I Became The Male Leads’ Target

IBMLT Episode 26-30


The next day, a large pie box was unexpectedly delivered to me.

It was a pie box from Benedict’s Pie Shop.

Lemon pie, chocolate pie, pecan pie…

Among the many pies emitting sweet fragrances, a cherry pie with glistening cherry filling caught my eye.

<Thank you for trusting our Pâtisserie Pie House.

The one I personally recommend the most is our special cherry pie, made with our unique secret recipe.

The sooner you eat it, the better it tastes.>

I immediately picked up a fork and knife.

When I sliced the pie in half, a rolled-up note tied with a string came out from inside.


The paper seemed to be water-resistant, without a hint of damage.

The sentence written on it said:

<Once a month, meet in the wine cellar between 2:30 AM and 3 AM.

Disguise as a milk delivery person, and the next meeting will be next Thursday.>

That’s the deal.

I pursed my lips.

Now it was time to put the sparrows that had been flying freely under my control to good use.

* * *

I summoned the sparrows that Victor had placed on me.

“What’s going on?”

“They’ve come to find us…”

It seemed like they were up to something, as the two maids cautiously watched my reactions.

I spoke calmly.

“You know that you’ve leaked my information to Victor, right?”

The maids froze in place.

Addressing them, I smiled gently.

“It wasn’t just one or two, probably, right?”

“E-Elze, ma’am!”

One of the maids exclaimed as if she had just realized something.

I stared at the maids as if to encourage them to speak if they had something to say.

“We, um… that is…”

“So, what about it…?”

The maids only pursed their lips and offered no excuses.

Well, they didn’t have much of a choice.

With just one Tilda dress shop, they were struggling to make ends meet. Those maids had even regularly reported minor details of my daily life within the boarding school to Victor. They attended the 3 o’clock teatime, sometimes retaliated against those who bothered Bridgette, and other small tasks like that.

And I purposely allowed them to inquire about my whereabouts.

Victor needed to believe in those maids, and most importantly…

‘The more they spy, the greater the sense of danger when they discover me.’

I calmly spoke.

“It’s quite strange how Victor knew that I visited the Tilda Dress Shop.”

Actually, Victor didn’t directly mention the dress shop to me.

But he acted as if he already knew about it, as if Victor had brought up the dress shop to me.

It was all to test the maids.

And my strategy was quite successful; the color drained from the maids’ faces in an instant.

“Isn’t it amazing? I left all the items I bought in the dress shop’s storage, and I didn’t bring anything to Rose Cross Boarding School.”

I shrugged as if to say, “I haven’t even seen the things I bought.”

“How could he have guessed my destination without even seeing the items I purchased?”


“Furthermore, I visited various stores, but Tilda Dress Shop was the only one he pointed out.”

I tilted my head inquisitively as I looked at the silent maids.

“Did he check my spending records? But all the money I spent was reported directly to Lord Offenheir, not Victor.”


“So in the end, someone leaked my destination to Victor…”

I continued my monologue as if expecting them to listen.

“Could it have been the maids? But I had a carriage waiting at the public carriage stand.”


“We didn’t even share an itinerary, so how could the maids know my destination?”

The maids remained silent, their shoulders quivering like clams with their mouths firmly shut.

“So as I pondered carefully…”

As I trailed off, obscuring the end of my words, I continued with an unusual tone.

“The day before I went out, you overheard my plans, didn’t you?”

The maids jolted, their heads snapping up in surprise.

I casually caught the maids’ gazes.

“I remember that at the time, I was a bit edgy about dress-related matters and complained about various things.”

I rested my chin on my hand and leaned back in the chair.

“At the time, you were the only ones who saw me, right?”



A chilling silence passed.

I drove the point home once more.

“You heard that then and leaked it to Victor, didn’t you?”

“Y-Your Excellency, we…”

Even in this situation, the maids tried to make excuses.

It was somewhat amusing, even a bit irritating.

I cut them off mid-sentence.

“You’re aware that I’m Dante’s lover, aren’t you?”

As I affectionately mentioned Dante’s name, the maids’ faces turned pallid like blank sheets of paper.


The maids urgently dropped to their knees.

“P-Please spare us!”

“We made a mistake, so please…!”

In addition, they even banged their heads on the floor.

I watched their repulsive display with cold eyes.

Even though I was the one who had been spying on their daily lives.

In the end, they only apologized after I had dragged Dante here.

Perhaps the only thing that mattered to them was not appearing unfavorable to Dante, one of the male protagonists of this world.

No one cared about a troublemaking extra villain.

Even though I was well aware of that.

…I found the taste sour once again.

“Dante doesn’t spare anyone who challenges his authority.”

But I was in a position where I had to involve Dante, or even his grandfather, to achieve my goals.

“In that situation, what kind of punishment do you think he’ll give to those who dared to sell my information as Dante’s lover?”

Bringing up Dante once again, the maids looked like they might faint any moment.

Alright, I’ve pressed them this far.

I should offer them a new bait here.

“So, I have a proposal for you.”

“A proposal…?”

“Yes, if you accept my proposal, I will spare your lives.”

I spoke kindly.

“I will allow you to leave Rose Cross Boarding School with both of your feet intact. Promise.”

For a moment, life seemed to return to the maids’ eyes.

“If you don’t accept my proposal, well…”

I shrugged my shoulders with a snort.

“Then I’m not sure how I’ll act. I don’t even know myself.”

“We’ll do it! We’ll do it, so please!”

“Please spare our lives!”

The maids desperately begged me.

Toward the maids, I flashed a kind smile.

Like a rose tainted with venom, splendidly.

“Watch over Victor. And…”

The maids trembled as if they had been whipped.

Observing them, I spoke coldly.

“Report everything Victor does to me.”

* * *

After sending the maids away,

I was lost in thought.

‘Next Thursday, between 2:30 AM and 3 AM.’

There was no doubt about it.

It was information provided by Benedict himself.

Still, the reason I ordered the maids to monitor Victor’s activities and report daily life was for a specific purpose.

‘I need to create an alibi for how I found out about Victor’s rendezvous.’

Dante would undoubtedly be suspicious about how I knew about Victor’s actions.

But stating that I had made a deal with Benedict in that situation would be foolish.

The Elze that Dante knew was a foolish and unkempt villain.

She didn’t have the ability to secretly unearth information and request deals.

Above all, my goal was to leave this boarding school in the future and sever all connections with this place.

All the male protagonists were included in those connections.

To achieve this, I needed to conceal my actions as much as possible.

‘In that sense, the sparrows can be quite useful.’

So I intentionally left the sparrows alone all this time.

If Dante were to inquire about my actions,

‘I suspected it might be Victor and placed surveillance to expose his weaknesses.’

…I had prepared an excuse like that.

Of course, I couldn’t keep the people who had sold my information until the end, so I intended to dismiss them at an appropriate time.


[Don’t let others ignore the lady from now on.]

Why did Lucian’s words echo in my ears at this crucial moment?

I shrugged it off with a flick of my tongue.

* * *


the maids incessantly provided information about Victor’s activities.

“Today, Victor did…”


To be honest, from my perspective, waiting for predetermined answers was mostly useless information.

But as I patiently waited…

“Um, Your Excellency.”


“Um, you asked us to report even trivial things. It’s really nothing important.”

A hesitant maid cautiously spoke up.

“The kitchen maids say that Victor periodically converses with the milk deliveryman in the wine cellar.”

The maid said with uncertainty.

“Why do they meet in that remote place where there are no people?”

I, who had been casually listening to her words, suddenly lit up for the first time.

Finally, it seemed my alibi was complete.



A late-night moonlight that resembled a broken glass shard.

The Rose Cross Boarding School felt entirely deserted, with no signs of human presence.

The eerie silence in the building was even unsettling.

But there was one human figure confidently crossing those gloomy corridors.

That person was none other than Victor.

“All right, I can finally leave this damned boarding school!”

Victor was in a very excited state.

A hefty ledger was tucked into his side.

The enchanted ledger that would bestow immense wealth upon Victor.

The ledger’s true nature was a statement detailing Lord Craig’s donation to the boarding school.

Naturally, that donation was made as payment for detaining Lucian.

Though it was weaker evidence compared to a handwritten letter, it was enough to threaten Lord Craig.

“Hah, Elze is actually helping me for once!”

Victor’s eyes sparkled with joy.

Indeed, it was all thanks to Elze that Victor obtained the donation ledger.

More precisely, Elze’s characteristic laziness had led to the opportunity to steal Lord Craig’s donation ledger.

Victor handed a few coins to the maids Elze had already planted.

The maids easily stole the ledger and handed it over.

‘Last time, Elze’s audacious face caused quite a problem when she stole the letter…’

Thinking about Elze’s cheeky expression at the time, Victor ground his teeth.

If only that letter could have been delivered to his colleague on time, he could have left this insufferable boarding school a bit sooner!

The general plan for the future was roughly as follows:

After handing the donation ledger to his colleague, Victor planned to quietly hide within the boarding school premises until Dante returned.

And then, he would extort a good chunk of money from Lord Craig and make his way to another country!

He envisioned purchasing a new noble title, living a luxurious life, and extravagantly throwing money around.

Victor’s lips were now adorned with a contented smile.

Oh, what a perfect plan this was!

With brisk steps, Victor left the building.

He didn’t encounter anyone, and he easily arrived in front of the wine cellar.

It was to be expected. The current time was 2:47 in the morning. Excluding the guards diligently watching the surroundings, everyone in the boarding school would be sound asleep.

Victor swung open the wine cellar door and called out cheerfully.

“Hey, Mike! Have you been waiting long? I’ve come…”

However, Victor couldn’t finish his sentence.

His colleague, disguised as a milk delivery man, was on his knees, crying, with a tear-soaked face.

“Uh, ugh…!”

The colleague writhed as if possessed by a demon.

Both hands were tied behind his back, a sturdy gag was fastened over his mouth, and he was surrounded by the large, burly guards of the boarding school.

And then…

“They saw everything from here, huh?”

A gentle voice, entirely at odds with the grim scene, pretended to act casually towards Victor.

Victor knew whose voice it was.

“No way!”

Victor widened his eyes and swiftly turned his head.

Click, clack.

The characteristic sound of high-heeled shoes for women echoed.

A stunning beauty broke through the guards, her honey-colored eyes fixing upon Victor.

She then offered a radiant smile like a newly bloomed rose.

“Nice to see you, Victor.”

With that greeting, Victor felt as though the ground under his feet was crumbling away.

* * *

Although Victor resisted vigorously, he couldn’t overcome the brutal grip of Dante’s handpicked guards.

“Take them away.”

With a stern gesture, the guards took Victor and his friend, both battered, and disappeared. They were likely headed for the boarding school’s underground prison. I don’t understand why the school even has an underground prison.

Finally, back in the safety of my room, I longed to collapse onto my bed and get some rest. But…


After letting out a long sigh, I glanced at the wall clock with a sidelong glance. The current time was 3:33 in the early morning.

I was exhausted from an hour of intense adventure, and now I had to write a letter, something I wasn’t looking forward to at all.

I nervously opened my desk drawer. The first thing I saw was a bunch of dried roses meticulously preserved in there. It was the premium letter paper that the original Elze had kept exclusively for Dante.

Most people typically sprayed perfume on letter paper, but the original Elze had gone through the trouble of preserving dried flowers with the letter paper.

By the way, she had even selected and dried those roses herself.

She said something like she couldn’t bear to subject her beloved man to artificial fragrances.

‘But for someone like that, she certainly did apply perfume quite generously,’ I thought, squinting my eyes as I held the pen.

In any case, I needed to report to Dante that I had captured Victor.

‘Well, what should I write?’

I scrutinized the letter paper. The moment I thought of writing a letter to Dante, my heart raced, and I didn’t like this feeling one bit.

Just how much did the original Elze love Dante? How deeply did she cherish him that merely having a piece of letter paper in front of me made my heart flutter like this?

What must it have felt like to witness the original female lead, who struggled her whole life to attain a love she could never achieve, so effortlessly claim it just by putting some letter paper in front of her?

I wonder how she felt…

‘Well, I don’t really know.’

I sternly shook off my attempts to get sentimental. If I were to be honest, from Dante’s perspective, I might have messed up his plans. He had been monitoring Victor for some time and was waiting for him to contact his old organization to wipe them all out. However, by intervening, Dante might have to work extra hard to apprehend the scattered members of the organization.

Even so, the reason I embarked on this adventure was…

‘Dante shouldn’t become completely fed up with me.’

I had already deducted many points with Dante.

Even though it was part of my plan, I let Lucian attempt to escape due to the absurd reason that I didn’t properly monitor him. Moreover, I wasted an enormous amount of money at the Tilda clothing store. Of course, my involvement in the clothing store job was to exploit the sparrows, and at the same time, to avoid suspicion by showing a similar aspect to the original Elze.

It was an inevitable situation for me, but…

‘Dante hates being bored.’

At least now that I’ve captured Victor, I should be able to spark his curiosity, just enough to make him glance back at me once.

Curiosity to the extent that Dante won’t dispose of me as a nuisance.

‘If Elze also has some unexpectedly interesting qualities, why not leave her around a bit longer to enjoy her antics?’

That kind of judgment would suffice.


‘Don’t cling to him too desperately.’

Because Dante despises women who cling to him.

I need to act without making it look too strange and to avoid Dante getting irritated with me.

This isn’t passionate romance; it’s something entirely different.

But considering that I was the one living on borrowed time…

I quickly scribbled a sentence on the letter paper.

<I’ve caught Victor communicating with the outside.>

The recipient is Dante De Offenhei.

Even in the original story, Dante was quite a twisted character. Even though Lucian and Benedict, the main male leads in the original, had significant obsessions with the female lead, at least they didn’t cross the line.

Or at least, they didn’t cause any physical harm to the female lead.

Actually, when it comes to the moment of kidnapping, they might have already crossed the line…

Anyway, going back to the original story, Dante was the central figure who added the dark element to “Violet Fragrance.”

Should we call him the spiciest male lead?

There were abductions, violence, bloodshed, excessive coercion, a borderline erotic and highly immersive relationship…

By the way, Dante is also the least promiscuous male lead in “Violet Fragrance”…

‘I’ll finally get to see that ‘handsome face’ of his.’

Well, it’s not that I want to see it; I’d rather not see it in my entire life.

With that thought in mind…

I put down the pen.



As time passed, it was early morning. I reluctantly lifted my eyelids.

‘Ugh, I’m tired.’

After capturing Victor in the underground prison in the early hours of the morning and finishing the letter to report the incident to Dante, I barely had a couple of hours to sleep.

‘Nevertheless… I should prepare breakfast for Lucian.’

After all, I couldn’t just let the male lead starve, right?

I groaned and got out of bed, washed up, changed my clothes, put on heavy makeup, and lastly…


I stared blankly at the pair of Mary Jane high heels placed in front of me.

The original Elise was strictly a fan of shoes, especially high heels. And I couldn’t help but find Elise’s shoes, especially the high heels, somewhat annoying.

The glittering shoes, shining like stars, and there were so many high-end shoes inside the shoe cabinet.

‘You can never escape the fate of being a villain forever.’

It felt like they were mocking me.

“No,” I said, gritting my teeth and sliding my foot into the shoe. The sensation of the shoe tightly hugging my foot was uncomfortable.


As I fastened the strap around my ankle, it felt like someone had just put a leash on me, restricting my movements.

These high heels were like a relentless romance fantasy world closing in on me. Uncomfortable, painful, and restraining my movements.


The heel of the shoe struck the ground, emitting a sharp sound. I left the room, crossing the long corridor where I felt people’s gazes relentlessly following me.

Their gazes were filled with fear and apprehension. I had, after all, imprisoned Victor, the de facto ruler of this dormitory, in the underground prison. It was inevitable that rumors would spread.



Ignoring the numerous prying eyes trailing behind me, I kept walking. But I couldn’t help the feeling of breathlessness from those persistent stares.

Finally, I arrived in front of Lucian’s cell. I let out a long sigh.


It’s quite strange. This is supposed to be Lucian’s solitary confinement cell, which would eventually lead to my demise, and yet, simply breathing here felt comfortable.


I opened the door.

Lucian, who was sitting on the bed, pretended he had been expecting me.

“Welcome, Lady Lepherian?”

I blinked silently. You, or rather, Lady? I still wasn’t used to this respectful title.

At the same time, a faint worry appeared in Lucian’s blue eyes.

“Are you looking a bit tired today?”


I instinctively brushed my hand over my cheek. I had tried to conceal the shadows under my eyes with heavy makeup, but apparently, it wasn’t enough.

Lucian inquired again, keenly observing.

“Did something happen last night? It seemed quite noisy.”

Smart, as always.

I ran my tongue over my dry lips.

But anyway, Lucian and I were in the same boat. At least until we managed to escape from the school, we had to maintain a harmonious relationship. So, there was no reason to hide information that would soon become public knowledge.

I placed a food tray in front of Lucian and began to speak.

“Last night, I captured Victor and put him in the underground prison.”

Lucian’s gaze sharpened for a moment.

“Victor? The caretaker who administered Nyx to me?”

“That’s right.”

I nodded.

“It seems he was in contact with a suspicious outsider.”

“A suspicious outsider?”

“I’ve never seen this person before, but Victor seems to have been meeting with him regularly.”

Lucian raised an eyebrow.

“Do you know why they were in contact?”

“I’m not sure.”

I left out the part where I had intentionally plotted to obtain evidence proving that Lucian was imprisoned at Rosenkreuz Academy to blackmail Lord Craig. It was a rather sensitive issue, and I was hesitant to explain.

“Well, I don’t have the authority to extract information,” I continued.

This was true. While I held the title of Dante’s lover, giving me more authority than a typical caretaker, I was far from being free of responsibility. So, it wasn’t my place to get deeply involved in such sensitive matters.

Perhaps if I were to arbitrarily torture Victor for information…

‘Sweetie, I really dislike overzealous women,’Dante declared, and then, without mercy, would dispose of me?

“Maybe Lord Offenheir would personally interrogate Victor,” I suggested.

“That…,” Lucian’s expression darkened momentarily.

“The word is that Lord Offenheir will be returning to the academy soon.”

Lucian clenched his jaw.

Well, Dante’s return wasn’t exactly good news for us. While Dante was present, we had to be even more cautious. Our actions would be restricted.

The only positive aspect was…

“But this is just my speculation, but Lord Offenheir won’t stay at the academy for long.”


“Lord Offenheir is a very busy man, and his temperament is somewhat free-spirited.”

Well, he was somewhat ‘capricious.’

I couldn’t blatantly insult Dante, so I sugar-coated my words.

“Lord Offenheir runs various businesses outside the academy. He can’t stay at the academy forever.”

“That… makes sense.”

Lucian appeared to agree.

From casinos, horse racing, hotels, to other businesses that were challenging to speak of openly, Dante had his hands in numerous ventures. His activities were vast and different from the more dignified Duke Kalleid’s.

Duke Kalleid had inherited vast, thriving territories and businesses, making him a prominent figure in the empire for a long time. A prestigious family with both wealth and honor, you could say?

On the other hand, Lucian had seemingly lost his appetite when Dante’s return was mentioned. He pushed the food around his plate and then put the cutlery aside.

“Aren’t you hungry?”

“Well, considering Lord Offenheir’s return, how could I have an appetite?”

Lucian retorted with a pout.

“Besides, I’ve been confined for a while.”

I gave Lucian a brief look, and he grumbled as if he wanted to be heard.

“I guess I can’t digest well because I can’t move.”

“Then shall we go for a walk?”

“A walk?”

It was a suggestion that Lucian hadn’t even thought of, and he looked at me with wide eyes.

Well, I hadn’t impulsively suggested it either. Nevertheless, taking a walk was a reward I had thought about for a long time. Even when trying to tame a speechless beast, it took both a whip and a carrot.

Being locked up like this had to be stifling for a young adult with so much energy, especially reaching adulthood.

Moreover, once Dante returned, Lucian would have to exercise even more than now.

Who knew when we’d have the chance for another walk?

“But the shackles are the problem.”

I glanced awkwardly at the shackles I had placed on the side, feeling a bit perplexed.

Recently, I had kept Lucian’s shackles unlocked. He had become quite obedient compared to before, and I was concerned about leaving them on too long, fearing it might harm his skin.

“But I suppose it’s better to chain you back when we go for a walk.”

If someone happened to witness us, there would surely be all sorts of rumors. Lucian had already attempted an escape. It was hard to believe they wouldn’t protest against letting Lucian go outside with at least minimal safety measures.

It was awkward to tell Lucian, “I need to put the shackles back on to go for a walk.”

“But it hasn’t been long since I unlocked the shackles.”

From Lucian’s perspective, it was natural that he wouldn’t like it. Besides, it could be difficult if he misunderstood that I still distrusted him due to the shackles.

“You can just put the shackles on.”


I looked at Lucian in surprise.

Lucian had an indifferent expression.

“Instead of Lady having a hard time because of me again, it’s better to just chain me and go for a walk.”


I was speechless for a moment. Again.

It was like a needle poking the deepest part of my heart, an unpleasantly pricking sensation. I knew well what this sensation was.

It was guilt—a completely useless emotion when it came to my escape.


A moment later, I opened my mouth with a dry voice.

“It might be uncomfortable for you.”

“I can endure a little discomfort as long as I get to breathe fresh air.”

Lucian shrugged nonchalantly.

Somehow, I found his consideration a bit annoying.

I was thoroughly using you. The reason I put on such a charade to get your favor was ultimately for my own benefit. Why are you considering my perspective?

It would be better if you just got mad at me like you did at the beginning or showed your annoyance.

‘No, it’s a pointless thought,’ I told myself.

After all, I was the one who had struggled to earn Lucian’s trust. And whatever my feelings might be, the current situation was quite positive.

The improvement in my relationship with Lucian meant that my chances of survival were increasing.

Instead of wasting my energy on unnecessary concerns, it was more efficient to celebrate the current progress.

“Then, how about going for a walk after dinner? It would be better because there would be fewer prying eyes.”


Lucian’s face slowly lit up with anticipation.

Watching that innocent expression, my chest felt tight as if a boulder had been placed on it.

“Well then, I’ll see you again in the evening,” I said to Lucian, avoiding his gaze as I left.

** **

That evening, after the sun had completely set, I brought dinner and went to find Lucian.

Lucian was looking out the window without much interest as he ate his dinner, continuing to cast furtive glances outside.

I, who knew nothing about it, asked Lucian.

“Do you enjoy going for a walk that much?”

“What are you talking about?”

Perhaps flustered, Lucian’s pupils trembled violently.

“Are you sure? I thought you’ve been looking out the window the whole time since earlier.”


In response to my nonchalant answer, Lucian bit his lip and glared at me.

He had a somewhat fresh expression, more befitting a teenage boy than an adult.

For some reason, Lucian looked cute with that expression, and I couldn’t help but smile.

“To be honest, I’m looking forward to it.”


“Going for a walk with the Viscount.”


In an instant, Lucian turned his head awkwardly.

Somehow, his ears and the back of his neck had turned bright red.

Did I touch a nerve too much?

Even if it was quite clear that I wanted to go for a walk, maybe I should have just played ignorant.

But then, Lucian gave me a meaningful look once again.

“What are you doing?”


“I said let’s go for a walk.”

Lucian suddenly stood up, stubbornly asserting despite avoiding my gaze.

“Well, if you really want to go for a walk, I guess we could go a bit earlier.”

Honestly, he’s not being very straightforward.

I let out a dry laugh and quickly got up.

“Sure, let’s go.”

** **

I held the end of Lucian’s chain and walked slowly.

Since I had left some people around his cell in advance, no one could meet us until we reached the courtyard.

Only the occasional sounds of clinking chains and the tapping of my heels echoed through the silent night.

It was so quiet that even the sound of a needle dropping would be heard.

Lucian and I didn’t engage in much conversation.



Silence enveloped us.

But it wasn’t an awkward or heavy silence.

In fact…

‘It’s comfortable.’

Being able to quietly exist without the need to cater to someone’s preferences or worry about someone’s scrutiny is truly liberating.


Lucian suddenly stopped walking.

Through the round-shaped opening, the school’s courtyard stretched out.

It was the place Lucian had been gazing out of the window at.

The pale moon hung like a fragment of a silver mirror in the clear night sky.

Under the silvery moonlight, the roses blooming in clusters glowed vividly red, as if soaked in moonlight.

It was surreal, like stepping into a dream.


A breeze blew.

It was a wind carrying the fragrance of the rich roses.

Lucian’s golden hair above his pale forehead fluttered gently.

Lucian closed his eyes as if savoring even the touch of the wind. I silently watched him. Against the backdrop of the red roses that bloomed like crimson clouds, Lucian, with his shining golden hair fluttering in the wind, looked as beautiful as an angel sent by the heavens to this land.

He was flawless and without a single imperfection.

Suddenly, I became curious. The female protagonist of this world who would eventually capture the love of the three male protagonists. Who was she? How incredibly charming must she be to have effortlessly captured the heart of this perfect young man? What had Lucian seen in her to make him cast aside not only his own life but also the honor of the most prestigious family in the Empire without hesitation? Would his obsession with her lead him to struggle?

‘…They said she is as kind as an angel.’

The female protagonist warmly embraced the three male protagonists who were lacking in different ways. According to the original work, Lucian had mentioned that her warmth was like the sun, while Lucian in front of her was nothing more than a wilting flower. He had pleaded that he couldn’t breathe a second without her by his side, kneeling before her and washing her feet with tears. The description was so poignant that even though I knew it was a novel, I couldn’t help but empathize.

‘Really… she’s completely different from Elze.’

I smiled bitterly.

In contrast, what about the villain Elze described in the original work? She pursued an unattainable love, spent her life in loneliness, and eventually went mad with jealousy. Therefore, Elze was a completely opposite existence to the female protagonist.

“Lady Lepherian.”

Just as I heard a voice calling my name.

Just as I heard a voice calling my name, I woke up from my thoughts and looked at Lucian. Lucian, who had been hesitating for a moment, suddenly extended something towards me. It was a single rose that had bloomed brilliantly.

“What’s this…?”

At the same time, Lucian smiled. It was a smile that he had never shown me before, a perfectly clear smile without a speck of dust.

“This rose resembles Lady’s hair color.”

I felt my words stuck in my throat. Lucian carefully placed the rose on my head and then took a few steps back to look at me intently.

“Look at this.”

With a soft jingling sound, the sound of the chain around Lucian’s wrist was faint. Lucian’s elegant fingers gently touched my auburn hair.

“The color of the rose… It’s almost indistinguishable from Lady’s hair.”

“Is that so?”

For some reason, I felt a strange sensation deep inside, but I straightened my back as if nothing had happened. Lucian simply nodded.

“Yes, it’s very… Beautiful.”

I had never expected to hear such sweet words that the original villain would never hear. They were so sweet that I felt a bit dazed.

At that moment, a languid voice greeted me.

“Hello, my dear.”

Startled, I turned around. In a shadowy corner of the conservatory, where the roses had bloomed particularly profusely, a man suddenly appeared.

‘Could it be?’

Simultaneously, I felt goosebumps all over my body. Black hair that shone like the night, deep ruby eyes that glittered like the finest rubies, and a mole on the right side of his lips. He exuded a devilish decadence.

“It’s been a while.”

The man didn’t show the slightest interest in Lucian. He approached me, his hands deep in his pockets, and bent down to look me straight in the eyes.

The unmistakable scent of iron filled the air, and only I could see the scarlet eyes staring at me. The eyes were piercing, and the intense smell couldn’t be masked even by the strong scent of the roses.

“Long time no see, my dear.”

Dante Dessaby Offenheir, the most beautiful and cruel devil in this world, smiled seductively at me.



Dante gazed at the letter in his hand with a peculiar expression.

On the luxurious letterhead wafting a faint rose scent, Elze’s distinctive, round handwriting adorned only a single sentence.

<Victor is colluding with external forces.>


Dante stroked his chin, narrowing his eyes.

His aide, standing nearby, cautiously inquired, “Is there any issue at the boarding school, perhaps?”

“No, nothing like that.”

Casually folding the letter and slipping it into the envelope, Dante shrugged.

“It seems Elze caught Victor.”


The astonished aide widened his eyes.


The thorn in the side of the hostile organization that Dante had been diligently suppressing.

He had set a trap to eliminate both Victor and the remnants of the hostile organization.

And the inept Elze had caught Victor?

“Yes. Of course, our Elze seems to have no idea who Victor exactly is.”

Dante, momentarily clouding the end of his words, smirked sardonically.

His satisfied smile was captivating enough to seize anyone’s attention in an instant.

“How amusing.”


But the aide felt a shiver down his spine.

It was understandable, considering Dante’s smile always meant someone was about to meet their end.

“I used to find our Elze’s empty-headed charm appealing, you know?”

Dante tapped his temple with his index finger as he spoke.

The sharp ruby eyes, filled with curiosity, sparkled as they fixedly gazed.

“But surprisingly, Elze seems to have his moments. So…”

Unable to contain himself, Dante abruptly stood up, slapping his palms together like an excited child.

“I’m going to meet Elze.”


The aide reflexively checked the time.

Seven forty-seven in the evening.

Isn’t it too late to decide suddenly and leave in a hurry, especially with a mountain of tasks to handle?

He was utterly flabbergasted, but Dante paid no attention to his subordinate’s concerns.

Dante briskly left the room with cheerful strides.

“Lo, Lord? Lord!”

The aide hurriedly followed Dante.

Yet, Dante’s eccentric behavior showed no signs of stopping.

Throughout the carriage ride to Rose Cross Boarding School, his complaints persisted.

“Why is this so slow?”

“The carriage is already running at its maximum speed.”

The aide, suppressing the urge to vomit from motion sickness, replied politely.

As evidence, the carriage continued to rattle without a break.


Dante, with a chubby expression, leaned back against the carriage seat, clenching his fist.

Then, he narrowed his eyes and pressed his subordinate.

“But you can still go faster, right? Hmm?”

Anticipation brimmed over his graceful face.

As if waiting for a surprise gift, like a child.

* * *

Under Dante’s endless prodding, the carriage astonishingly covered a distance that usually took an hour in just 20 minutes.

The aide felt a sense of dizziness due to the unsettling atmosphere, and he wished he could just sit down immediately. Unfortunately, he couldn’t afford such luxury because Dante, who had just leaped out of the carriage, was heading straight for the underground prison of the boarding school.

The bewildered aide called out to Dante, “Uh, Lord.”

What now?

Almost as if expecting such a question, Dante turned around briefly.

“Arent you going to meet Elze yet?”

“Why would I?”

Dante tilted his head as if genuinely puzzled, as if he had no idea about the reason.

“Didn’t Elze catch Victor for me?”

“Well, yes… but…”

Logically, wouldn’t it be appropriate to see a lover who has been apart for a long time?

The aide, who had harbored such doubts, quickly understood. After all, expecting anything conventional from this beautiful lunatic in front of him was absurd.

“Well then, considering Elze’s gesture, shouldn’t we start by tearing Victor apart?”

Dante asked, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

The aide chose to simply nod in agreement.


Dante, who usually seemed carefree, now exuded a vibrant energy.

In such a state, any words addressed to him were likely to fall on deaf ears.

“Well then, I’ll take care of my business, alright?”

“I’ll handle it.”


Dante chuckled briefly, seeming delighted.

Then, almost as if leaping, he descended the stairs leading to the underground prison.

Watching his retreating figure, the aide had a foreboding sense of the gruesome fate awaiting Victor.

“That little rat is in for a nasty end.”

Tutting, he turned to fulfill his master’s orders.

A short while later, faint screams of agony began to emerge from the underground prison.

* * *

“You didn’t want to see me?”

A voice tinged with laughter echoed.

I snapped out of my momentary freeze.

‘Get a hold of yourself.’

I mercilessly chewed on the soft flesh inside my mouth.

Among the three male protagonists, Dante was the most dangerous and unpredictable.

I couldn’t afford to foolishly lose my wits in front of Dante.

I lowered my eyes gracefully.

“Of course, I missed you, Lord.”


Dante’s eyebrows twitched at those words.

He seemed quite displeased with something…

‘Why is he reacting like that?’

I cautiously observed Dante’s expression.

Up until now, Elze in the original work had casually called him ‘Dante’ as if showing off.

And as described in the original work, Dante found Elze’s behavior somewhat unpleasant.

<That woman, without even knowing her place, called me Dante.>

<The only one who can call my name is you.>

He clearly said that to the original female protagonist.

So this time, I called him Lord without hesitation. What on earth is the problem?

“Were you out for a walk? You seem cheerful.”

Dante asked in a prickly tone, plucking the rose pinned in my hair.

Then, with a casual motion, he tossed it to the ground.


He mercilessly stomped on it.

I instinctively glanced at Lucian with a sidelong gaze.

‘Oh no.’

His blue eyes were cold and unyielding.

It seemed like his anger had reached the top of his head.

But Dante seemed determined to scratch beneath the surface of Lucian’s emotions.

With a touch.

With lips pressed against my forehead, Dante sweetly whispered, “There are so many things I want to ask you.”

The twisted voice resonated, resembling venom-soaked rose petals.

Sweet yet deadly.

Simultaneously, an alarm rang in my head as if gone mad.

Because the ‘original Dante’ I knew wasn’t like this.

All I wanted was for Dante to have a slight curiosity about me.

Not completely bored with me,

‘It’s better to get rid of that woman from my life.’

…that was the only judgment I wanted.

But treating me like a lover, stepping on the rose Lucian had pinned in my hair, and provocatively challenging Lucian…

‘Something is strange.’

Just as Dante, who had just pulled his lips away from my forehead, tightly embraced my waist and looked at Lucian.

“Well, first we have to get rid of the obstacles, right?”

As soon as he said that, guards rushed in from all sides.

Seeing that they were all unfamiliar faces, it seemed that Dante was personally accompanied by guards.

“Take him.”

The order was given.

The guards surrounded Lucian.

“Let go of me.”

Lucian slapped away the hand reaching for him.

Then he growled fiercely.

“I can go on my own.”

With eyes as cold as ice, Lucian glanced at me for the last time.

His piercing gaze touched my pale face and the strands of my hair with the rose.

A deep groove was carved into the smooth marble of his icy-blue eyes.

After that,

Lucian straightened his back, gracefully walked away with the dignified stride typical of nobles.

…It must be quite embarrassing.

For someone so prideful, receiving such a humiliating order.

At the same time, Dante looked down at me.

“Elze manages Duke Kalleid especially, right?”

His eyes, shining blood-red like twilight, seemed to pierce through me.

“So, was the sweet walk you just had part of that special management?”

And I tensed up.

Usually, Dante would undoubtedly be the first to question the orders I gave as the manager.

Like expelling Victor just now.

But why now…

…Is he asking about Lucian?


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