I Became the Daughter of My Disciple

















It was different from when the magic circle used to hide its traces.


The magical stone that had been secretly hidden to install a special magic circle here shattered into pieces and disappeared into powder.


A spell to destroy the magic circle was cast at the same time the letter arrived.


“How could they destroy that……! It was so difficult to create……!”


Hugo, looking out the window over Serdin’s shoulder, was startled.


A year ago, when Serdin first came here.


Feeling sorry and apologetic that Serdin had to go as a hostage to the enemy country, the Emperor and Empress had set up a contact method that could deceive even the eyes of the Promian Empire’s Emperor for the prince’s sake.


They brought an item made with a huge magical stone from the Ilnord Empire and risked their lives to set up the magic circle. They were so anxious about being discovered.


When they finally succeeded and exchanged the first contact, they felt immense relief, which is still vivid in their memories.


Hugo secretly wiped away tears, feeling that the young prince wasn’t completely alone and had something to rely on.


But to see it destroyed so futilely.


Even if they tried to make it again, it was impossible.


Hugo, knowing he shouldn’t, picked up the letter from the floor and checked it. No matter what reason was given, it was a definite notice of severance.


‘Did they plan to destroy it from the beginning?’


The magic circle was a symbol.


A promise that even though they had to send him as a hostage in place of the Crown Prince, they would never give up on him.


It was the only lifeline connecting Ilnord and Serdin.


Of course, unlike Serdin, who waited only for the letters delivered through the magic circle, Hugo didn’t think this contact could be maintained indefinitely.


Fortunately, they hadn’t been caught by the Promian Empire yet, but using the magic circle always carried a risk.


But still…!


‘This is like abandoning the prince for the second time.’


No matter how young he was, the intelligent prince would certainly understand this. That’s why Hugo was even more worried.


How would the prince react to this fact?


It was when Hugo’s anxious gaze landed on him.


“…Hugo, do you remember when I was as young as the princess?”


“What? Of course. I remember everything from the moment you were born. You were very gentle and lovely.”


Hugo was the only person who had stayed by his side and cared for him until now.


So whenever Serdin was curious about a time he couldn’t remember, he would ask Hugo.


Even a bright child like Serdin couldn’t remember things from such a young age.


But the warmth remained.


The warm embrace that held him. The kind smile directed at him. The clear and cheerful laughter meant for him.


That’s why he came as a hostage. He was so grateful for that warmth. He wanted to make sure that person wouldn’t be sad.


That was the only reason.


Serdin was the son of a maid who spent one night with the Emperor. However, the maid left the palace, leaving the child to the Empress without becoming a concubine.


Though he was abandoned by his biological mother right after birth, the Empress fortunately cherished Serdin as her own child.


He also adored the Empress greatly. Thanks to that, he was able to grow up recognized as a proper prince in the palace.


“I thought so too…”


Even that warmth was all fake.


Serdin, who had been staring blankly out the window, suddenly turned around as if struck by lightning.


Then, without even glancing at the letter Hugo was holding, he took out all the unsent letters he had carefully kept in his drawer. And then…


“Your Highness, what are you doing?”


Hugo, horrified at seeing Serdin tearing up all the letters he had accumulated, tried to stop him. But the boy didn’t stop tearing the letters.


“There’s no place to send them anyway. It’s better to get rid of trash quickly.”


“But these are the letters Your Highness wrote so diligently…!”


“I won’t write anymore.”


Bang – Serdin roughly shut the window.


It was the moment when Serdin’s heart closed along with the window, biting his lip to hold back tears no matter what.










It had already been several days. Heartbroken, Serdin wasn’t eating properly.


“You still need to eat.”


But the prince didn’t turn his head even once.


Naturally, his cheeks were sunken and his complexion was dark. Hugo was afraid that something really serious might happen at this rate.


Watching Serdin sit blankly all day with empty eyes, Hugo felt his heart breaking.


Feeling he couldn’t stand it any longer, Hugo spoke up.


“If there’s a book you want to read, please tell me. I’ll find a way to get it for you.”


Serdin had preferred books over toys since he first started walking.


He said he felt at ease when reading and studying.


But here, in a room with only minimal furniture, everything felt bleak.


Hugo was talking busily beside the dazed Serdin.


“They will check everything that comes to me.”


So, they couldn’t bring in everything he wanted.


Hugo let out a deep sigh.


“I wish I knew more so I could teach you. I regret not being educated.”


The clever prince could read since he took his first steps. He preferred reading books to playing outside with others.


For such a Serdin, Hugo’s knowledge was too shallow.


The knowledge Hugo could teach was quickly exhausted, and the only thing he could do for the prince was to procure books.


But even this he couldn’t do properly. As a result, Serdin became accustomed to giving up.


Now, even if he needed something, he wouldn’t tell Hugo.


“I don’t ask for much. I just wish for the prince to live without any problems. That’s all I hope for.”




But Serdin remained silent.


“I don’t know how long I’ll stay here.”


Hugo was at a loss for words.


He couldn’t say anything convincing.


An uncertain amount of time.


Being a hostage might mean a lifetime, just as Serdin said.


If he comforted him now, it might lead to greater despair later.


Hugo, choosing his words carefully, heard Serdin speak weakly.


“Maybe for a lifetime. Until I die……. I can’t live normaly, as if I were dead.”


As time passed, Serdin’s presence here was diminishing.


Even in the poor environment, Hugo did his best to care for him, but Serdin didn’t want to live like that.


To survive without losing strength in this situation, he needed a goal.


Seeing the prince’s slumped shoulders, Hugo spoke heavily.


“I’ll leave your meal here. Please make sure to eat.”


He placed the meal on the table and left to give Serdin some privacy.


He thought about going out to find some food that might tempt Serdin’s appetite.




The boy didn’t move for a long time even after Hugo left.


The warm meal had already turned cold and hard.


Despite acting like he carried the weight of the world, Serdin was only seven years old.


No matter how mature he seemed, he was just a child.


But Serdin knew better than anyone that being young wasn’t an excuse.


It would only become a weakness and a chain holding him back.


So, even now, when he had lost all his drive, he had to find the answers himself rather than relying on someone else.


At some point, Serdin started pinching his knee. His white, soft skin turned red, blistered, and swelled.


Serdin had a dream.


To grow up and become a great hero.


People said it was a foolish dream for a child, but Serdin was sincere. He wanted to be recognized and help his homeland.


But now, he had to accept that this dream was impossible.


As his time as a hostage dragged on, Serdin saw reality.


The Empress had never considered Serdin her real child.


Her kindness and affection were investments in a card that might be useful someday.


And as she intended, Serdin was used very effectively in place of the Empress’s own child.


So, the day when the useless Serdin would return to the Ilrod Empire would never come.


“What can I do here?”


Serdin muttered to himself.


Was there anything he could do?


Perhaps someone wanted Serdin to give up everything.


But Serdin had no intention of giving up his life without doing anything.


Since he couldn’t die like this, he needed a goal to hold onto during the remaining time.


He needed to dream a different dream.


If he couldn’t become a hero, it would be better to become a proper villain.


If that could give him the strength to live on.


When Serdin looked out the window, all he could see were cloudy skies.










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