“‘Already?’ It’s been well over an hour since I arrived. I really should be going now.”
“You can stay longer.”
“Our parents will be returning from the palace soon.”
With that, Ares buried his face into the nape of my neck, whining with his whole body.
Sigh, but what’s not allowed is still not allowed.
I tried to push him away with my hands, using all my strength to get him to detach from me, but he resisted with his body, not budging an inch.
As I struggled, Ares began kissing my neck, earlobes, and collarbone, leaving soft, ticklish sensations that made me twist my body and gasp for breath.
“S-stop it, Ares…!”
Is he really supposed to be injured? How is he so strong!
When I finally managed to put up a strong enough fight, Ares pulled back slightly. Yet, he still held me tightly with his arm around my back and his legs entangled with mine.
Ares called out to me in a voice full of longing, his eyes reflecting the same emotion. Determined not to be swayed, I met his gaze, staring back with all the intensity I could muster.
But to my surprise, Ares’s expression gradually began to cloud over.
Hmm, I didn’t expect him to react like this. Did I overdo it with the glaring?
“Bianca… What do I have to do… to make you stay with me?”
In an instant, a cold shiver ran through my heart.
“If you keep looking at me with those eyes that seem like you’ve given up on everything… I don’t know what I’ll do…”
“Even though I can hold you like this, I can’t help but feel anxious, as if you might disappear at any moment.”
Ares’s eyes looked as though he was on the verge of tears.
Honestly, it feels like Ares has some kind of sixth sense hidden away somewhere. When it comes to me, he’s more perceptive than even my parents. Or maybe, whenever one of the novel’s ‘Pillars’ appears, some alarm goes off in Ares’s subconscious, pushing him toward a happy ending.
Either way, I can’t give him a clear answer to ease his anxiety. All I could do was offer him the most beautiful smile I could manage.
“When your arm heals, let’s go on a trip together. Just the two of us, with no one else.”
“After spending a few days in a beautiful place, you’ll feel better. We both need a break right now.”
Without saying a word, Ares pulled me into a tight embrace. If my warmth could comfort him, even just for a moment, I was more than willing to offer him my arms.
I got out of bed and started to straighten my clothes. Ares quietly watched me as I did.
“I’ll see you again, Ares. Get plenty of rest.”
“Yes, Bianca. I hope you recover quickly too. My arm will heal soon enough.”
Ares’s voice was filled with genuine regret as he said goodbye.
Back home, with Miranda’s help, I changed back into my indoor clothes and crawled into bed. Ares’s scent still lingered at the tip of my nose.
The fact that Ares had gone out of his way to bring up what happened at the hunting grounds was likely because he felt uneasy. He had noticed that one of the novel’s ‘Pillars’ had appeared and that I was deeply shaken by it.
But honestly, Ares didn’t need to go out of his way to explain himself to me. I believe that, in the ‘present,’ Ares loves me.
From Leah’s perspective, though, it would make sense for her to feel that her relationship with Ares had suddenly become closer—after all, he did save her life.
Of course, I have no way of knowing exactly what conversation transpired between Ares and Leah in the hunting grounds. And, honestly, I don’t particularly want to know.
Even if Ares said something affectionate to Leah, it wouldn’t come as much of a surprise to me. Ares drew a line with Leah out of consideration for me, but he didn’t completely sever their friendship.
What really pains me, what makes my heart ache so deeply, is how incredibly envious I am of Leah’s love, a love that holds the promise of a future.
But even so, I refuse to pity myself. Self-pity is something I despise more than anything. Leah has lived her life to the fullest in her own way, and I’ve done the same in mine. That’s enough. I won’t dwell on things beyond my control and make myself sick over them.
The thing I can’t control—that’s Ares’s heart. Even though he loves me so much right now, I can’t interfere with who he might love in the future.
All I can do is wish for his eternal happiness.
I must have fallen asleep at some point, because I only realized I had been sleeping when Miranda shook me awake.
“Have Mother and Father returned?”
“Yes, my lady. They just came back and are preparing to have dinner.”
I should get ready too. There’s so much I want to hear.
When I entered the dining room where dinner was being served, my parents were just about to take their seats. Father looked at me with surprised eyes and asked,
“I heard you visited Lord Stanley. Are you feeling better?”
“Yes. I took a nap, and I’m feeling much better now. How did things go at the Imperial Palace?”
Mother, with a somewhat tense expression, began to speak.
“Fortunately, the gang of assailants was captured early, allowing for a swift investigation. It turns out that the suspicious Nesso Baron you mentioned was indeed one of them.”
“They interrogated him for several days and managed to uncover the general outline of the mastermind behind it. It seems he was a distant relative of the Emperor, a collateral royal who would have been in line for succession if there were no princesses.”
Hmph. Even so, it would all have been in vain if he hadn’t been elected by the council of nobles. That branch must have been quite confident. Perhaps they were planning to offer bribes.
“What exactly was Baron Nesso’s role?”
“He’s a young noble who recently inherited his barony. The collateral royal promised him ownership of the imperial estate he currently manages if he could secure a claim to the throne. His greed got the better of him.”
Father shook his head in disapproval.
“How is Princess Ariel?”
“She was quite shocked at the time, but her naturally cheerful disposition seems to have helped her recover quickly,” Mother replied in a calm tone.
Well, I know Princess Ariel’s temperament well enough. Still, it’s surprising that she shows no sign of change after such a major incident. Perhaps her strong nerves are a good fit for someone destined to sit on the Emperor’s throne.
* * *
For several days afterward, the official gazette issued by the Imperial Palace featured the face of the wanted collateral royal daily.
In the end, it was reported that the royal, cornered by the tightening investigation, took his own life. His unfortunate family members had their estate confiscated and were forced to renounce their titles.
The so-called Baron Nesso was also severely punished. For disguising his family members as the gang of assailants and sending them into the hunting grounds, he lost his title and the rights to manage the estate. Ultimately, he was sentenced to life imprisonment.
The Empress personally summoned me to commend my actions in identifying Baron Nesso during the hunting competition.
“Lady Uranos, your thoroughness practically saved our imperial line. That you know the face of every noble in the capital is truly astonishing.”
“You are too kind, Your Majesty. I couldn’t have done it without the help of Lady Metis Nereid,” I responded modestly. However, the Empress didn’t stop there.
“The Lady’s diligence is certainly something our Princess Ariel must learn from. I hope this incident has taught her a valuable lesson.”
“…I will do my best.”
Princess Ariel, who was seated alongside the Empress, appeared slightly displeased by the Empress’s blunt criticism. She answered reluctantly and added a comment of her own.
“But how can anyone predict what the future holds…?”
Ugh, that’s precisely why you need to be thoroughly prepared for the future, stubborn Princess!
The Empress seemed to share my frustration, letting out a deep sigh.
“This time, you were complacent, Princess. You must always strive for perfection and handle every matter with caution, just like Lady Uranos.”
“…I will keep that in mind, Mother.”
If you’re going to bow your head in the end, why bother arguing in the first place? Honestly.
“I’ve also heard that it was you who expressed concern for the Princess’s safety to the Duchess of Stanley. I was genuinely impressed.”
The Empress, seemingly intent on making her point, openly praised me in front of Princess Ariel.
Haha, while I appreciate the compliment, this might stir up unnecessary trouble. If Princess Ariel takes offense, it could become a headache.
I responded with a modest smile.
“It was merely a word of caution. It is the Duchess of Stanley, with her keen insight, who deserves the credit for heeding the words of someone as inexperienced as myself.”
The Empress, evidently satisfied with my response, beamed with approval.
“You always say that, but your humility is truly remarkable, Lady Uranos.”
Despite her praise, I couldn’t shake the feeling that too much attention might lead to complications.
“I was simply doing what any noble of the Empire should. Knowing that the Princess is safe is enough for me. I only regret that we couldn’t witness the Princess’s renowned hunting skills due to the unexpected circumstances.”
I suppose it’s about time to give Princess Ariel some credit.
“…Thank you, Lady Uranos. You saved my life.”
The Princess’s voice lacked enthusiasm as she responded.
She might secretly find it distasteful and irritating, but she couldn’t deny the undeniable fact that her life was saved because of me.
Episode 62.5 Chapter 14. The Sun is Most Beautiful When it is Red (1)
Ares was also recognized for his efforts in protecting both the Princess and Leia. Naturally, he received a significant reward. The social circles were buzzing with praise, hailing him as truly worthy of the name Stanley.
However, Ares himself didn’t seem to care much. He declined all the invitations flooding in from the nobility, citing his focus on healing his injuries as the reason.
I knew why Ares was so dedicated to his recovery. It was the same thing he mentioned in every letter he sent, almost daily…
Oh no! What was I thinking when I suggested we take a trip together, just the two of us? I only said it to comfort him on the day I visited him while he was so down. Who would have thought he’d latch onto that idea so tenaciously!
Honestly, the level of detail in his updates on his recovery was so precise that I thought he might as well present it at a medical conference.
Worn out by his earnest persistence, I had no choice but to ask for permission in front of both my father and mother to use our family’s villa for a few days.
“The villa by the beach?”
“Yes, Father.”
“So, who will be joining you?”
Ugh, my father’s gaze was so intense that I instinctively shrank back.
“So, you’re saying you want to stay at the villa for not just one day, but several days, with that Ares fellow?”
My voice came out in a whisper, barely audible.
Beside him, my mother lightly scolded him with a hint of amusement.
“Oh dear, ‘fellow’? If someone overheard, they might think he’s a scoundrel.”
Ahh, it feels like there are flames burning in my father’s eyes! What do I do…?
I was so intimidated that I lowered my head, almost mumbling my response.
“If you say no, then…I’ll understand…”
It seems like using our villa is out of the question. I’m sorry, Ares. Sigh…
Then, my mother added another remark.
“Dear, wouldn’t it be better for them to stay at our villa than to have something happen in some completely random place…?”
“Ugh! That’s even worse!”
Hmm, although something about Mother’s words slightly bothered me, they were certainly effective in persuading Father.
“…Alright, Bianca. I’ll allow you to use the villa by the beach.”
Is…is this a success?
“But, tell that Ares fellow to come see me before you leave!”