Enemies Meet at the Engagement Ceremony





















“Look at those two dukes over there.”


The approving glances from the nobles who had been observing them shifted towards the two dukes.


On the side of Duke Gray, influential figures recognized throughout the empire, especially from the central nobility, gathered.


While engaging in conversations with them, Jade Gray occasionally cast glances at Enoch, and the nobles, sensing Jade Gray’s interest, exchanged a few words with Enoch.


“Ah, I wish I could mingle over there.”


Someone expressed regret, knowing that a single glance from one of them could alter the fate of a family.


Every time Enoch spoke, faint admiration erupted among them. Jade Gray’s shoulders towered as if they could pierce the sky.


“Enoch Gray, the young noble, already exudes the grace characteristic of the Gray dukes.”


“They say he has already completed the entire basic curriculum of the Continental Academy at such a young age.”


“A genius that comes once in a century…”


Whether adult or child, an aura of awe emanated from those who gazed at Enoch.


From the small figure of the child, the sharp and neat atmosphere characteristic of Duke Gray overflowed.


A figure that was enticingly out of reach, making it all the more appealing—an ideal heir to the Gray duchy.


“Let’s see, as for the Emblem….”


Those who had been watching the Gray duchy now turned their attention to the Emblem.


By now, a crowd of spectators had gathered on they side to witness the unfamiliar sport of arm wrestling.


As her successively defeated the boys, the initial surprise of onlookers turned into cheers and applause.










Unlike the Gray duchy, where an atmosphere of their own world seemed to unfold, her side was heating up with enthusiasm.


With each victory, the parents cheered and clapped, while the kids cheered with excitement.


“How about Cherrya Emblem, the young lady of the Emblem? Seeing her draw people in and get along so well, the term ‘Emblem’ truly fits her.”


“I keep finding myself looking at her. Just being there brings a smile; it’s irresistible.”


The nobles praised both heirs, stating that both duchies had raised their successors well.


The Gray duchy had Enoch, exuding calmness, wisdom, and grace fitting the Gray colors.


The Emblem duchy had Cherrya, emitting a fiery energy like the Emblem itself, winning everyone’s favor.


“Seeing those two children, it feels like the competition between Emblem and Gray has truly begun.”


“It’s already so enjoyable. I wonder how the performances of these kids in tomorrow’s hunting competition will be recorded in the histories of Emblem and Gray?”


“Then, we are sharing a moment in history together.”


Everyone’s faces lit up with anticipation.


“Our time was really fun too.”


The adult nobles sought lattes, reminiscing about the era when her mother and Aunt Diana were in fierce competition.


“When Melsia Emblem and Diana Gray claimed to share a friendship, it was truly a time when the continent turned upside down…”


“It was subtly disheartening and somewhat regrettable.”


“Right. But now, I understand the reason. Emblem and Gray are truly the most entertaining when they fight each other.”


They all nodded in agreement with those words.


“By the way, how will this match turn out? Will Emblem win, or will Gray win?”


“This time, Gray might win, don’t you think? Enoch Gray’s talent supposedly transcends imagination.”


“Didn’t they say Cherrya Emblem is catching up fast?”


“There are rumors that Enoch Gray’s talent goes beyond that. He already employs swordsmanship that instinctively targets vital points and exploits weaknesses after assessing the opponent. It seems to embody the very swordsmanship Gray duchy has been pursuing.”


“Then this time, Emblem might need to step up their game a bit to face Enoch Gray.”


Bets were placed on her and Enoch. She ruthlessly twisted the wrist of the fifth kids, triumphantly glaring at the adults who were confidently betting against us.




“Cherrya Emblem’s fifth victory!”


The kids cheered. Amidst that celebration, she looked at the adults who had been boasting about themselves in the face of they competition.


“I will never lse!”


Althought she was speaking to the kids, her fierce eyes were directed at them.


Gasp, did you hear that?”


“No way.”


They flinched and lowered their voices, but she had already heard everything.


‘Can’t you hear it!’


It’ s strange if she can’t hear them while they’re talk so loudly. It was her dad who holding her, messaging her wrists and sighing.


“Our Cherry, how are you going to attend tomorrow’s hunting competition if you’re already straining yourself? It’s said that a good knight takes care of they’re body more than the sword.”


“…… Yes.”


She slowly caught her breath while receiving her father’s gentle touch. Her father, who was looking at her closely, soon turned towards the nobles who were talking about her.




A disapproving sound could be heard between her dad’s lips.


Are her dad’s perhaps angry? Her, who had never seen her dad’s angry face before, suddenly raised her head.


Then her dad was looking at her with a smile as if he had just clicked his tongue. As her father and she looked at each other like that for a while, her mother came up to her and said.


“Benedict, I think His Majesty is coming now.”


“Ah, already.”


Her dad said as he led her to stand next to her mom.


“This will be our Cherry’s first time meeting His Majesty, isn’t it?”


“Should I also greet them?”


“If the opportunity arises, you might.”




She swallowed hard. The Emperor. The ruler at the pinnacle of Lutinas Empire’s power, dominating everyone present in this gathering.


Sovereignty resides in the citizens, and all power comes from the people – the concept of democracy in the Republic of Korea, where she, with memories dating back longer than most, lived. It was truly a strange concept for her.


A single word from the Emperor could mean life or death for someone.


“… Do I have to see them?”


“Do as you wish. But as long as our Cherry is the Emblem, there will come a time when you can’t avoid it. So, be prepared in your heart always.”




She nodded slowly. Simultaneously, with a voice more trembling than ever, she informed the Emperor’s entrance to the party hall, where the imperial entrance was.


“The Light of Lutinas, His Majesty the Emperor, and His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince are entering!”


As the herald announced, the nobles showed faces of surprise, holding their breath. In the midst of the rapidly changing atmosphere, her, feeling perplexed, tapped her dad.


“Dad, why is the atmosphere like this? Are they all scared of the Emperor?”


Her dad leaned down and whispered into her ear with a quiet voice.


“Not exactly. It’s because the Crown Prince has come. Everyone is bewildered because it’s rare for the Crown Prince to come out of the palace.”




“He’s been quite ill since childhood. Faced with numerous close calls with death, he became quite fragile.”




Come to think of it, her dad used to leave the house quite often when she was even younger, citing visits to the Crown Prince.


What kind of people are the Emperor and the Crown Prince?


She stretched her neck with curiosity, gazing towards the entrance of the party hall.


The Emperor, with golden hair shimmering, was walking into the party hall. He appeared younger than her had imagined.


The Emperor, who seemed slightly older than her dad, wore a smile that softened the atmosphere, but the characteristic pressure of an authority figure still lingered.


Yet, the distinctive aura of a powerful ruler couldn’t be completely erased.


His golden eyes, symbolizing the royal family, flickered with a dark intensity like a deep abyss. Everyone in the party hall bowed with faces that seemed as if they could be absorbed into the Emperor’s eyes, showing respect.


“I greet His Majesty, the illustrious ruler of Lutinas.”


“I greet His Imperial Highness, the Crown Prince, the light that illuminates Lutinas!”


She shifted her gaze to the Crown Prince, walking beside the Emperor.


“…… Huh?”


An indistinct sound of surprise escaped her lips as she looked at the Crown Prince.


‘Why does the Crown Prince look like that?’















Hello, you can support me here & mass release chapter req ^o^ buy me a coffee.


  1. Noyuhigo says:

    am curious to what he looks like, anyways thx for 5 chps louyve

    1. louyve says:

      Thankss for reading this! You’ll see that in the next updatee, please waitt (~ ̆▾ ̆)~

  2. caeru says:

    Thanks for the chapter! I’m really looking forward to the face off between the two kids 😀

    1. louyve says:

      Thankyou for readingg, please wait for the next updatee~~~

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