I'm The Only One Who Doesn't Know That the Villainess Is A Man


Chapter 19

”The gold coins received from the Duke are good, and even if the desserts eaten here every day are sweet.”


“They’re not more precious than your life, are they?”

With those words, the maid handed me an envelope.

Seeing the sweet scent emanating from it, it seemed to contain snacks.

“I’ve brought some snacks you like. Go home, eat them, and think carefully.”

However, without accepting the envelope, I looked straight at her and asked, “Why are you, the maid, staying by the young lady’s side?
It could be dangerous for both you and Sally, couldn’t it?”


The maid, taken aback by my unexpected question, seemed momentarily flustered, but quickly composed herself and replied, “I’ve wagered my life for the young lady. I believe she is worth it and it’s a worthy cause.”


“But you’re still young and know nothing, right? With that kind of mindset, you’ll surely regret your choices.”

“Me too.”


We arrived at the end of the promenade at that moment.

Just a few steps further and we would be in the front yard of the mansion where the carriage awaited.

I dashed towards the front yard, turned to look at the maid, and replied, “I’ve wagered too, my life.”

Standing in the light, the fear that had been weighing me down moments ago vanished.

As I gazed at the maid with determination, her expression in the shadows of the mansion twisted grimly.

Leaving the maid behind, I headed towards the awaiting carriage, thinking, ‘I need to separate Rachel from that person.’

Whether the maid isolating Rachel was truly to protect her or for some other purpose, I do not know.

But one thing is certain.

‘No matter the reason, causing Rachel harm is wrong.’

Boarding the carriage, I looked up at the massive mansion and made a determined resolution.

‘Then the first thing I need to do is…!’

The next day.

I brought Rachel down to the village.

Thinking of Rachel who dislikes people’s gazes, I got off the carriage in the alley and instead had the knight escorts follow behind.

The reason for bringing Rachel to the village was…

First, it was for sightseeing in the village.

Second was for the plan called ‘Making Rachel an insider of the mansion.’

‘The current situation where Rachel only relies on the nanny is not good.’

To remedy this situation, it would be good for Rachel to get along with many people in the mansion.

Even with the maid sisters, and the marquis.

…Why do I have to get along with the maid sisters?

If you get along with the maid sisters, you can ask them to bring you snacks secretly at night.

I’m not interested.

And you can ask them to tie your hair nicely.

I don’t need that.

Oh, anyway! There are many benefits to getting along with the sisters.

…However, the person involved seemed to have no interest in the plan at all.

Still, upon my suggestion to go to the village, Rachel obediently followed along.

And now.

We were standing in front of a shop.

“Where is this?”

“It’s a general store. It’s where they sell things necessary for daily life.”

“Why did we come here?”

“I’m here to buy gifts for the maid sisters.”

“Why gifts?”

“If you want to easily win people’s favor, a gift strategy is the best.”

However, Rachel was pessimistic about my plan.

“…It’s meaningless. Even if you do that, everyone will just be afraid of me.”

Perhaps due to the deep wounds from being isolated, she seemed too scarred to hope for better relations with others.

As I thought about that, the anger towards the marquis’s nanny who had driven Rachel’s friends away resurfaced.

I tried to calm the anger and corrected Rachel’s thoughts.

“It’s not because the marquis’s nanny dislikes you. She just doesn’t know any better yet.”

“Anything unknown is scary. Unknown paths, unknown problems, they’re all scary.”


“So, once you get to know the marquis’s nanny, you won’t be scared anymore, right?”

Rachel, who had been displaying a sarcastic attitude all along, widened her eyes at my words.

Could that really happen?

Her blue eyes showed a conflict between wanting to believe my words and not even daring to hope due to fear of getting hurt.

I firmly held Rachel’s hand to prevent her from being swayed by that fear any longer.

“Come on, let’s go in.” With that, we entered the shop.


“Welcome! Come on in!” I thought it was Mrs. Lauren, but it was Peter who greeted us.

“Hello, Peter.” Peter looked surprised when he saw me.

“Wow! Vivian, is that you?”

“I should have told you when I saw Mrs. I thought you were asleep and didn’t see us.”

“Oh, I wasn’t asleep. I had something to think about, so I was meditating.”

“Who meditates while snoring?”
“You misheard. Anyway, what did you come to buy today—”

Peter, who was joking around with me, suddenly stopped when he saw Rachel next to me and made eye contact. After blinking for a moment, he whispered to me as if something had occurred to him.

“Is this… no, is this the princess?” The story of me becoming Rachel’s playmate had spread throughout the village. Especially for Peter, who was close to Mrs. Lauren and me, it wasn’t that difficult to guess Rachel’s identity when she appeared with me.

As I nodded, Peter greeted Rachel belatedly, but for some reason, Rachel’s gaze remained cold. She even held my hand more firmly.

“Oh? Does she dislike strangers after all?”

In the awkward atmosphere, as I tried to intervene, Rachel pulled my hand.

“Let’s go.”

I awkwardly smiled at Peter, who seemed puzzled, and followed Rachel into the shop.

Rachel asked, “Who is that guy?”

“He’s my friend. He’s the son of Mrs. Lauren, the owner of this general store.”

As we headed towards the shop, Rachel’s steps suddenly stopped.

“…He’s your friend too?” Rachel’s questioning gaze made Peter extremely uncomfortable.

“Was it because Peter didn’t show proper manners earlier?”

Though Rachel was kind to me now, she wasn’t kind to everyone. Sensing Peter’s discomfort, I nodded vigorously.

“Yes, he’s a close friend.”

“Then you like him too?”

Sure. Peter is my friend.

Since she said Peter is a close friend of mine, she might be more lenient with me, right?

However, contrary to my expectations, Rachel became even more serious.

“Lady Rachel?”

When I looked at her with a puzzled expression, Rachel said,
“…Call me by my name too.”


“Call me by my name like you call that guy.”

Taken aback by Rachel’s sudden demand, I widened my eyes.

“But how can I address Lady Rachel by her name?”

“You can if I allow it.”

After hesitating for a moment, I cautiously spoke up upon seeing Rachel’s resolute face.

“Um, then… Rachel?”

At that moment, Rachel’s expression seemed to soften subtly.

Ah, now I get it!

‘Our Rachel wants to try everything friends do together, doesn’t she?’

Understanding Rachel’s intention at last, I inwardly smirked mischievously.

“Is that how you want to be addressed?”

“Speak more comfortably.”

To have a casual conversation with Lady Rachel!

From a commoner’s perspective, there was no reason to refuse such a proposal.

“Alright! …No, I mean, good!”

I readily accepted the proposal.

Deciding to speak more comfortably, I felt even closer to Rachel.

As I chuckled, Rachel seemed to find my laughter awkward and promptly urged me on.

“So, what gift are you going to buy? Have you thought about it?”

Upon hearing those words and recalling the true purpose, I confidently nodded with a smile.

“Of course!”

Oops, formal language.

I quickly corrected myself.

“Of course! Just trust me!”


  1. Jeongyeonlover says:

    Please updatee

    1. Serena says:

      Soon I’ll update here iam preparing for my exams

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