I Played the Role of the Adopted Daughter Too Well


Tundra’s sword pierced towards Quiesa’s neck. Tundra did not think with his head, the moment Quiesa lunged at Viola, his thoughts froze and only the sense of duty to protect Viola dominated his body. Tundra’s sword draw was fast, and his mana reacted instinctively.




With a sharp sound of cutting air, Tundra’s Ink Sword, ‘Oltiga,’ touched Quiesa’s neck. There was not a moment’s hesitation in aiming for Quiesa’s neck. However, this wasn’t what Tundra wanted as he had intended to pierce through her neck. His attack failed because Zenon intervened and deflected Tundra’s sword path slightly.


Tundra looked coldly at Zenon.


“Zenon, what are you doing?”




Zenon smiled as he looked at Quiesa. 


“Lady Quiesa was merely embracing the lady.”


He was right. Quiesa had only hugged Viola without showing any harmful intent.


Amused, Quiesa said, “You really stabbed me? You’re the real deal.”


Quiesa had wanted to test Tundra, wanting to see just how deep his desperate commitment to keep his promise was. She had deliberately hugged Viola to see how Tundra would react. 


Viola wanted to scream, ‘You don’t have to risk your life, you crazy aunt!’ 


Was it unreasonable to expect sensible behavior in this world?


“Hmm, nice. My niece is surrounded by good people.”


“Let me go. I can’t breathe.”




Quiesa released Viola. 


“Anyway, if it weren’t for Zenon, it could have been really dangerous. Thanks, Zenon.”


Tundra said nothing and sheathed the Ink Sword. He was feeling a subtle sense of defeat. It seemed that he had been hasty as both Quiesa and Zenon had anticipated his reaction. He was confident he was not inferior in terms of sheer strength. But… the experience was different. Zenon and Quiesa had seen the same thing. Tundra had not yet reached their level of discernment. It humbled him.


‘I still have much to learn.’


Quiesa grinned.


“Seems like you’ve got a lot on your mind, companion sword?”


Then she patted Tundra’s shoulder.


“It’s okay. That’s how you grow.”


Quiesa was pleased with Tundra. She considered his actions entirely appropriate. She understood the weight of the promise Tundra spoke of. Having such good people around her meant that Viola herself must be a good person.


“Niece, you entered society, didn’t you?”


“Yes, I attended the Forget-Me-Not Ball.”


“Any interest in the boys there?”


‘No. I’m too busy taking care of myself right now.’


But her audible words were coated with diplomacy. 


“Now is the time for me to focus on the path ahead.”


‘For my simple and happily independent future.’


“Indeed, every second counts when establishing your standing as a Bellato.”




“I really liked my niece. What do you think? My son is quite handsome, isn’t he?”


Viola felt a moment of dizziness. It seemed that she had unintentionally won Quiesa’s heart completely. In the shadow world of Bellato, marriages between fourth cousins were common. Moreover, a joining between Viola and Kiraell, who were not blood-related, posed no issue. Lastly, Kiraell was designed to be as beautiful as the unattainable Jeremy. 


‘But he’s a psychopath.’


Outwardly, he might play the part of perfection, but in reality, he was a psychotic character. Viola had no desire to be involved with such a person.


“I’ll meet him if the opportunity arises.”


“You’ll have to meet him.”


Quiesa’s eyes narrowed.


“Because I’ve marked you as my daughter-in-law.”


‘If you refuse, I will kill you.’ was the subtext. Viola felt like she was having auditory hallucinations.


“I’m only thirteen.”


“People get married at fourteen.”


“What if I refuse?”


“Then I have no reason to give up the assassination order.”


Viola was to Quiesa’s liking. She intended to keep her alive to become her daughter-in-law. At least Quiesa planned to spin it that way to her sister, Isabella.


“Anyway, that’s what I’ll tell my sister.”


“I haven’t accepted it.”


“That’s not my concern.”


Quiesa laughed heartily, teasing Viola. 


“It’s your fault for being too attractive.”




Quiesa was quite a talkative woman. Even in the carriage, she didn’t stop talking until something caught her attention.


“There’s a dark wizard stuck in subspace?”


She burst into laughter. 


“So, imperial law is just trash in the rubbish bin?”


In fact, Viola didn’t know. No! Why would you do that, Shailan!! If you’re a coward, act like one, why commit illegal acts without being asked? Viola wanted to grab Shailan by the collar but couldn’t show it outwardly. 


“Assassination contracts are also illegal, Aunt.”


“Well, that’s true.”


Quiesa easily accepted it. 


“How long do you plan to stay with us?”


“Until Winter Castle.”


“Are you going there with us?”


“I have to spin the situation well to my sister. It’s better to speak face to face.”


“Are you also going to talk about me becoming your daughter-in-law?”


“Of course.”


Viola wanted to drive Quiesa away right then and there, but Quiesa seemed to have made up her mind. 


“Think about it. It’s not that bad? The Qualton family could support you.”


“I’m not one to be sponsored, but a sponsor myself.”


Viola tried to sound as arrogant as possible, but the blinders on Quiesa’s eyes wouldn’t come off. 


“Hmm, I really like you.”


Quiesa’s eyes were filled with greed. Viola seemed to truly be to her liking.


“It seems my niece wants to send me away.”


“I want to rest.”


“Aye, that’s too harsh.”


This time, she spoke to Selvin. 


“Selvin, you like that I’m here, right?”


Quiesa was an excellent hunter and a master of barbecue. Selvin had never tasted such delicious barbecue in his life.


Selvin’s response was a very quick, “Yes!”


“See? She likes me being here too. What about you, Zenon?”


“I’m simply a butler. My choice isn’t a significant factor, but with Lady Quiesa around, it seems no assassin would dare attempt an assassination.”


Quiesa nodded repeatedly, pleased.


“Companion sword, what about you?”


“It’s true that you’ve been a great help every night, however, my priority is always the lady’s will.”


Every night, Tundra sparred with Quiesa. This training took place in the forest, where Quiesa would secretly launch surprise attacks and Tundra would defend against them. Tundra quite liked this training. In order to protect Viola, he needed to be prepared for this type of ambush. Ultimately, Quiesa ended up traveling with Viola all the way to Winter Castle. Halfway there, Selvin disembarked from the carriage.


“Sister Viola! See you next time”


Selvin waved goodbye, then quickly came back. 


“Sister! Give me a hug!”


She had been envious a few days ago when Quiesa hugged Viola tightly. So, Selvin also hugged Viola tightly. Hehehe, successful in hugging her idol, Selvin felt like she owned the world.


“Next time, I’ll be strong like you!”


Standing on her tiptoes, she showed her affection and respect for Viola with a light kiss on her forehead.


“I will definitely become stronger!”


Selvin made a promise to herself. She was determined to become strong like Viola.


“Uh, sister, can you give me just one gift?”


“A gift?”


“I want something to remind me of you and motivate me.”


Viola thought for a moment and then manipulated her mana to pluck a marguerite flower from her ring. 




“Hehe, it’s a flower! It’s pretty!”


Selvin happily took the flower and jumped around joyfully. 


“I’m really going now! See you next time!”


It almost seemed like a farewell. As Selvin walked away from Viola, her eyes deepened.


‘I couldn’t do anything at the Black Temple except to be protected.’


The cheerful demeanor she had in front of Viola was gone. 


“I need to go to the place where Brother Tundra grew.”


Selvin was deeply influenced by Tundra. She thought that if she trained in the ‘Sanctuary of Ancient Warriors,’ she could become much stronger than she was now. Soon, a smile bloomed on her face again.


“Sorry, mom and dad.”


She bowed towards the west. If she didn’t hurry, the pursuers from Brandia might catch up.


“My letters should have arrived by now?”


She wasn’t afforded much leisure time, thus why she deliberately left the carriage. To run faster.


“I’ll go there too. To the place of blowing snow.”


Brandia’s youngest daughter, Selvin, took off to head for the ‘Sanctuary of Ancient Warriors.’ It was a situation that never happened in the novel.




At Winter Castle’s south gate, Quiesa Qualton was shocked once again by a familiar face.


“Why are you here?”


A happy face. An incredibly large physique. Eyes as big as saucers and a rugged jaw. The man with a fierce appearance was named Kaiser. The well-known Mercenary King, and Quiesa’s old friend and childhood lover.


“Don’t you read the news?”


She deliberately avoided reading the newspapers because she wanted to avoid news about her old lover. 


She didn’t say this but asked instead, “So, what are you doing now?”


“What do you mean? I’m the captain of the south gate guards.”


“The Mercenary King? Now a guard captain?”


What on earth had he been up to in Winter Castle? Quiesa’s mind was buzzing. She was astounded that Winter Castle could employ the Mercenary King as a guard captain.


“I’m no longer the Mercenary King.”




Kaiser burst into laughter, so loud that the walls seemed to tremble. His thick finger pointed at Viola.


“I’m a good friend of Viola’s.”


“Is that a job?”


“Isn’t it noble?”


Kaiser didn’t wait for Quiesa’s response as something more important seemed to be on his mind. Quiesa felt a slight blow to her pride. 


“But you used to be crazy about me.”


“That was when I was just a snotty kid.”


Now, no tender feelings remained as Kaiser was completely focused on something else. He pulled something out of subspace. He handled it very carefully and meticulously, like dealing with a newborn.


Quiesa asked indifferently, “What’s that?”


“It’s for Viola.”


In Kaiser’s large palm, Quiesa saw objects she couldn’t understand. 


“Egg tarts?”


“I bought them after standing in line.”


Kaiser chuckled as he looked at Viola as if asking, ‘Did I do well?’


“Oh, there’s this, too.”


While he had been infinitely careful when retrieving the egg tarts, he roughly pulled out another item.


“They told me to give this to you as soon as you arrived.”


In his hand was a letter. It was clearly no ordinary letter as the paper itself was engraved with elaborate designs made from golden thread. Before even checking the contents, Viola felt a sense of unease begin to creep in.


“The Emperor sent it.”



Translator Note:


This chapter was translated by Bree.

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