Dead-End Villainess Who Makes Medicine

DVMM Chapter 154



I had heard stories of the palace physicians being dispatched to the southern territories.

Since I didn’t have the authority to decide on palace physician matters, I didn’t know the details, but I remembered Julion being quite distressed.


“Oh my, your highness…!”


The burly physician stopped dead in his tracks as he called me.

It was thanks to the sharp-eyed physician beside him, who nudged his ribs.

The doctor who got nudged glanced around cautiously before continuing.


“…How come you’re here?”

“I was surprised to see you in such a dangerous area.”


I was surprised by the sudden appearance of the palace physicians.

Meiran, too, cast wary glances at the physicians before hiding behind me.


“It’s okay. Meiran, it’s better to stay with your mother. We don’t know when she’ll wake up again.”



Meiran replied in a small voice and hurried off towards the village.

Watching Meiran’s retreating figure for a moment, I addressed the physicians.


“I didn’t expect to meet palace physicians here. So…”


I paused and looked at the burly and sharp-eyed physicians in turn.

Then, the observant, sharp-eyed physician nodded first.


“You may call me Chavel, Miss.”

“Oh, I’m Marvin, your hi…Miss.”


Unlike Chavel, Marvin still seemed hesitant to drop the “Your Highness” title.

He awkwardly smiled, wiping the sweat flowing like rain with his sleeve.


“Alright, Dr. Chavel and Dr. Marvin, nice to meet you. It seems like we’ll need detailed explanations from each other.”


With that, we briefly shared the important details.

The news of me leaving the palace and Julion scouring the country hadn’t reached Mormic, where the epidemic was rampant.

If anything, it was somewhat fortunate.

There was also one important piece of news.


“After realizing that Mormic is beyond control, we sent a request to the imperial palace for the blockade of Mormic.”

“It seems the lord’s condition is quite dire.”


In such urgent situations, the lord could usually temporarily impose a blockade.

Then a formal report would be made to the palace.

But submitting a request to the palace first meant that the lord with the authority to impose the blockade couldn’t make the decision.


‘Even the lord’s castle was half-burnt down.’


It was clear that something had changed.

Sure enough, Chavel nodded with a grim expression.


“Yes. The lord fell ill while caring for the people of the territory.”

“What is his current condition?”

“It has progressed to the terminal stage. He might not have much time left…”


It was rare for a lord to fall ill to this extent.

At this point, they would usually seek assistance from neighboring estates or extend a helping hand.

But Mormic was crumbling, like an isolated territory left to fend for itself.


‘Perhaps because they have a neutral lord.’


Lord Francois Mormic of Mormic Territory.

Despite governing a vast area covering a quarter of the southern region, he had no interest in central politics.

Judging by its size and history, the Mormic family could stand shoulder to shoulder with the Rivolain family. 

However, they remained neutral, avoiding involvement in any conflicts.

While this neutrality sometimes helped them avoid trouble, it also meant they didn’t receive assistance from anyone.

Like now.


‘That’s why I’ve been urging the Imperial Palace for physicians.’


Fortunately, Julion had sent physicians, but a few of them alone couldn’t solve the problem.


“Then we’ll likely be under blockade soon. It would be good to send more physicians…  but I’m just glad you guys are safe.”


It was Julion, not someone else, so I knew he’d send more physicians.

Up until this point, I had assumed that Julion was in charge of everything at the palace.

Therefore, I thought it would be better if a blockade were implemented.

If no one could leave Mormic, news of my presence here wouldn’t spread until later.


‘I’ll find the cause here, make a cure, and then get out quickly.’


I continued my conversation with the two physicians, discussing our next move.

It was a deepening night in Mormic.




Meanwhile, at the entrance to the Mormic territory, two shadows moved through the darkness.

They paused briefly at the entrance, exchanging words in voices tinged with uncertainty.


“There’s hardly any sign of human presence.”

“That’s true. There’s no checkpoint; it’s strange. What should we do, Leon?”


At the entrance to a territory, there should always be a checkpoint where identification is checked.

However, there was nobody there.

With a determined expression, Julion slowly stepped inside.


“I’m sure Rohiriel is inside. So let’s go in.”

“No, how can you be so sure? The situation here looks dire.”

“That’s precisely why I’m more certain.”


Rohiriel was that kind of woman.

Julion could picture her sweating profusely as she ran around frantically.

With concern in his steps, Ares followed closely behind.

After some time, as the moon leaned towards the horizon and dawn approached, the territory’s surroundings became tumultuous as dozens of people revealed themselves.


“Completely blockade Mormic—!”


These were imperial knights and physicians who had rushed down upon receiving the emperor’s orders.

Some scheduled knights and physicians entered the territory fully covered in cloth, while the majority surrounded the entire territory like a siege.


“Not even an ant should pass!”


And so, on the night Julion ventured into Mormic, the territory was sealed off.




Once inside Mormic, Julion closed his eyes tightly against the horrors that filled his vision.

It was so difficult to bear the heartache.

Thinking about how much anguish Rohiriel must have endured facing these horrors made him feel like his heart was being squeezed.


“Leon, it looks too dangerous.”


Ares, also bewildered, blinked rapidly, unsure where to look.

Julion lifted his closed eyelids again and slowly opened his mouth.


“We have to find Rohiriel.”


The dire situation on the territory made Julion’s heart race faster than ever.

The discomfort that momentarily subsided after setting out from the palace to find Rohiriel has now resurfaced stronger than before.

The fact that Rohiriel’s life could be among the countless deaths added to his fear.

Even with the best care, it was said that there wasn’t much time left for her to live.

With such a frail body and coming to such a harsh place, she might already…


“Leon, perhaps we should explore first. I’ll go left, and you go right.”



Julion snapped out of his negative thoughts at Ares’ voice.

Ares, with his blonde hair flowing, headed left.

Julion, after taking a few deep breaths, moved to find Rohiriel.

Fortunately, as they ventured further in, they sensed human presence.

Light emanated from a dilapidated wooden house.

Julion knocked urgently on the door.


“Is anyone there? I have a question to ask.”


There was a startled gasp from inside, followed by the sound of light footsteps.

After a few moments of waiting, the door swung open with a hiss and a grunt.


“……Who is it?”


It was a small girl.

With a curious yet cautious gaze, she tilted her head, asking from Julion’s thigh.


“I’ve come to ask you something. Can I speak to an adult?”


Julion tried to smile as gently as possible and asked in a soft voice.

The girl blinked her large eyes and shook her head.


“My mom is sick. She can’t talk.”


It seemed the girl’s mother was also ill.

Julion pondered for a moment before asking again.


“Then, could you tell me if there are any other adults nearby?”

“Other adults…”


The girl fell into thought, her hand gripping the doorknob, causing it to creak again.

After a brief pause, the girl looked up with a somber expression.


“All the adults in this village are sick. There might be some across the river in the next village, but…”

“Across the river?”


Julion’s gaze traveled to the river beyond the village.

The Mormic territory was very large, with dozens of villages within it.

This village was one of those on the outskirts of the territory.

To find a busier village, they had to cross the river and head into the town’s main street.

Julion stroked the child’s hair, trying to control his growing impatience.


“So, may I ask what your name is?”


“Meiran, that’s a lovely name. Right now, I don’t have much to give you, but… I’ll definitely come back to repay you.”


He wished he had some food, even if it was just something dry.

Before entering the estate, they had eaten everything they had, leaving them with nothing.

All he had were gold coins and jewelry, which were worthless in a town that was dying.

As Julion was about to turn away, the child hesitated, then added a word.


“Perhaps you can talk to the physician.”

“A physician? Is there a physician in this town…….”

“No, she’s not from our town; she’s a pretty physician from outside.”


Julion stiffened his body as he turned around, his eyes widening.

A pretty physician from outside.

Even without asking or listening any further, he knew who that could be.

𝑺𝒖𝒑𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒐𝒏 𝑲𝒐-𝒇𝒊


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