How to Fix a Psychopath

Chapter 12


How to Fix a Psychopath Episode 12


Even when she was alone with that child, Lee Eun-woo was gentle for a moment. I wondered if he had really changed, but… … I couldn’t hide the feeling that he hadn’t. Did I change Lee Eun-woo? Or not? I began to doubt myself, to the point where I felt skeptical about what I was doing.


From the beginning, I didn’t make a specific plan like, ‘I have to change Lee Eun-woo like this!’ But that doesn’t mean I’ve ever thought about loving and caring for Lee Eun-woo from day one and put that into practice.


I just had the complacent thought that I had to fix Lee Eun-woo. I mean, just the kind of thoughts that anyone can have.


But as time went by, my confidence dried up and fell like a twisted tree branch breaking. I even doubted whether I was doing well. Lee Eun-woo was more concerned about actions than words,


“……I am scared.”


Yeah, it was scary.


I lived a few years longer than Lee Eun-woo, but this was not something I could handle.


Maybe it’s because I grew up so ordinary that I took this too lightly. Maybe that’s why it came to me more easily.


If someone who had a similar experience had been possessed, they would have thought it was a mistake and run away early on.


It was all my arrogance that came from my own delusion. If I had lived like Kim So-young during this time, this huge school violence would have passed quietly. Did I fan the flames for nothing? Did I hold onto the original for nothing? Regrets gripped my throat.


I didn’t think much about what would happen after that because I thought that whatever I did, I would fix Eunwoo. And the other victims. It was to the point where it would have been better to just have them be extras. It was complicated.




I couldn’t sleep for a week because of this problem, and I was getting irritated quickly. Thinking about it like this didn’t solve anything, but rather felt like I had thrown a tangled ball of yarn into my head.


I felt like I had even forgotten what I was originally going to do. I felt like a total idiot.


I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I hadn’t slept in days, so I quickly fell asleep. Maybe it was because the child left safely.


When that kid leaves, let’s do it again properly. Eunwoo Lee is human too, and he’s not immortal, so there will be something that will make him come to his senses someday. There will be… …

I don’t know at all right now, but… … .




“oh my!”


I opened my eyes with a start.


A chill ran down the back of my neck. I sat up from my seat. The cold made my whole body shiver for no reason. How long has it been since I fell asleep? I looked around frantically to find my watch, but I couldn’t find it, so I pulled out my phone from my skirt pocket.


5 minutes. I checked the time before Eunwoo Lee left, and it had only been 5 minutes since Eunwoo Lee left.


I quickly jumped to the window. My hands kept shaking as I


opened the window, so it took a long time to open the lock, but I was able to open the window quickly. I stuck my head out before the window was even fully opened.


“Ah, haa… … .”


I was scared. I was scared. It was definitely the sound of something heavy hitting the floor. I bit my lower lip hard. But I was still nervous, so I dug my fingernails into my palms.


Fortunately, there was nothing in the flower beds near the playground or rooftop.


So now… … . I closed the window again and turned around. This is what happened inside the school.


I had to go out. My heart was pounding hard and fast, feeling uneasy.


When I checked outside the window, I hesitated. I hesitated, and took a step forward without lifting my feet from the ground, as if I was crossing a single-plank bridge. Like someone who was sobbing, I couldn’t rest properly and kept trembling.




I kept clenching and unclenching my fists, muttering to myself


without knowing to whom I was talking to.


My feet, which had been moving slowly as if trying to avoid it, stopped in front of the door. It wouldn’t have been strange if my heart had burst out of my rib cage. I wanted to swallow my saliva, but my mouth was dry and rough. I slowly raised my hand to open the door.


No one can be indifferent if it were something big. If something big had happened, you would have heard screams. Yeah, that’s normal. It’s probably nothing. It could just be a worn-out locker or something that fell.


Contrary to my expectations, what kept unfolding in my head was the relationship between Lee Eun-woo and the child. I couldn’t shake the feeling that Lee Eun-woo had done something to the child, as if it were already a done deal.


That day, the day he collapsed in the hallway, covered in blood. That strange day when his arms dangled. That day when the child was crushed and his flesh torn off and he couldn’t open his eyes.


I stopped hesitating and opened the classroom door. Boom! I opened the door hard and went out into the hallway.


There was nothing at the end of both hallways. The third-year


middle school floor was the top floor, so I ran straight to the end of the hallway on the right where the stairs were. Knock, knock, knock. The sound of worn-out indoor shoes hitting the hallway floor was particularly loud. The sound of heartbeats overlapping each other made my ears feel like they were going to go deaf.


As I get closer to the stairs, I think I hear a sound.


As I was walking quickly in a hurry, I felt like my feet were constantly tripping over my own feet. My body was swaying as if I was about to fall, but I couldn’t stop.


Just turn to the corner. Just turn towards that corner!


Slowly I slowed down and turned right, leaning against the wall. There was nothing here either. But somehow the faint sound seemed a little louder. It was the floor right below the third-year floor.


I held onto the railing and quickly went down the stairs. I ran so fast that I could hear gasps for breath coming from my mouth.


I took a deep breath on the middle steps before going all the way down to the second floor, then did another half turn.


And then my body froze.


“Ha, huh, huh, haa… … gi, kim, so… … soyoung… … ahhh… … gasp.”


It felt like time had stopped.


I felt as if I would stop breathing after running a little, and then my heart raced as if it would burst. Then everything stopped, and only the sound of others breathing heavily resonated.


“Ugh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uhk, uhk, dad, parents… … parents please… … ha, shi, shit… … I uh, hit my back, look, uhk, uh, ha, all, my legs, ah, ah, don’t move, move, uh, uhk, … … .”


My body was trembling.


The child in front of me trembled even more.


The scene before my eyes flashed white, then faded away, then curled up, then completely blackened. As if a hard mannequin lower body had been attached to my healthy upper body, the child cried and clung to me.


Nothing was moving, but he was waving one arm as if there was a living thing in his arm. His face was soaked with tears, distorted in pain, and he couldn’t speak properly.


The sight. It was. terribly disgusting. I hesitated, and took a half


step backwards on my own.


“Cow, Soyoung, huh, huh, … … Save me… … Please… … .”


‘Don’t try to please him.’


‘You must run away too. Kim So-young.’


‘If you go to a different school like me, you won’t have to live like that.’


‘I’m just… …sorry.’


‘This, this is all because of Lee Eun-woo.’


I suddenly came to my senses and went down the stairs.


“Hey, are you okay? Who, who did this?”


I hurriedly knelt down beside the child and took my cell phone out of my skirt pocket. My trembling hands kept moving around and I couldn’t open the folder properly.


Ha, shit… … . Haaug… … .


Thump, thump, tears fell onto the school uniform skirt.


“Lee, Lee Eun, Lee Eun Woo… … . Ha, it hurts. Ah, it hurts… … ., it hurts so much… … .”


Again, as if I was going to run away, the child grabbed my skirt with his good arm.


“I’m sorry. I’m sorry… … . I’ll call 119, 119 right away.”


I barely managed to open the folder, pressed down hard on 119, and connected the call. The ringtone sounded particularly long and tiresome. Time was running out, and it felt like my heart had been beating a hundred times before the ringtone sounded once.


My heart felt like it was going to burst.


“I, Lee Eun-woo, huh, to you, by any chance, huh, no, there was nothing wrong, huh, what, what if he said something. I, outside,… …was waiting… …was waiting.”


-Yes. This is Daeheon Fire Station. What is it?


I burst into tears at the chaotic noise.


“Hey, this is Daeheon Middle School… … . There is a person who is sick… … . Please come quickly!”


“Eunwoo Lee… … suddenly went down the stairs, back, me, pushed… … .”


– Are you talking about Daeheon Middle School? What are the patient’s symptoms?


The hand holding my skirt loosened its strength.


“Uh, uh… …. Someone, someone pushed him down the stairs and he hit his back, his back. It hurts a lot. Please, come quickly. Please!”


I cried.


Oh, oh, my voice was hoarse, but I cried so loudly that it wouldn’t be strange. On the other end of the phone, I received a confirmation that they were leaving, and the child who had been crying and looking at me fainted without a sound.


I felt like my head was going to explode.


I was out of my mind. The boy’s strange appearance, Eunwoo who had pushed him away, and the child who had waited outside in case I was harmed. The child’s waist that was pushed without Eunwoo knowing.


Stairs. Waist. Lee Eun-woo. That kid. 119.


‘Should I scold him?’




I raised my head.


It was Lee Eun-woo. He covered my face with his eyebrows furrowed, worried that I was crying so hard as if I was going to pass out. What was he thinking? I heard a buzzing noise in my head, as if someone was blowing a whistle.


I pushed Eunwoo Lee away with a bang.


Eunwoo Lee easily fell away.


What did you say?


Someone like you wasn’t meant to be fixed. Thinking about fixing you. You crazy! How dare you push people. What’s wrong with you? You’re scary.


I’ll go crazy if I am with him. I tried to be with you only to cure you. We didn’t even kiss! Why did you do that? If you hadn’t done anything, I would have pretended not to know and stayed by your side. I would have tried to understand you!


No, that was stupid. Understanding you is like breathing


underwater. I can’t do it. How can I change you? I can’t. I can’t.




Don’t call my name!


“Soyoung-ah. This is when you get the idea that you shouldn’t hang out with other people. It’ll be a little hard at first. It’s okay. You won’t die because of that. Don’t cry. You should only show this side of yourself to me, but it’s so frustrating when other kids keep making you cry.”


You crazy bastard… … . I will run away. I can’t stay with you.


“Don’t do that, Soyoung. I’d die without you. What are you talking about? Don’t run away. Okay? I’m sorry. But… … . If you run away, I’ll chase you to the end. Let’s not live a hard life. If you run away and reach a dead end, that will be your home and mine too. I won’t let you run away anymore. You know? That’s harder for you and me.”


Oh my… … You’re so scary. You scare me. You suffocate me.


“I’ll stop. I won’t. Don’t cry. Okay? What should I do… … . You’re still cute even when you cry. Soyoung. You’re pretty.”


I don’t know how much I cried.



The ambulance arrived quickly. The principal and the child’s parents, who were in the middle of the transfer process, rushed out at the sound of the ambulance, and the child was taken to the emergency room again.



  1. cowner says:

    Eunwoo Lee…he is uhh very much has eaten his mind 🫠

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