I Ran Away With Obsessive Male Lead's Child


Chapter 41




When his irregular breathing finally became steady, Leticia, who was held tightly in his arms, rolled her eyes.

Using her ability was simple. All she had to do was wish for the person to fall asleep. To control dreams, she just had to picture the situation she wanted, and it would unfold in the person’s dream.

Arden fell asleep with an innocent look on his face. Watching him made her feel complicated.

He sometimes did things she couldn’t understand. Like now, when he acted differently than she expected. Whenever that happened, a small hope would bloom inside her, despite herself.

She hated it. Because there was no other reason behind his actions.


The pain she had forgotten about found her again. Leticia bit her lip, held her breath, and buried her face in his chest.


When would this excruciating pain that burned her entire body disappear? Probably never, as long as she loved him. It would torment her until she died. She wished she could feel nothing at all.

Arden’s embrace was too warm, and she wanted to escape. She feared she might be deceived by that warmth, despite herself.

Why was this man’s touch and embrace so warm, despite his cold heart?

Why couldn’t she let go of that warmth?

She kept questioning herself.

Arden gazed intently at the small figure nestled in his arms.

He couldn’t believe how refreshed he felt. He still couldn’t believe he could sleep so well. What was even more unbelievable was Leticia, sleeping soundly in his arms.

‘I thought she’d be gone when I opened my eyes.’

With a look of disbelief, he took in her face. He lightly stroked her pale, almost white face.

It was warm. No, maybe a bit hot?

Her brow furrowed slightly, and she seemed about to wake up. He quickly withdrew his hand. The soft, pudding-like texture of her skin lingered on his fingertips.

What was he doing to someone who was sleeping?

He felt pathetic. He couldn’t stay with her any longer.

No matter what he did, the moment Leticia opened her eyes, her cold gaze would pierce him. It was better to disappear from her sight than to receive that look in the morning.

She didn’t really like him. She had even tried to break off the marriage, using absurd excuses. Despite all his efforts, he felt her heart drifting further away.

‘She seems to be avoiding me on purpose.’

Whatever it was, he wouldn’t give her what she wanted. He had kept all his promises to her, so now it was her turn to keep hers to him.

Waking up and seeing someone next to him wasn’t a familiar scene for him either. He had sought her out just to sleep, and now that his desperation had subsided, a sense of peace washed over him.

He untangled his arms from around her and got out of bed. As his chest tightened again, he tilted his head back and ran a hand through his hair. Recently, it felt like there were more people around her. No, there definitely were more.


Was that why he felt anxious? It bothered him that her eyes, which used to look only at him, were now directed at others. He didn’t know when it started, but lately, he had been paying attention to Leticia’s every move.


This side of himself felt unfamiliar. He had never been so preoccupied with her before, so why now…?


He already had plenty to worry about. This was all because of Raymond’s nonsensical words. He shook his head to clear his thoughts and looked at Leticia again with a much more relaxed face after having slept. The morning sunlight made his golden hair shine, casting a beautiful light on him.


His slightly open robe revealed his toned body, but he didn’t seem to care about his disheveled appearance as he kept his eyes on her. She didn’t seem to be a light sleeper.


Her already pale skin looked even whiter in the sunlight. Her eyebrows furrowed, creating wrinkles on her smooth face. Arden, who had been admiring her face, turned his gaze to the window. He walked over without hesitation.


The light seeping through the small gap was hitting her face. He glanced at the clock before drawing the curtains to block the light. Her furrowed brow relaxed.


“She doesn’t seem like she’s planning to wake up.”


It wouldn’t hurt if she slept a little longer. He had a lot to do and was eager to leave the room quickly. There were numerous things he needed to attend to, especially dealing with Emperor Cadius. He wanted to get rid of him as soon as possible to feel at ease.


He turned to look at Leticia briefly.


“But why…?”


She didn’t look well.


He turned back and reached out his hand. When he placed it on her forehead, his face contorted with worry.




It wasn’t that she didn’t plan to wake up; she couldn’t wake up. Her forehead was burning hot. Arden pulled the bell rope. Perhaps it would be better if she didn’t attend.


When the maid entered, he pressed a finger to his lips.


He hoped she would sleep soundly until the end of the banquet, without waking up.


His selfish thoughts whispered to her.


❖ ❖ ❖


With a click, the door closed, and Leticia opened her eyes.




Her head was spinning. She realized there was something damp on her forehead. She struggled to lift her hand and remove it.


“What is this?”


The towel was warm and soaked.


“Your Majesty, the Queen, you shouldn’t get up yet.”


“Luena, why didn’t you wake me…?”


“Your fever is still high. Now that you’re awake, I’ll fetch the doctor.”


Luena immediately relayed the message to the maid outside. It was better if no one else was around when Verotin came. She had secrets that would be troublesome if overheard by others.



Leticia sat up and exhaled deeply. She could feel the heat of her breath.


“Maybe I pushed myself too hard.”


After seeing Arden fall asleep, she had also dozed off not long after. Turning her head to the side, she saw no trace of him. She lay back down on the spacious bed and stared at the ceiling.


Her body felt heavy and sluggish, unlike before. She was constantly tired, kept feeling sleepy, and had no appetite. It was no wonder her body was wasting away.


Leticia touched her parched lips with her hand.


“I’m thirsty.”


With the fever, her throat kept feeling parched. She asked Luena, who had just come in, to bring her some cool water, but was refused.


“You can’t have that. I’ll bring you some lukewarm water. The doctor is here.”


“Then please step outside for a moment.”


“Wouldn’t it be more comfortable if I stayed?”


Leticia shook her head. Too exhausted to argue, she gestured for her to leave. After a moment of hesitation, Luena closed the door behind her and left.


“I told you not to overdo it.”


Verotin sighed deeply and sat down in a chair. Since she was pregnant, even a little exertion would put a double burden on her body. He glanced at the Queen’s pale face. Yet, she still had a strikingly beautiful appearance, as if a spotlight was shining only on her. Her dry, cracked lips and heavy eyelids made her look even more captivating.


“Even as a half-elf, she doesn’t lose her charm.”


Verotin mentally shook his head in amazement. Feeling as if he might get entranced if he kept looking, he averted his gaze and focused on his examination.


“Your Majesty, the Queen, this is dangerous. You must not overexert yourself. Your body is already weak, and now that you’re carrying a child… you need to be extra careful. Are you taking your medicine regularly?”


“I’m taking it every day without fail.”

“But… when do you plan to tell His Majesty?” Verotin swallowed hard. He was the only one who knew the Queen’s secret. He hoped she would reveal it soon.


“Do you really think I will tell him?”




“You know His Majesty believes he cannot father a child. And you suggest I tell him I am with child, knowing this?”


Leticia’s golden eyes flashed fiercely. The regal and beautiful image of the Queen was gone. Her sharp gaze pierced Verotin, as if seeing right through him.


“Do you wish for my death?”


“No, not at all!”


“Then keep your mouth shut. That’s the only way you will survive.”


“But… you can’t hide it forever…”


“Shh. Lower your voice. There are no ears in the palace that aren’t His Majesty’s.”




Verotin bit his lip hard. The Queen’s demeanor was different from before. Her eyes, which once seemed to hold honey, had turned cold and sharp like steel.


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