Dead-End Villainess Who Makes Medicine

DVMM Special Epilogue 03


A state of emergency was declared in the imperial palace.

Under the leadership of Rohiriel, the assistant vice physician, and Dr. Barmid, endless meetings ensued.


“The blood tests seem to be clear. What do you think?”

“I agree, Your Majesty. We’ll need to look into secondary reaction tests, but so far, everything looks very good.”

“It’s not just good; it’s a picture of health itself, I’d say.”

“It’s a shame the chief physician wasn’t in the palace.”

“That’s true. Unfortunately, she is away from the imperial palace researching new herbs.”


Various tests were conducted urgently.

As they reviewed the results, the physicians were lost in thought.

In the midst of this, Julion’s hesitant voice pierced through.


“So, Rohiriel, I’m healthy…….”

“People in good health don’t almost gag when they try to swallow food!”

“I told you that’s because the food has a strong fishy smell.”

“I didn’t smell anything; it tasted great!”

“Perhaps the food in your dish and mine were different. It might be quicker to investigate the ingredients of that food.”


It was another moment of great crisis in Gray Zimmer’s life.

He was just a step away from being accused of the capital crime of attempted assassination of the emperor. Had he been present, it would have been no surprise if he had foamed at the mouth and collapsed.


“I only smelled something delicious in your soup! We need to conduct more tests, so please roll up your sleeves again.”


Rohiriel cut off Julion’s words decisively. 

Seeing Rohiriel grab his other arm for another drawing of blood, Julion awkwardly extended his arm.


“Just a moment. Perhaps I simply had indigestion from the lunch I had earlier.”

“They said you didn’t have lunch.”

“How could that be…”

“I’ve checked with Freck.”


When did Freck tell Rohiriel whether or not he had lunch?

He resented Freck for some reason, feeling betrayed, but Rohiriel mercilessly rolled up his sleeves.


“No matter how much I think about it, this reaction seems a bit excessive…”

“You could have been exposed to a new poison. Or maybe the old poison is still lingering in your system. I’m just so worried.”


Rohiriel sighed with a dejected expression as she mentioned the poison inflicted by Roxis Cassian.

Seeing this endearing and distressed sight, Julion couldn’t say a word and simply offered his arm.

Just as the needle was about to pierce his skin…


“Your Majesty, the Chief Physician of the Palace Infirmary has returned!”


With Hemion’s urgent voice, the office door swung open.

Behind Hemion’s curly brown hair, there seemed to be fluttering blue hair, like the sky.

Stepping forward immediately, the chief, with sparkling blue eyes, lowered her head. 


“Chief Shahadna of the Palace Infirmary, I bring you greetings upon my return.”



Overjoyed, Rohiriel stood up abruptly, forgetting about the syringe.

Julion, too, glanced sorrowfully at his ignored arm and rose to his feet.


“I’m glad you’re back safe and sound, Chief.”

“Goodness, I thought you’d be away for a few more days!”

“We finished earlier than expected and came back right away. But what’s all this commotion about? Is Your Majesty feeling unwell?”

“Well, that’s…”


Rohiriel briefly explained what had happened.

Shahadna’s expression changed by the moment, finally breaking into a small laugh.


“Mother, this is serious. Julion used to eat anything so well…”

“But the test results showed nothing wrong, right?”

“Yes. It doesn’t seem to be indigestion, and more than anything, he still looks unwell.”

“Hmm……. Let me ask you something: Has the Empress been feeling unwell?”


Shahadna asked an unexpected question after pondering for a moment.

Rohiriel shook her head, puzzled.


“No. Until yesterday, I often felt uncomfortable and had indigestion, but today I’m perfectly fine. The problem is Julion.”

“You had an upset stomach until yesterday.”

“Yes… Could it be that he caught something from me?”

“Hahaha, no. That’s not likely. But I want to check something else.”


Rohiriel and Julion both tilted their heads in confusion.

Shahadna smiled gently at them.


“This is just a mother’s intuition, but…”


After hesitating for a moment, Shahadna approached Rohiriel and whispered softly in her ear.


“Rohiriel, when was the last time you had your period?”


The sudden and unexpected question made Rohiriel’s eyes widen.

At the same time, she started to count back to her last period. 

Two months and… ten days.


“……No way.”


She had been so busy and distracted with the coronation preparations and her duties as empress that she hadn’t noticed.

Sometimes her period was delayed when she was tired, so she just assumed it was a little late.

But no way. 

It couldn’t be……!

Could it be that the discomfort she had been feeling all this time was actually… Her already large eyes grew even wider with joy and excitement.


☪︎ ִ ࣪𖤐 𐦍 ☾𖤓 ☪︎ ִ ࣪𖤐 𐦍 ☾𖤓


“Ugh…! Take it away… ugh.”


Sometimes, there are people like that.


“Did you really bring this out for me to eat?”


Husbands who love their wives so much that they can’t bear to see them suffer from morning sickness.


“I can’t stand the sight of fish, so make sure the palace doesn’t smell like it for a while.”


It is said that such husbands suffer the symptoms of morning sickness instead of their wives.


“I want some lemon juice. Something sour enough to numb my tongue.”


Rohiriel had only read about it in books, but she never imagined…


“I don’t know why chocolate tastes so good. Our child must be a princess.”


She never imagined her own husband would be like that. 

Watching Julion unwrap his eleventh chocolate, Rohiriel couldn’t help but stick out her tongue in disbelief.

Then she subtly pushed the remaining box of chocolates out of his reach.


“Too much at once is bad for your health.”


Disappointment briefly flickered in Julion’s golden eyes, but he quickly gave up and took Rohiriel’s hand.


“Then you cook for me.”

“Even though you won’t be able to eat it,”

“No, everything you make will taste good.”

“You told them to take away the head chef’s food, yet you’re saying this?”

“You’re different.”


Julion naturally kissed Rohiriel’s hand and smiled.

Because he hadn’t been able to eat properly for several days, his features seemed sharper and his eyes more intense.

As he gazed steadily at her with those golden eyes, Rohiriel cleared her throat and looked away.



“Will you really cook for me? Later?”

“Yes, in the evening.”

“Haha, I’m looking forward to it.”

“You’d better eat it, then.”

“I’ll savour it, no matter the taste.”


He always talks so well.

Rohiriel glanced at Julion, deciding to make something really unappetizing this time.

His upturned lips and soft, golden eyes caught her attention. 

The gentle creases in his eyes reveal the golden pupils within.

There was nothing about him that didn’t captivate Rohiriel. 

Though she had gotten somewhat used to it, there were still times when it felt overwhelmingly unfamiliar.

Rohiriel felt her face growing hot, so she pulled her hand away and stood up.


“Where are you going?”


Then Julion lifted his head, like a baby bird, and looked at Rohiriel.

Rohiriel smiled sheepishly and replied.


“I’m going to make some medicine for you. Something a bit more effective.”

“I don’t think my current condition is that bad.”

“What are you talking about? You can’t even eat properly.”

“And that’s why you’re caring for me more tenderly than ever. Didn’t you think we haven’t had enough time together since the coronation?”

“How can you say that in this situation…!”


Rohiriel lightly scolded Julion, who responded playfully.


“And more importantly… it’s a hundred, no, a thousand times better for me to be sick than to see you sick.”


“So just know that I’m having a very satisfying time right now.”


Rohiriel, unable to respond, turned away.


“…Rest. I’ll bring the medicine.”


Her throat tightened, and her eyes grew hot. 

No matter what, she didn’t have to experience morning sickness. 

Rohiriel felt like tears were coming to her eyes from the overwhelming emotions she had never felt before.


“Be careful, my wife.”


Julion’s soft, warm voice reached her from behind, making her feel both happy and comforted.




  1. MintyHay44 says:

    Poor Julion has couvade syndrome that’s so wholesome.

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