I Taught You Carefully, So Why Are You Obsessed?

It has been a few days since I returned from the capital.

During that time, the garden, which used to flood the room with the scent of flowers even when the window was half-open, had started sprouting green leaves.

As I strolled through the garden, I shaded my eyes from the sunlight pouring down on my head.

“It’s hot….”

It seemed that summer was approaching, and without a hat, my skin would soon start to sting.

Since that day, when I returned from the capital, I had been waiting for an opportunity to ask about a trip to the southern villa. However, coincidentally, Ian had become noticeably busier since that day, and aside from our regular morning breakfasts, I hadn’t had the chance to persuade him. But now, I was troubled for a different reason.


‘Isn’t my role becoming unnecessarily large at this point?’

Yes, that was the problem.

My original plan was to raise Ian’s and my reputation to a reasonable level, gather a bunch of allies, and then smoothly divorce him around the time Diana returned.

But ever since meeting the Emperor, I couldn’t shake the feeling that things were going wrong.

The Emperor seemed to trust me too much, and Ian didn’t seem to be cooperative about the divorce. At this rate, I wouldn’t be able to face Diana.

As I wandered aimlessly around the garden, a thought suddenly occurred to me, and my eyebrows drooped sorrowfully.

‘Come to think of it, Diana’s birthday is soon….’

The fact that summer was approaching meant that Diana’s birthday was also near. I thought of Diana, who must be at the academy by now, and my heart sank again.

‘I wonder if she even had a proper birthday meal there.’

My dear, how hard her life must be away from home.


Never had I regretted being Ian Cloud’s wife more than I did now.

“At this rate, you’ll create a hole in the ground, Duchess.”


Startled by the sudden voice beside me, I jumped in place.

I turned my head reflexively to see a somewhat familiar face. Short, red hair, eyes of a slightly brighter and more vivid red, sharp eyes that slanted upwards, and a large mouth curled into a grin.


It was Ian’s personal wizard, who was always by his side. His distinctive face made him hard to forget.

“Ah, next time, make sure to announce yourself first. Your name was… Ka…”

“Kyle Elzeir, Your Grace. I didn’t expect you to be so startled. My apologies.”

He smiled brightly as if it didn’t bother him at all that I had forgotten his name.

His face didn’t match his words at all; he didn’t look the least bit sorry.

Why did Ian have so many people around him who said one thing and did another? The Emperor was like that, and so was this wizard.

“…Right, Lord Elzeir.”

“Your Grace, there’s no need to be so formal. Just call me Kyle. The Duke also calls me that.”

Then he even winked, making me feel a bit overwhelmed by his unexpected cheerfulness.

‘Ian really knows how to keep such a lively subordinate close by.’

Meanwhile, Kyle was looking at me with a face full of curiosity.

“So, what are you troubled about? I’ve been watching, and you’ve been sighing deeply since you walked over here.”

“You were watching?”

“I have pretty good eyesight.”

That’s not what I meant.

“…I was just lost in thought for a moment. But what brings you here?”

I subtly took a step back and scanned him from head to toe. It should be training time around now.

Noticing my suspicious gaze, Kyle shamelessly smiled.

“Oh my, aren’t you staring a bit too intently? It’s nothing much, I was just playing hooky.”

“…Playing hooky?”

He stroked his chin seriously.

“Yes. I was wondering how I could slack off more effectively… I’ve been pondering that.”

I was at a loss for words. Did he just proudly declare that he was slacking off in front of his master?

Seeing my dumbfounded expression, Kyle shook with silent laughter. Only then did I realize that this red-haired wizard was making fun of me.

“I’m just joking. It’s break time, so I was just getting some fresh air.”


“If you stay cooped up in the lab all the time, you don’t get much sunlight. So, I take a walk whenever I get the chance; it’s the only way I can get some sunlight.”

He shrugged as he spoke.

‘I almost thought he was serious. How can someone tell a joke so seriously?’

Whether he knew my thoughts or not, Kyle, who had been grinning, took a step forward and stood beside me.

“The truth is, Your Grace, seeing you walk through the garden with such a worried expression, I couldn’t help but ask what was troubling you. It’s my duty as someone who serves you.”

He didn’t seem particularly loyal, though.

“If you don’t mind, could you share what’s on your mind? I’m quite a good listener, you know. The Duke also shares his troubles with me sometimes.”

Kyle deliberately lowered his voice, grinning slyly. I’m sorry, but that wasn’t a very trustworthy expression.

“Um, could you please take a step back? You’re making me uncomfortable.”

“Oh, my apologies.”

Kyle quickly took a step back. As I glanced over at him, I rolled my eyes.

‘It’s not like I can figure this out on my own anyway…’

After all, if he was Ian’s close aide, that meant he wasn’t entirely untrustworthy, so perhaps it would be okay to confide in him a little. Of course, I’d have to be careful and indirect so he wouldn’t catch on.

After rolling my tongue around in my mouth a few times, I finally spoke.

“Well, there is someone I’m concerned about.”

“Someone you’re concerned about?”

Kyle’s eyes widened.

“Oh, don’t misunderstand. I just want to support them purely, nothing more.”

“So, there’s someone like that.”

Kyle let out an amused sound, a sly smile spreading across his face.

‘Yeah, he still doesn’t seem that trustworthy.’

But since I had already started talking, it felt awkward to stop now. I pondered how to explain the concept of a “favorite person” to him.

“This person is… well, I just want them to always be happy, for everything to go well for them, and I want to support them from just one step behind.”

Kyle suddenly interrupted.

“Isn’t that just liking someone?”


“If you want to cheer them on, wish for their happiness, and if they’re on your mind, that means you like them, doesn’t it?”

“Well… I guess, technically, yes…”

Because I love Diana.

Kyle grinned mischievously.

“So, do you feel like you want to stay by their side and protect them? Do you feel a deep affection?”

This time, I shook my head firmly.

“No. It doesn’t matter who’s by their side. What I want is their happiness.”

Love for your favorite person should be noble and pure, without possessiveness. For Diana’s happiness, I would even reform that lousy Ian and place him by her side.

Kyle blinked, looking like he hadn’t expected that answer.

What do you know, anyway?

“…In any case, I thought I was doing my best for that person, but it feels like my efforts haven’t had much of an impact.”

Yeah, I’m starting to get scared that all of this might be for nothing.

As I gazed at the trees sprouting green leaves in despair, I turned my eyes back to Kyle.

“…If you were in my situation, Kyle, what would you do?”

Kyle blinked as our eyes met.

“Well… so you’re worried that you might not be of any help to the person you like, Duchess?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

He rolled his eyes for a moment before speaking.

“Why do you think you aren’t being helpful to them?”


Because Diana is overseas right now. I need to pave the way for her happiness, but what if the flowers I’m planting turn out to be rocks instead? If that happens, I might even lose my position as her number one fan.

Seeing my increasingly grim expression, Kyle’s usually playful face grew serious as well.

After watching me quietly for a while, he spoke in an unexpectedly sincere tone.

“Your Grace, you may think you’re not helping, but if you truly want to support that person, I’m sure things will move in a good direction. And perhaps that person already understands your intentions.”

Surprised by his unexpectedly sound advice, I looked up at him.

“…Do you really think so?”

“Yes, at least I do.”

He replied with a confident tone.

“…I see.”

He probably didn’t even know who Diana was, but hearing his words somehow made me feel comforted. Maybe what I really wanted was to hear that I wasn’t wrong.

‘You’ve grown weak, Eloise, finding comfort in words like these.’

Kyle glanced at his watch and spoke with a slightly troubled expression.

“…Oh, I’d love to continue this conversation, but it’s time for me to get back to work.”

“Oh, don’t worry. You should go quickly.”

I waved him off easily.

Kyle looked at me regretfully for a moment before bowing politely.

“Alright, then I’ll be going.”

As he straightened up, he rolled his eyes and added,

“…And, Your Grace?”


“I’m sure it will be conveyed! Your feelings, that is.”

Why does he talk as if he’s the one who will deliver them?

Before I could respond, he grinned and stepped back.

“Then, until next time.”


❖ ❖ ❖


“I’m aware that you are dutiful in your role, Duchess.”

The next morning at breakfast.

Ian, who had been staring at me intently, suddenly spoke out of the blue. As I was about to put a forkful of peas in my mouth, I blinked and looked at him.

“…Excuse me?”

What was he talking about all of a sudden?


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