I Stole the Heroine's Holy Grail

ISTHHG Chapter 68

Adelia woke up in the morning and had a simple meal and relaxed tea time. The opera will start in the late afternoon, so there was still a lot of time left.

Then Libby, who came to clean the room, heard Adelia and Ivan’s promise and made a fuss that she shouldn’t be like this.

“Oh, my God! You can’t be like this right now!”

“Hmm? But the opera starts at 4 p.m.”

“Oh… no.”

Libby wrapped her forehead with an expression as if the sky had collapsed.

“Please wait here for a moment!”

Libby told her to wait and hurried out of the room. Adelia looked perplexed and wondered what the hell was wrong with Libby. Libby returned less than 10 minutes after leaving the room with numerous maids. Adelia blinked blankly at the maids entering her room.

“Viscount! Leave it to us!”


“Oh, of course you need to prepare for your appointment!”

Adelia was still perplexed. She’s not even going to attend a ball of a powerful person, so she wondered if it was something to prepare so enthusiastically.

“Now! Take a bath first!”

Adelia was drawn by the hands of the maids and immersed herself in the bathtub. The maids washed Adelia harder than usual. It was a delicate and persistent touch like a craftsman smelting jewelry.

Next was a massage. The maids laid Adelia on a special bed made for massage and worked hard to acupressure her body. Saying that her body needs to get more complexion.

Adelia was finally able to leave the bathroom and return to her room after a long two-hour bath.

“Guys, did you prepare this?”


“Of course.”

“…can I ask what that is?”

Adelia was surprised to see the maids coming in with a huge box.

“Oh, it’s a makeup kit! You don’t have to worry, so sit down!”

Adelia sighed at Libby’s explanation. It seems it still has a long way to go before these ends. Libby and the maids took various tools out of the box. She seemed to be preparing for her earnestly. Adelia sat quietly, just following Libby and the maids. She didn’t want to lose her energy because she thought it wouldn’t work even if she told her to stop.

“Your Highness is going on a date. I can’t believe it.”

The maid in charge of Adelia’s hair said in an excited voice. As if to sympathize with her, other maids around her nodded without hesitation. Adelia opened her mouth with a rather shy face.

“…a date. We’re just going to an opera….”

“Oh, you’re going to the opera together, so of course it’s a date!”

“That’s right, that’s right. Don’t deny it!”

The maids vehemently denied Adelia’s words. Adelia’s mouth closed tightly.

The maids hummed happily and continued to dress Adelia. Decorating their master’s lover was very exciting for the maid. Perhaps that’s why the maids were more excited than usual. Libby, in particular, walked around Adelia with brisk steps like walking in the clouds.

They grew like siblings together with Lensley, the first Knight Commander of the Duchy. Lensley confirmed to her that Adelia was the benefactor of the day, so Libby’s loyalty was growing day by day.

“Now! It’s time to pick out the jewelry! Dear Gatel!”

Libby turned her head and looked at the maid, Gatel.

“It’s my first time to greet you officially. I’m sorry for the delay, I should have said hello earlier.”

A middle-aged woman with neat grayish-brown hair bowed to Adelia. Adelia shook her head and raised Gatel.

“Get up. There’s nothing to apologize for. I’m just a guest.”

“But you’re not an ordinary guest.”

There was a gentle smile on Gatel’s lips.

“…that’s right. You’re not an ordinary guest.”

“Please open the box.”

Gatel held out a colorful embossed box in front of Adelia. Adelia wondered what this was and gave Gatel a mysterious look. Gatel calmly explained the identity of the box.

“It’s a case of jewelry that was used by the former Grand Duchess.”

“…I can’t use this.”

Adelia’s face showed signs of discomfort. Gatel said firmly to Adelia.

“No, you are well qualified to use it. Please open the box.”

Adelia was momentarily overwhelmed by Gatel’s spirit. She slowly opened the box, overwhelmed by Gatel’s subtle urging. Then, jewels that were well managed and still did not lose their light appeared in her eyes.

Gatel wept as she looked at the jewelry box that had been opened after a long time.

How long has it been since we opened this box?

Watching the Grand Duke, who was living his life almost in vain, Gatel used to worry about this from time to time. She may not be able to serve the Grand Duke’s wife to the fullest.

“Today’s dress is dark green, so I think you’d better wear this necklace with yellow sapphire on it.”

Gatel looked through the box with fierce eyes and recommended one that stood out. Adelia hesitated for a moment.

Can I really use this?

Even at a glance, ornaments that were of enormous value were not inferior to being called heirlooms. She can’t imagine how the Grand Duke would react when she shows up wearing this necklace. As Adelia was unable to answer, Gatel asked in a cautious voice.

“Don’t you like it?”

“…No, I like it, but….”

At Adelia’s reply, Gatel did not hesitate to put the necklace around her neck. It was so quick that she couldn’t stop it.

“You look great!”

“Oh, my God. The necklace met its owner.”

“You’re so beautiful.”

The maids poured out compliments nonstop. A round of applause followed behind their voices. This made it impossible to take off the necklace.

A thin sigh came from Adelia’s mouth. The four-hour long dressing up is finally over.

“It’s done.”

The maid, who had been touching her hair with all her heart and soul, backed down with a happy face. Gatel and the maids flocked around Adelia to see the results. The result was perfection, itself.


“Oh my…! That’s perfect.”

The maids nodded when they heard Gatel’s evaluation. The yellow rose stuck between the neatly rolled hair in several braids matched Adelia’s small face very well. Adelia was inwardly surprised, although it was not obvious on the outside.

How can a person be so different…?

Adelia looked in the mirror for a while and checked the clock in the mirror. Before she knew it, the appointment time was near. Slowly raising herself, Adelia opened the door.


When she opened the door, she saw the back of a man standing firm. Adelia sighed quietly and said to Demalo.

“Take a rest today.”

“…I can’t do that.”

Demalo’s expression was complicated. He heard the maids chattering through the door.

What do you mean ‘date’?

Demalo couldn’t accept the reality at all. The little girl is going on a date with the Grand Duke….


“It’s up to me. Please take a rest. Don’t follow me.”

Adelia desperately ordered Demalo to rest. Demalo shut up at Adelia’s determined voice. Adelia sighed deeply.

“…I think I’ll be back soon, so just relax.”

“What time will you be back?”

“I’ll be back before night.”

“…I see.”

Demalo backed away as if he couldn’t do anything. Adelia hurried past Demalo and went down to the first floor.


Ivan’s eyes, looking at the documents, turned to the clock again. A sigh came out of Spencer’s mouth, who was assisting him. The Grand Duke has been keeping his eyes on the clock since this morning.

Naturally, the speed of processing documents was bound to decrease. Spencer couldn’t help but talk to him.

“Even if you look at your watch like that, time won’t fly fast.”

Then the Grand Duke’s gaze turned to Spencer. His eyes were sharp. Spencer quickly lowered his head and fixed his gaze on the papers.

“I was just saying.”

He didn’t forget to add a sloppy word. The duke clicked his tongue briefly and took his gaze away from Spencer. As Spencer said, looking at the clock does not mean that time will fly fast. Therefore, considering efficiency, it was right to focus on the documents.

But it wasn’t easy. Eventually, Ivan put down his pen and let go of Kravat. Spencer’s eyes opened wide and looked at the Grand Duke.



“Please take care of the rest.”

Spencer wanted to cry but was forced to nod. He won’t listen to him even if he stops him. Ivan left his work behind and headed for the kitchen.

I liked the meat pie.

Ivan thought carefully about the dinner he had with Adelia. She prefers desserts over the main dish. A ripe peach caught Ivan’s eye just in time. He rolled up his sleeves and started the pie dough. Ivan, who had been immersed in cooking for a long time, turned his head and checked the clock.

Before he knew it, the appointment time with Adelia was close.


Ivan called the chef’s name.

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“Keep the pie cold.”

“Don’t worry.”

Ivan hurried to tidy up and left the kitchen. Then he encountered Liam waiting in front of the kitchen.

“You’re here.”

“The Viscount of Yurpheon?”

“She’s waiting in the drawing room.”

Ivan hurried to the drawing room. When he finally reached the drawing room, Ivan could see Adelia sitting calmly and staring out the window.

Ivan froze to a halt.

An uncharacteristically blank look was fixed on Adelia, who was in a bored mood. Feeling Ivan’s sign, Adelia slowly turned her head. Adelia welcomed Ivan with a slightly awkward smile.

“You’re here.”

“…it looks good on you.”

Ivan’s eyes turned to Adelia’s necklace. Adelia, noticing this, touched the necklace and said,

“Oh, I’m sorry. Gatel brought it to me, and they were all excited to dress me up, so I couldn’t stop them.”

“There’s nothing to apologize for. It doesn’t matter if you use it as you like. I’d rather you use it often.”

A satisfactory smile settled around Ivan’s mouth. Adelia turned her head, somehow embarrassed.

“Then… shall we go now? It snowed a lot yesterday, so the road might be frozen….”


“That’s right.”

Ivan reached out his arm to Adelia. Adelia placed her hand carefully on Ivan’s arm.

It’s warm.

Although Adelia’s warmth could not be felt because of her thick winter clothes, for some reason, the part where her hands touched felt warm. It didn’t take long for the heat to spread throughout her body.



  1. Aiza J says:

    Lolll he couldn’t wait. And ‘father’ Demalo didn’t his daughter to date hahaha

  2. Sunset says:

    AAAAAA YES DATE TIME Can’t wait for the next update! 🙂

  3. Wizzy says:

    Lol I’m so confused. The necklace wa owned by the former grand duchess but Ivan is first in the line of the duchy because he got the title from the imperial family so where did this former duchess thing come from?

    1. Kurosov says:

      I decided to believe the former grand duchess is is grandmother from his mothers side so it doesn’t bug me.
      If the Grand Ducal couple only had a daughter who married the former emperor and that daughter only had two sons with the oldest becoming emperor then the ducal estate went to him.

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