Enemies Meet at the Engagement Ceremony

































Count Condrius’s grandest banquet hall was quite spacious, yet it had never been filled to its capacity.


There was a mysterious speculation among the people that the current Count Condrius, known for extravagant parties, had this enormous hall built on the Condrius estate.


“….. It’s completely so cool.”


The current Count of Condrius, Reynaldo Condrius, stood dumbfounded, watching the endless procession of carriages.


While there were already a considerable number of guests inside the Count’s estate, this procession consisted of external guests waiting outside.


Among them, there was also the carriage of Duke Gray’s family.


The Duke of Gray had chosen to stay outside the Condrius estate, stating that he disliked sharing the same space and air if Emblem was staying in the Count’s estate.


“Father, you shouldn’t be here like this. You need to greet the guests first. If you miss the chance to greet Duke Gray, what will you do? Come on!”


“Ah, right. Let’s go.”


Prompted by his son, Count Condrius snapped out of his daze and hastily made his way back to the party venue.


The thought of giving Emblem to the Condrius estate but not being able to do the same for the Grays weighed heavily on his mind.


Hurrying beside the Count, his subordinate leaned in and whispered into his ear.


“My Lord, Duke Gray’s party has entered after His Majesty’s arrival.”


“Is that so?”


The face of Count Condrius, who had been sweating from tension, visibly relaxed.


Phew, I’ve gained some extra time to practice the greetings I memorized all night.”


He double-checked the note in his pocket and let out a sigh. Just imagining addressing Jade Gray, the Duke, sent shivers of tension throughout his body.


The Gray family was a leading noble lineage within the Imperial nobility. Moreover, Jade Gray was not only a prominent politician, transcending factions, but also a guardian of Lutinas through both civil and martial means.


Jade Gray could be described as a family that protected Lutinas through both literature and military.


“It would be good to introduce the young master as well.”


“I should greet first and then introduce. If I bring him along from the start, they might suspect ulterior motives. Jade Gray detests such shallow schemes and values competence. It’s better to let him shine in this tournament before presenting him.”


“Indeed. Considering Duke Jade Gray’s character, that seems more appropriate. He despises superficial strategies and values abilities. It’s better to let him see the talent first.”


“If luck is on our side, he might join the Gray Duke’s knights…”


Count Condrius regained determination, thinking of his son who was diligently learning swordsmanship. His son admired the Gray Duke’s knights and aspired to join them.


‘Father! It’s the Gray Duke’s knights! Have you seen them? The atmosphere over there is truly showing the embodiment of the knights! Oh, the Gray Duke’s knights in our territory! The Gray Knights!’


The excitement in his son’s face, bouncing around and trying to maintain dignity as he aspired to be a Gray Duke’s knight, was truly impressive.


Count Condrius had devoted his life to protecting his territory and never harbored ambitions to enter central politics. However, to support his son’s dream, he intended to make the most of this opportunity.


“Duke Emblem has already entered.”


“Is that so?”


The excitement on Count Condrius’ face, who had just been passionate about Duke Gray, quickly turned pale. Unlike before, he briskly walked with light steps, as if his ears were reddened with anticipation like a teenager about to face his first love.


“Is it true that Duke Seffield Emblem won’t be attending this year’s hunting competition?”


“Yes. His Majesty urgently requested his skills as a Swordmaster for a matter requiring his strength.”


“Ah, what a pity. What a shame. I’ve always wished to host him at our Condrius territory at least once in my lifetime.”


In Count Condrius’ face, an unavoidable sense of disappointment arose. Seffield Emblem was a hero across the continent.


The only seventeenth Swordmaster in the history of the continent.


At present, Seffield Emblem was the sole Swordmaster in the entire empire.


Thus, he was the idol of all knights and a hero for everyone living across the continent.


Under the title of a hero, there were no nobles or commoners. Count Condrius, like any ordinary person, was captivated by the desire to meet and admire Emblem.


If his son was an ardent fan of the Gray Duke’s knights, Count Condrius was, in fact, a long-time fan of the Emblem Knights.


“I should have witnessed the moment Emblem entered our county. I wanted to greet him too…”


Count Condrius murmured with a sulky face, looked like a seven-year-old child.


His subordinates, too, seemed subtly expectant, and their faces carried a slightly melancholic expression.


To someone witnessing two grown adults sulking like children, it might seem amusing, but placing oneself in Emblem’s position would likely make everyone understand.


When Count Condrius was just about his son’s age, it was the time when the prominence of the Emblem Knights led by Duke Seffield Emblem had reached its peak.


Across the continent, stories of the Emblem Knights defeating monsters and saving people with their swords had fervently circulated.


The citizens of the Lutinas Empire were very proud to be in the same country as the Seffield Emblem, and even those abroad felt envious just because they were citizens of the Lutinas Empire protected by the Seffield Emblem.


That was how Emblem’s popularity exceeded imagination.


“Still, it’s an unparalleled honor for our Condrius territory to assist in hosting a party sponsored by the imperial family.”


“Well, that’s true.”


“Moreover, the current Commander of the Emblem Knights, Lady Melsia, will be attending. She expressed her desire to personally thank you, Count, during the party for your cooperation.”


“Is that so?”


Count Condrius’ face underwent a sudden change. The disappointed person from a moment ago now looked as if a blooming flower of laughter replaced that previous demeanor.


“Is the Emblem Knight’s biography are prepared?”


“Yes, it’s ready.”


“We must absolutely get their autograph. Right next to the signature of Duke Seffield Emblem. Absolutely!”


Count Condrius clenched his fists tightly as he made the determination.


The Emblem Knight’s biography was the most famous book in the continent after the history books of Emblem and Gray.


It documented the heroic tales of the Emblem Knights and was considered a must-read for citizens of the Lutinas Empire. Count Condrius inherited a book with Duke Seffield Emblem’s signature from his father.


“Cherrya Emblem, the promising future Emblem Duke, is also said to attend this time. If I get their autographs together, I’ll have the Emblem Knight’s biography signed by three generations of the current Emblem family!”


His most anticipated goal for this hunting competition was right ahead. With an excited heart, he headed towards the party hall.


“The host of this party and the Count of Condrius Territory, where the Imperial Hunting Competition is held! Count Reynaldo Condrius has entered!”


The herald thunderously announced his name.


Simultaneously, Count Condrius entered the party hall with a subdued cough, walking with determined steps. Being vigilant in facial expressions, he made sure to manage them thoroughly in preparation for the impending cheers and applause.


“Oh? Oh. You’ve arrived? The party looks splendid, indeed.”




However, contrary to expectations, what greeted Count Condrius was a lackluster welcome and sparse, unenthusiastic applause.




The Imperial Hunting Competition, organized by the royal family, was considered a significant event worthy of historical records in the empire. The family entrusted with hosting the event received unparalleled honor and was traditionally respected and supported by nobles throughout the competition.


Thus, aristocrats usually demonstrated respect and support as a gesture of congratulating the honored family during the competition.


However, this lack of courtesy was unexpected. Amid Count Condrius’s bewilderment,


“Look here once!”


“Lady Melsia!”


“Woww, so cool!”


In the distance, where nobles gathered, chaos erupted. Despite their dignity and elegance, the scene was filled with loud cheers. Count Condrius’s gaze turned toward the commotion.


Everyone in the party hall had their attention focused there, no matter how much they pretended otherwise. The gazes of all present were fixated on that direction.


“What’s going on over there?”


In response to Count Condrius’s bewildered muttering, his aide quickly whispered.


“Lady Melsia, the commander of the Emblem Knights, are with us right now.”




Count Condrius’s eyes widened in astonishment.


Was it because of that that no one paid attention to his arrival?


He couldn’t tolerate it any longer.


“I’m going first!”


Count Condrius, abandoning his dignity, also rushed forward.


The greetings and signatures from Lady Melsia Emblem were crucial for the Condrius family, the hosting family of this hunting competition.


It was something he couldn’t afford to give up on.















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