I Will Disappear, Grand Duke

WDGD I Chapter 11

Julia looked up at him with droopy eyes.


Even though I was still hurt by the man who only gave me a buried kick, seeing his face like this made me feel relieved.


Julia opened her mouth in a quiet voice.


“… “Your Majesty, why don’t you come back to the castle?”


At those words, Fernan narrowed his eyes. Julia shrugged his shoulders but continued speaking firmly.


“I know it’s presumptuous, but… “I’m worried.”


Fernan, who was quietly looking down at her without answering, finally let out a small laugh.


As if talking about her worries wasn’t enough, she still had sad eyes.


Fernan, who clearly wrinkled her forehead, gently bit her mouth as she tried to say something more.


He then looked at her fallen body for a moment and then turned away coldly.


After he returned to where the knights were, Lloyd, who had been quietly observing the situation by his side, suddenly extended his hand to Julia.


“Are you okay, Your Highness?”


“ah… thank you.”


Julia, who managed to stand up with Lloyd’s support, limped.


Anyway, what’s the point of just leaving it when it’s fallen like this? Lloyd stuck his tongue out at his master’s extremely cold attitude.


Julia, who was hesitant while looking at Lloyd, asked carefully.


“Hey, where are you staying?”


“Oh, that’s… .”


Lloyd, who thought about her question for a moment, answered indirectly.


“Don’t worry, He is in peace. “His return is delayed because his are busy with work.”


“okay… .”


Seeing her so sullen made him feel like he was somehow guilty. Lloyd scratched her cheek and nodded awkwardly.


“Well then, I’ll just go.”


With those words, Lloyd hurried after Fernan.


Once the commotion was over, the streets became quiet again.


“Your Highness, are you okay? “Let me see.”


Melissa, who had been watching her from a distance, came to her in a hurry. She quickly rolled up  Julia’s sleeves, revealing her red, swollen wrists.


“Ah, what should I do? This will definitely bruise… Is Your ankle okay? “Can you walk?”


“Sorry. “I don’t think I can walk alone.”


Julia, who was supported by Melissa, suddenly looked behind her.


All the items I had excitedly purchased a little while ago were lying on the floor.


Melissa hurriedly picked up the fallen items. Julia also limped and tried to pick up the bouquet placed on one side, but at that moment, the crowd of people coming and going trampled on the flowers.


She looked at the crushed petals and withdrew her outstretched hand.


And then she turned her gaze away from them, unable to hide her sad face.


* * *


Julia sighed as she looked at the bandage wrapped around her ankle. There were bright blue bruises not only on her ankles but also on her wrists.


As the few days passed since her visit to the downtown area, her wounds became deeper.


None of her hands or feet were intact, so it was difficult for her to move.


Julia sat down in her armchair and looked blankly out her window. Her mind felt empty.


How long did she sit like that?


Someone opened the door and hurriedly entered. It was Melissa.


“Your Majesty , His Majesty has returned!”


Julia, with her eyes wide open, jumped up from her seat.


She was slightly relieved that he was back, and with Melissa’s support, she came out into her hallway.


As she stood on the railing and looked down her hall, she saw Fernan entering the doorway.


He walked quickly through the hall and climbed the stairs in one go. Julia stood at the end of the stairs and greeted him.




Fernan’s gaze rested on her for just a moment, then quickly moved away.


He passed by her Julia so indifferently. It’s as if he’s trying to treat her like she doesn’t exist.


Biting her lip, she followed  limping after him.


However, with her already injured leg, she had long strides and was unable to keep up with his steps.


Meanwhile, he went into his room.


After a while, she arrived in front of his room. Julia hesitated and then knocked on the door.


“Your Highness, I have something to tell you.”


She knocked on the door several times, but after a while there was no answer from inside.


Eventually, Julia slowly backed away from her and let out a small sigh of her own.


“ha… .”


Perhaps because she was using her ankle too hard, the pain came all at once.


She squatted down against the wall and gently touched her ankles.


She didn’t have the strength to get up. Julia leaned her head against the wall and she sat like that for a while.


After some time passed, the sound of the door opening was finally heard.


Julia raised her head and her eyes met Fernan, who was quietly looking down at her.


“Uh, Your Highness.”


Julia hurriedly got her body up. She was holding on to his large hand without realizing it, fearing that he might go back in.


“… Do not go. “If it’s okay, just for a moment, please talk to me.”


Fernan’s eyes as he looked at her were unfathomably deep and dark.


Although the force was a little scary, Julia could hardly let go of this hand.


Finally, Fernan took her wrist away without saying a word.


At that moment, Julia involuntarily screamed at the pain penetrating her wrist.




Fernan frowned at her and reflexively lowered his gaze. Then he stared at the bright blue bruises on her wrists.


His eyes twitched subtly for a moment, but that gaze did not linger for long.


Soon he turned away again and walked down the hallway.


“Now, wait… .”


Julia hurriedly tried to follow him as he walked away, but fell before he could get far.


Her ankle must have been broken because she walked too hard, and a sobbing sound escaped her.


“… flaw.”


She couldn’t move anymore because it hurt. She had to follow him, but she was upset that things weren’t going her way.


Somehow it felt like her tears were about to pour out, so Julia folded her brows and held back her tears.


At that moment, the sound of his distant footsteps began to get closer again.


“… “There are so many different things.”


A soft whisper was heard. When she raised her head, Fernan had already returned and was standing there, chewing on her lip.


He bent his body towards her as she lay face down. Her strong arms supported the backs of her knees and her waist, holding her lightly.


Because of the position in which he was held, his face came closer. Julia lifted her glaring eyes and looked at him.


Fernan began to walk in silence, without even looking at her.


“Thank you… .”


Julia muttered softly and looked up at him in bewilderment.


Of course, she thought he would leave without mercy, so she couldn’t help but wonder if he came back.


His expression was still cold, without any warmth.


However, his embrace was warmer than she thought as it touched she body, and his hand holding her was careful.


Even though the gap was unfamiliar, she was willing without hesitation.


“Your Highness, I… .”


Her heart was pounding, and Julia, catching her breath, opened her mouth again.


“… I have never once thought of harming Your Majesty. “It won’t happen in the future.”


“… … .”


“That weak medicine back then… It’s my fault. Your Majesty deserved to be misunderstood… .”


“You seem to be mistaken about something.”


A calm, indifferent voice interrupted her words.


“I am not misunderstanding you.”


“… … .”


“If you want to know the reason for my attitude, I’ll tell you.”


Fernan looked down at her, his eyes betraying no emotion whatsoever.


“I didn’t want to have you as my wife from the beginning. That’s my reason.”


Fernan’s words pierced her heart. Julia, who had been staring at him endlessly, eventually dropped her gaze.


His words hurt, but she felt nothing compared to what she had been through so far.


She must have been like that, but the pain that was worse than when she was beaten and when she heard her swear was pressing down on her.


She spoke in a trembling voice as Julia rolled down the corners of her red eyes.


“But I, Your Highness… .”


“… … .”


“… “I liked you from the beginning.”


Fernan stopped his steps and looked down at her with narrowed eyes.


Julia lifted her gaze again and she met her eyes with his. Her crying voice continued.


“I like it, I don’t want to go away. I don’t want to get hurt… .”


Tears flowed from her blue eyes.


Julia lifted her trembling hand and she brought it to his face. However, unable to reach him, her fallen hand hovered vaguely in the air.


Always like this, she wanted to touch him. She wanted to make eye contact with him and speak kind words to him from such a close distance.


Actually, She liked this guy from the beginning.


A long time ago, a kind man held out his hand like a light in a dark room. A calm voice told Her not to cry because he would be with her.


For Julia, this man remained such a warm memory.


From the moment she met him again, everything about him got better.


She liked this strong man who seemed to have nothing to fear. She liked that he seemed like people from a completely different world from her.


So even though he was a man who hurt her so much, Julia couldn’t possibly hate him.


Even though it was stupid and foolish, She just couldn’t control my mind.


Fernan looked down at her for a long moment with an unreadable expression on his face. Then, he quickly withdrew his gaze from her and started walking slowly.


Passing down the hall and into her room, Fernan set her down on her bed and turned straight to her.


A low-pitched voice came from him.


“Your heart is of no use to me.”


He walked away again. With his back turned, as always.

Julia heart throbbed painfully again at the sight of his back, which she had seen so tiresomely.


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