I Picked Up an Abandoned Villain in the Polar Region

IPUAVNP Chapter 11

Episode 11


Kyle came out of the den and looked outside.

It wasn’t yet bright, but there was white snow on the ground, so it wasn’t that dark.

He sniffed and searched the snow surface for the rabbit’s footprints.

If someone hadn’t caught her, she would have definitely gone out on her own.

Where on earth did she go as soon as she opened her eyes?

Kyle kept turning his head right and lift, looking for the footprints that had been erased by the wind.

Could it be that she had ran away?

It may have been so. He was sure the rabbit’s last memory was of him leaving a harsh threat to her, leaving her crying and going to sleep.

But anyway, he didn’t abandon the rabbit and asked for it.

If by any chance she had run away without realizing the hard work he had put in for the last two days, then all he had to do was to catch her.

He would catch her and make her pay handsomely for all his troubles.

Kyle searched the surroundings and found traces of the rabbit.

Small footprints dotted along the path to  the forest where the trees had grown.

The moment he saw this, he unconsciously felt a little relieved.

*** rabbit. It was true that she had survived and walked on her own feet.

Having found traces of the rabbit, Kyle leisurely followed the tracks.

And when the footprints began to become clear, as if they had been made a moment ago, he looked up.

He saw the rabbit crouching in the distance.

In a vast snow field with tall trees towering over it, the rabbit’s white body was as small and insignificant as a snowball gathered by the wind.

Kyle tilted his head when he saw the rabbit shivering and huddled in the middle of the forest.

Why is she doing that over there?

As he was about to get closer and check what she was doing, he stopped for a moment.

A few days ago, he remembered the rabbit crying alone at night. Even back then, she was lying there curled up like that and crying.

Looking at her shoulders shaking slightly, it was clear that the rabbit was crying.

But why on earth is she crying?

If it were before, he would have been extremely annoyed, but now he was strangely nervous.

He felt sick in the stomach when he saw her coming out this far alone and crying as soon as she woke up.

When he was hesitating and taking steps forward, overcome by unknown emotions.

Suddenly, at the sound of snow being stepped on, the rabbit, which had been crouching down, pricked up her ears and stood up.

She raised her head and immediately looked back. And when she turned and made eye contact with him, Kyle was stunned.

In the rabbit’s hand, there was a spruce  branch leftover after all the leaves had been eaten.

In short, she wasn’t crying, she was shaking because she was eating something.

The rabbit looked at Kyle, stuffed the leaves in its mouth with its front paws, swallowed them, and ran towards him.


Her voice was as lively as the bright sun, not suitable for this continent in the middle of winter.

The rabbit jumped towards him on her hind legs, hugged his legs, and rubbed her face on his fur.

Then she whined in a voice full of coquetry.

“I didn’t eat anything for two days, I thought I was going to die from starvation!”

As usual, Brody was looking up at him with her black, round eyes and frowning. It seemed like her body had fully recovered.

Kyle, who had been walking around with a rabbit that had been half dead for two days, was struck by an unfamiliar feeling when he saw the rabbit coming back to life as if nothing like that had ever happened.

And as he stared at Brody, who was shaking powerfully while looking at him, he soon felt relieved.

In fact, he was feeling anxious all this time.

He rationalized that it wasn’t his fault that the rabbit had become like this, that she did it because she wanted to, so he had no responsibility, but he was secretly afraid.

He was afraid that the rabbit would die because of him.

Of course, it wasn’t because the rabbit was precious.

To him, the rabbit was still nothing more than an ‘annoyance and irritant, but still worth using.’

However, he also realized something during his two-day solitary journey.

No matter how much he tried to think of that long journey of walking south, arriving at the dock, boarding a boat and continuing on toward home, he couldn’t picture it without Brody.

Previously, Kyle would have kicked the rabbit stuck to his leg, but today he didn’t shake her off and instead turned around and walked the way he came from with the rabbit attached to his leg like a koala.




Meanwhile, Brody saw Kyle leaving her alone unlike usual and smiled, rubbing her face against his warm fur as she felt better.

In fact, three days ago, when she turned back time for Kyle, she felt a sense of unease.

Because in exchange for turning back time, the Clock Rabbits had a penalty of losing all their energy for three days after using their ability.

Of course, usually, rabbits only lose energy and become sluggish after using their abilities, and it was not common for them to lose consciousness at all.

However, since Brody was naturally weak, once she used her ability, even if she tried to endure, she would often lose consciousness.

This was exactly what she was concerned about, and why she hesitated when Kyle suggested using her powers.

If she lost her strength and collapsed, it would be a nuisance on his journey, which had to be done in a hurry.

Moreover, due to Kyle’s lack of loyalty, it was clear that he would just leave her be and go his way.

Still, she tried her best to feed him in the end, but honestly, when she woke up the next day feeling week, she regretted it immediately.

Losing energy while traveling was difficult for the other person, but it was even more difficult for oneself.

When she tried to walk, her legs would give out and her whole body would lose strength.

She also kept falling asleep, feeling her mind hazy and her vision spinning..…It was really hard to endure all of this.

The day Brody got kicked by Kyle was almost like hell.

However, Kyle didn’t even know her situation and said harsh words.

‘There is a limit to tolerating the occasional nuisances like this. Starting tomorrow, walk on all fours, before I make you unable to walk again.’

Brody was truly hurt when she heard that.

Even though it was her choice to do it with the sole intention of saving him, she was upset at him for being so indifferent.

Did she become that *** wolf ’s guide just to get that kind of treatment?

She was so sad that she couldn’t control her tears and let it flow out.

She cried all night long, wanting to abandon everything and go home.

She was so exhausted from crying that she fell asleep and lost consciousness. Her memory was completely cut off afterwards, and she did not know what had happened to her for two days.

When she woke up, her body was so warm that she felt like she was back home.

She wriggled into the fur that covered her body, then belatedly came to her senses and opened her eyes.

After two days of being unconscious, Brody regained her strength and woke up feeling refreshed.

Like the rabbit in the illustration, she stretched out her front feet, stood up and looked around.

When Brody saw that Kyle was sleeping with her in his arms, she was filled with indescribable emotion.

Kyle, who she thought for sure would have abandoned her and couldn’t have gone through any trouble for her without going crazy, took care of her instead and even took her into his arms, providing her with a warm place to sleep.

The sadness she felt two days ago disappeared like melting snow, as Brody was deeply touched by his warmth.

In fact, to be precise, her expectations of Kyle Roden were so low that she was moved by the fact that he took her with him instead of abandoning her, freeing him from the title of trash.

Brody wanted to kiss his lovely forehead while he was sleeping.

However, the kiss was not possible due to her belly button ringing loudly as soon as she woke up.

Brody ran out of the cave and into the forest with the intention of filling her stomach first.

She went and broke a branch from a fir tree and hungrily ate the leaves.

Not long after, Kyle came looking for her and saw her body shaking, so he thought she was crying.




After recovering, Brody walked down the side of Rodia’s mountain with Kyle1Technically, she didn’t walk, she is still clinging to his leg., as they talked about the Clock Rabbits’ abilities.

“What you saw in the book is true about my abilities. If I bring back the time by 3 minutes, I will be sick for about 3 days.”

“Then, if you regain your strength in three days, you will be able to use your abilities again?”

“No, this can only be done 30 days after using the ability. I can’t use it right away.”

“Why are there so many restrictions? And you get sick for 3 days after bringing back only 3 minutes of time. There is too much to lose compared to what you gain.”

Kyle continued to grumble after hearing Brody’s words. It seemed like he felt it was a shame that she couldn’t use her abilities whenever she wanted to.

But Brody shrugged her shoulders.

“But for us, rabbits, it’s better than nothing. Because rabbits can run away from predators in just three minutes.”

“What would be the point of running away when you are like that? If you run away and lose strength and collapse, you will be eaten without a doubt.”

“If I run away, I would have to hide somewhere and rest for three days.”

“It’s annoying. If it were me, I wouldn’t use it.”

“But for herbivores like us, even those three minutes are a blessing.”

Brody shook her head, saying it was funny that he couldn’t even understand the mind of a herbivore.

Kyle then spoke to Brody, who was hanging on his leg and shaking her little head.

“Anyway, it seems like this ability is useless, so don’t use it in front of me from now on.”

“Oh. Are you really worried about me right now?”

Brody’s eyes widened.

“No way. If you collapse again, I’m the one who will have to suffer for three days.”

But Brody didn’t even listen to what he said.

Just lost in her own excitement, she showed affection by rubbing her forehead against Kyle’s leg.

“Thanks for your concern, honey.”

Kyle, who was looking down at Brody, that was joking around and laughing, hardened his expressions .

As if to show that personality does not change easily, he became annoyed and shook his leg, causing Brody to fall to the ground.

Because of that, Brody, who had been hoping that she could spend the night a little romantically, had no choice but to give up her plans.

She shouted as she chased after Kyle, who had abandoned her and gone far ahead.

“Wait for me, Kyle!”

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  1. Isis says:

    update more chapter please. 😍🥰

    1. Alaa says:

      Right away, sir

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