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IWTRML Chapter 11

IWTRML Chapter 11

Chapter 11


The place Raynan headed to was none other than Edwin’s bedroom.


While I looked blankly at Raynan’s back as he casually opened the door and entered as if it were his own bedroom, the door closed coldly.


I only thought for a moment that I wanted to run away like this, but as if reading my mind, the door opened right away.


“What are you doing?”


When I made eye contact with Raynan, I felt like I had been caught running away, so I looked elsewhere.


He was holding the door and waiting for me to come in. I walked quickly into the bedroom and heard the door close behind me.


The sound was so familiar, I wondered why I jumped, especially since I shouldn’t have been able to see him.


I turned slowly, and to my surprise, his gaze wasn’t on me


Raynan’s head slowly moved from left to right. Just like seeing Edwin’s room.


I didn’t know him well, but this was my first time in an atmosphere like this.


It wasn’t heavy, but it felt serious enough that it shouldn’t be easily overlooked.


“Shall I bring the tea?”


I was cautious that even saying these words might be a distraction, but I still felt like I needed to leave the room for a while.




Tea could be prepared in Edwin’s bedroom as well. It was equipped with everything.


But I left Edwin’s bedroom and headed to my room. I felt like I had to give him some time to be alone.


Of course, it was also a decision for me, as I could never be comfortable with Raynan.


“Rather, when should I go back in?”


After preparing hot water, I fell into deep thought.


How much time should I give him? If I hold on like this, won’t Edwin come back and my time alone will disappear?


That’s okay too.


For a very brief moment, I felt tempted.


But I let out that thought along with a deep sigh. If you do that, you could end up being held longer or faced with more cruel gaze.


While I was lost in thought, the water had cooled down a bit.


I debated whether to buy more time by heating the water again, or rather give him a little more time, but in the end, I decided to go back to Edwin’s bedroom.


Raynan was sitting on Edwin’s bed. It even seemed like he was watching Edwin sleep. His hand was slowly sweeping Edwin’s blanket.


As soon as I was ready to unload the tea, I felt a sign of presence in front of me. As if he had never looked around his bedroom with such concentration, Raynan returned to his usual indifferent expression.


“Sit down.”




Unlike him, who was comfortably leaning on the sofa, I was not comfortable at all. I slowly poured the tea with my back straight, barely covering my hips.


Again. The sound of tea falling was particularly loud. It was such a quiet room that I was careful to even breathe.


In that situation, I felt a little more at ease if I could at least hear the sound of water.


But after pouring the tea, I could no longer hear any sounds that would make me feel comfortable. For some reason, Raynan just stared at me without even touching the teacup.


The bedroom was lively when Edwin was there, but now that Raynan is sitting there…


It was cold, heavy and dark. It’s definitely the same place, but the atmosphere can change so much depending on the person. It was a time when I was amazed again.


“Let’s begin.”


I just blinked at the sudden suggestion to start. I was able to quickly understand the meaning of those words because I was really busy moving my head. Thank goodness.


But the problem was that I didn’t know where to start or how to start.


“Young master Edwin, it seems he read about morning glories in a book. He’s curious about what it looks like…”


First, I started with the reason why we planted flowers today. Even as I said it, I wondered if this was right, but Raynan did not show any particular reaction.


I guess this is right. I continued the story while paying attention.


He listened to the story about Edwin with a rather relaxed expression. He even burst into laughter when I mentioned that Edwin had asked him if morning glories made trumpet sounds.


Of course, when I saw that, I stopped speaking and acting for a moment.




If Raynan hadn’t urged me, I don’t know how long I would have just stared blankly at his face.


It was unexpected to see something so different from his usual chilling, or even frightening, smile.


“So you drew a morning glories and showed it to him?”




“Did you throw it away?”


“Probably not, it’s probably between Edwin’s paintings…”


While we were talking about Edwin, why did the subject suddenly become a picture I drew?


As I continued to stutter in embarrassment, he lifted his chin.


“Let me see it.”


Raynan seemed to be a man who loved painting more than I thought. I didn’t know he would even be interested in my painting.


I found a picture of a morning glories in Edwin’s picture box and handed it to Raynan, who took it with interest.


For a split second, I felt his body twitch. I think I saw the trembling hand behind it somewhere.


As I was reminiscing about past memories, I heard Raynan’s stern voice.


“Edwin praised this painting?”


“Yes. He was very complimentary and liked it.”


“… This?”


When I saw Raynan, who could hardly take his eyes off the painting, I couldn’t tell him to give it back; Edwin would be disappointed if he took it.


Instead of urging Raynan, I placed a box in front of him. He seemed to be very touched by my consideration of asking him to view as much as he wanted and return it comfortably.


He looked back and forth between the painting box and at me and motioned for me to continue Edwin’s story.


After that, I mechanically recited Edwin’s daily life for a while. They were very minor and therefore insignificant things.


I kept looking at him, wondering if it was okay to say something like this, but Raynan listened to my story with a serious expression on his face.


“Is this all?”


After I finished speaking, which seemed to be interrupted, he asked in a puzzled voice.


You mean more, right? Think of it. I have to think of a cute picture of Edwin.


No matter how much I thought about it, nothing came to mind. We had already run out of tea, and it was starting to get dark outside.


I even drank all the tea, as my throat was dry from talking.


I talked so hard, but it was natural that nothing came to mind.


I felt like I had told everything I could remember about Edwin.


Is he harassing me? I didn’t come to you on time? But if I had come sooner, I wouldn’t have been scolded for coming often.


“Not Edwin, but you…”


Raynan, who had been waiting for me to think for a long time without saying anything, spoke first. But his words did not last until the end.


Suddenly, the door burst open and a bright voice was heard.




Edwin froze for a moment, holding on to the wide open door. Roman, who was standing behind Edwin, was not much different.


Roman was busy moving his eyes around with a look of surprise or embarrassment on his face.


While everyone was still, the air slowly began to move.


At some point, Raynan, who had been leaning forward and concentrating on the story, slowly sank into the sofa.


A satisfied smile spread across his face as he was in a much more comfortable position than before.


“It would be a good idea to take etiquette training as well.”


It was another moment when Edwin’s private education increased.





Raynan recalled Renee talking excitedly for a while. The more I looked at her, the more interesting she was.


It’s not a big story, but you talk about it as if it’s something great, and the affection for Edwin naturally comes out but you just know him for a while.


She had so many stories to tell, but I couldn’t figure out why she had never come to visit. I’d deliberately made it easy for her to come.


When she was bothering me, she would just pop out from time to time.


But the reason I wasn’t angry was because when I looked at her face, all my negative feelings somehow disappeared.


That may be why Edwin opened his heart so quickly and followed Renee.


Maybe she’s quite a dangerous woman.


Above all, the more I looked at Renee, the more an unknown impulse arose.


Especially when blue eyes looked up at me, a strange feeling that I had never felt before flinched somewhere in my heart.


It seemed to want something, or maybe it wanted to say something, but I couldn’t quite figure out what.


If you look at me with such earnest eyes, who would easily reject you? But it was frustrating because she rarely spoke on her own.


“Are you okay?”




“It’s good for Edwin to receive some education now, but…”


Roman, who had looked worried about something the entire time he left Edwin’s bedroom, finally opened his mouth as soon as he entered the office.


His worries weren’t unreasonable. This was also one of the results of the impulse that arose because of Renee.


Anyway, haven’t Roman and Raynan been saying for a long time that it’s not the right time yet?


“It’s sooner than I thought, but it has to be done anyway.”


“Yes. But there are already people who think it’s strange.”


“Anyway, the word kept going around one way or another, didn’t it? Let’s just watch for now.”


“All right.”


I couldn’t tell if this impulse was good or bad.


I wonder if there’s another way to look at it: something you’ve been planning for a long time is starting to go wrong, but you don’t feel bad about it.


I’m still confident that what I’ve worked so hard on won’t fall apart.


“What is that unidentifiable graffiti?”


Roman asked, pointing to the paper on Raynan’s desk that had been on his mind the entire time.


“Is this by any chance a secret password?”


“It’s morning glories.”


Roman’s mouth dropped open at Raynan’s indifferent answer. Roman, who bent down to observe the painting a little more, said with a sad face.


“Young master Edwin, your drawing skills have diminished.”


Raynan, who did not feel the need to correct his misunderstanding, asked another question instead of answering.


“What happened to the background investigation on Renee?”


“Basically, there doesn’t seem to be any problem, but…”




“I’m looking into it a little more because I’m stuck.”


“Is there something wrong?”


“There are times when I cannot confirm, as if something has been intentionally covered up.”


“It was covered up on purpose.”


“Yeah. It’s probably nothing, but I want to make sure.”


He said it with an indifferent expression, but neither he nor Raynan believed it. When it comes to dark corners, Roman’s premonitions are exceptional.


“As expected, she’s quite a troublesome woman.”


There was laughter in Raynan’s voice. It was because he was looking forward to her visit, which was annoying but fun at the same time.


Roman, who couldn’t even guess Raynan’s feelings, was thinking something completely different inside.



He hadn’t expected him to say it to his face.


Raynan’s attitude so far has been ambiguous enough to confuse even Roman. He clearly seemed bothered, but at the same time he seemed strangely accepting of Renee.


I knew it. It’s impossible for Raynan to accept someone.


When I thought of Raynan, who usually treated people coldly, it seemed like it was a good thing that Renee had held on until now.


Roman’s heart started to get anxious.


This was because I wanted to prevent Edwin from feeling loss and feeling sad because Renee, whom Edwin loved so much, disappeared overnight.


The good news was that there hadn’t been any instructions from Raynan regarding Renee.


If Rene was out of his sight, at least for a while, Edwin might not have anything to be sad about.


I thought it would be better to give advice to Renee as soon as possible.


  1. Linsay27 says:

    Thank you for the translation, quite a good story 🙂

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