I Ran Away With Obsessive Male Lead's Child


Chapter 10

“It seems you don’t remember. Then I have no choice but to help you remember.”


He whispered softly, so only she could hear.


“Will that make me remember?”


Leticia pushed him away lightly. Spending one night with him didn’t erase the hatred in her heart.


She was just curious if there would be any other changes.


Seeing his peaceful expression, her simmering anger surged strangely.


Why didn’t he hold me in the past?


She wanted to ask many things, but she couldn’t bring herself to.


‘It’s not a story to believe.’


Even she sometimes doubted if what was happening now was not a dream. In fact, she often got confused if she was dreaming or if it was reality.


Leticia clenched her fists again. Then, she stared at his eyes without avoiding them.


She was the one who was hurt, so why was he wearing a hurt expression? It seemed like Arden was shocked by her words and actions.


Complex emotions were buried in his slightly trembling gaze. It was something she could discern just by observing his habits.


Leticia was always in a position to watch over Arden, and because of that, she could notice even his subtle facial expressions. Seeing him biting his lips gently, a smile spread across her lips.


‘He seems flustered.’


She couldn’t believe the various expressions she saw on him for the first time. Was he always someone who revealed his emotions so openly?


She pondered for a moment.


“You won’t know until you try.”


Arden stepped closer to her without backing down. Leticia took a step back, showing an even deeper smile than before.


“Your Majesty. There are many things one can know without trying. Especially if you’ve already experienced them.”


Yes. She shouldn’t forget the memories of the past. The memories of being unloved and abandoned by him, the miserable and despairing death…

“Are you so knowledgeable in that field just after experiencing it once, Your Majesty?”




“Well, the past doesn’t matter anyway.”


Arden chuckled and reached out his hand. Then he tucked Leticia’s hair behind her ear, erasing the hesitation that had appeared on her face.


“So, what’s the reason for your visit?”




“Oh, you don’t have to say it.”


Leticia opened her eyes slightly and pushed his hand away. Even his affectionate gesture didn’t please her. How could he act so naturally, even when he didn’t feel anything?


“I came because I missed you.”




“It seems it was just me.”


What could possibly be wrong? Leticia was puzzled by Arden’s changed behavior, to the extent that she doubted if he was the husband she knew.


She still harbored hatred and resentment towards him.


Yet, there was still a part of her heart that held onto love for him. How could she love him after being rejected and left to die?


“Oh, and I replaced the maids in the Queen’s Palace.”




“We don’t need dogs who ignore their masters, right?”


“You fired all of them?”


“No, not all. Except for one who was obedient.”


“Is he talking about Mary?”


Should she be grateful for this? She was bewildered by his actions.


“Are you referring to Mary? You fired everyone except her?”


Leticia asked with an incredulous expression. He nodded lightly.


Wasn’t he someone who didn’t care if he was ignored or not?


She thought she understood him to some extent, but now, Arden seemed so different from the husband she knew.


“It seems Your Majesty has developed an interest after a night’s sleep.”


“Is that so? I’ve always been interested in you.”


He replied nonchalantly. Leticia felt a surge of anger and frustration.


Interested in her?


How could he lie so shamelessly?


“More importantly, you sent a letter to the Duke’s residence.”

It seemed like she mistook surveillance for interest.


“…I want to meet my father. Is it not possible?”


“There’s nothing that can’t be done.”


Somehow, his expression seemed awkward. He seemed to have a lot to say, but didn’t utter a word.


Arden just hesitated for a moment, shrugged his shoulders, and returned to his desk.


“By the way, from now on, we’ll be sharing the same room.”


“I don’t want to.”


Leticia replied immediately.


Continuing to share a room with him would only lead to conflict. Even this completely changed Arden would be enough to cause friction.


It felt like getting closer to a marriage she hadn’t wanted.


“Let’s fulfill our duties as a couple.”


“Haven’t we already done that? So, it would be better not to unnecessarily share the room.”


“You’re overestimating me, but…”


Arden’s eyebrows raised slightly. Unlike his earlier soft expression, there seemed to be a hint of discomfort again.


“Once is not enough.”


“…Wasn’t it more than once?”


Ice filled her voice as she looked into his blue eyes. When she saw the slight lift of his lips, Leticia wanted to cover her own mouth.


“It seems you remember everything.”




“You must be tired today, so I’ll allow you to sleep in your room.”


“I don’t need your permission.”


“I’m not in a position to seek permission from anyone.”


Sitting back in his chair, he smiled at her. Though frustrated, his words were true.


She bowed her head and left the office.


Unfortunate. Irritation surged within her.


Leticia bit her lip as she headed to her room.


He was still arrogant, still not considering others’ thoughts. Even though they had shared intimacy without love, it was natural that nothing had changed, but still, she had hoped.


“Fool, idiot. How far do you have to sink before you come to your senses?”


She scolded herself, trying to calm her anger.


As she reached her room, Leticia told Mary, “I’ve lost my appetite. Please clear away the meal.”


“But you haven’t eaten anything.”


“Eating anything now would make me sick. It’s better than being sick.”


“If you have any thoughts later, please let me know.”


“I will.”


She forced a smile.



Arden couldn’t concentrate. His troubled mind was all because she had swept through it.


“What’s gotten into me lately?”


He couldn’t pinpoint the feeling. Her unusual behavior bothered him.


Their first night together wasn’t bad.


In fact, it was good. The contact of their skin was soft, and her fast-beating heart showed her vitality. It was the first time in a long while that he had felt alive.


He couldn’t remember ever holding someone so passionately before. The shared breath, the exchanged body heat, and the release from the burden of guilt allowed him to focus solely on the present moment.


So, that day had left a strong impression on him. It would be one of those days he would never forget, even until his death.


“Wouldn’t remembering something like that be impossible?”


Looking at her reaction, it seemed like it was just him. But somehow, that stimulated his competitive spirit.


How could he not remember? Her warmth still lingered on his fingertips.


Arden recalled Leticia’s moans and flushed face with embarrassment. Thinking about it again, it wasn’t a lie. It couldn’t have been an act.


Leaning back in his chair and gazing at the ceiling, he found no answers. Instead, his doubts only grew, tangled in his thoughts.


Arden found himself unfamiliar with these thoughts. In the end, he couldn’t concentrate on his work and decided to leave his office. A walk would clear his mind.



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