfully bowed my head and greeted him.


“I wanted to greet you, but it seemed like you were busy, so I couldn’t come earlier.”


“I remember you greeted me in the kitchen already.”


“But formally greeting you as the young lady’s playmate is a first, isn’t it?”


The Duke seemed to find my point valid as he gazed at me quietly.


“Under the guidance of a father with good manners, I was taught to reveal who I am and greet politely when visiting a friend for the first time.”


“Raised under a father with excellent character, I see.”


So, may I have dinner with you tonight?”


In simple terms, it was an indirect way of saying, ‘Can you buy me a meal?’


Regardless of social status, it was an unusual request even among friends. If it weren’t for the childlike innocence, it would have been a ridiculous statement.


Rachel looked at me in disbelief.


The governess, who was watching me disapprovingly, rushed forward anxiously and interjected.



“I didn’t intend to entertain a commoner child with no manners… Your Grace, this child is—”


However, the governess, who was trying to pull me away, was interrupted by the Duke’s hearty laughter.


Then he said, “Very well.”


The expected permission was granted!


“There’s no reason not to treat my granddaughter’s friend to a meal.”


Amidst the surprise of everyone present,


The Duke looked at me silently, then turned and added,


“Owen, prepare the dinner.”


In that way, I thought the outing with Rachel was a success…


“I’m not going.”

Despite receiving the Duke’s permission, dismissing the nanny and Sally who were causing trouble, and thinking all I had to do was go out.


The actual person refused to go!


“Those eyes earlier clearly wanted to go out, didn’t they?”


I looked at Rachel with a puzzled look, then suddenly remembered the original information and asked,


“Why? Why don’t you want to go?”


“I just don’t want to.”


“There must be a reason you don’t want to go to the village, right? If you tell me, I’ll help you solve it!”


As I persistently questioned, Rachel reluctantly sighed and replied,


“It’s too noisy and chaotic, that’s why I don’t want to.”


Upon hearing Rachel’s answer, I confirmed that my expectations were correct.


Although she said she didn’t like it because it was noisy and chaotic, in reality…


‘She’s afraid of people’s eyes.’


Perhaps because she’s afraid of being recognized by the townspeople.


Perhaps afraid of being labeled as a rebel’s child.


‘Maybe even that cold demeanor is a defense mechanism to protect herself.’


As I thought about it, I felt a little sorry for our cold-hearted young lady.


“How can you solve this? I mean, it’s—”


“I can solve it!”


As Rachel started to turn away, I urgently shouted,


“I told you, I will help you solve it.”


While Rachel still seemed uncomfortable, I confidently smiled.


“Just trust me.”



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