Dead-End Villainess Who Makes Medicine

DVMM Chapter 146



An uncomfortable atmosphere swept through the faces of the nobles gathered in the hall.

There were central nobles who always attended the meetings, as well as local nobles who rarely did so.


‘Wolfgang and Bianthe are here, too.’


Count Wolfgang had been loyal to Sertizan for generations, sometimes as a confidant of the Emperor and sometimes as his tool.

They rarely showed their faces on the official podium, but every noble knew them.

Also, Marquis Bianthe

As relatives of the Empress, they were forbidden to participate in politics and had never been in the meeting room before.

They had come together because of the imperial decree.

Despite their doubts about the Emperor’s qualifications, the collapse of Duke Cassian’s support forced the nobles to quietly swallow their complaints.

But with Wolfgang and Bianthe in attendance, their doubts and anxiety reached a fever pitch.


“What on earth is going on, I wonder?”


Someone’s muttering echoed through the silent hall.

Dozens of pupils reflexively looked at the owner of the voice, and a local noble, who had unknowingly opened his mouth, bowed his head hesitantly.

Murmurs of dissatisfaction were heard here and there.

Everyone here knew why the Emperor had brought the nobles together.

The massive incident a few days ago. It must be because of Cassian’s treason.


‘They didn’t trust Duke Cassian.’


Except for a very small number of individuals, most nobles felt uncomfortable.

The majority of them had fallen for Cassian’s tricks and worked as his lackeys.

They had even pushed the Sertizan royal family into a corner, questioning the Emperor’s qualifications.

After boasting confidently about having a plan, what will happen now that the rebellion has been exposed?


‘Now, where can we get the antidote?’


The nobles, poisoned by the poisonous beetles, couldn’t hide their anxiety and restlessness.

It had been quite a while since they last took the medicine.

Their bodies were gradually deteriorating, but they couldn’t do anything about it because Duke Cassian, the one who’s supposed to give them the antidote, had been captured.

If they could precisely identify who the poisoned individuals were, they could convene a meeting and discuss a solution.

The nobles were unaware of the other victims of the poison due to Cassian’s strict orders to conceal the facts and show no interest.


‘From the looks of it, everyone is supporting Cassian.’


It was unclear if they genuinely supported Cassian or if the poisonous beetles had forced them to submit.

Marquis Thetman glanced at the nobles, who were all looking at each other, and breathed a sigh of relief.

If he hadn’t known the situation and hadn’t received the antidote from Julion beforehand, he would have been one of the nobles trembling in uncertainty.

Thetman was suddenly grateful to Julion for kidnapping him.

Naturally, when faced with a thrilling mission such as today’s, his only desire was to relocate to the countryside and reside with Raviette, regardless of their noble status.

It was at that moment that Thetman was trying to calm his trembling heart.


“His Highness the Crown Prince is here!”


With the attendant’s announcement, the hall doors swung open.

The gathered nobles all bowed respectfully.


“Your Highness, we are honored to see you.”


Julion looked at the nobles with a stern expression, then turned his heel and made his way to the top seat.

As he naturally sat at the top seat, Julion spoke.


“I suppose I should start with the most important thing.”


Julion’s golden eyes sank into the hall, filling it with coldness.

In the stillness so profound that one could hear a pin drop, all eyes focused on Julion.


“Zikriesen Cassian is dead. So, as you claim, investigating and treating him is now impossible.”


The nobles’ eyes widened in horror as they stared at Julion.

The nobles’ last hope was treating Cassian and finding the antidote’s whereabouts or formula.

They were even willing to set him free again or make some sort of trade for it.

But with him dead, everything turned to dust.


“This, this can’t be…”

“So, what are we going to do now?”

“I’m sure he was still breathing this morning, but how…!”


The nobles’ lamentations filled the hall.

Giving them a moment to realize and process the situation, Julion spoke again when they seemed to calm down a bit.


“Although you have gathered here under the imperial decree, His Majesty has entrusted me with leading this meeting.”


It was only then that the nobles realized that the emperor was not present and that Julion was seated at the top seat.


‘My God, why didn’t we think of this before?’

‘His Majesty convened this meeting under the imperial decree, yet we failed to notice his absence!’


Simultaneously, they realized that they had already begun to suffer cognitive impairments due to the poisonous beetles.

At this rate, they would go mad and die.

Despair flashed in the nobles’ eyes, and Julion motioned to Freck to read the scroll he had brought with him.


“Crown Prince Julion now wields all of the Emperor’s authority and power. His words are the Emperor’s words, and those who disobey will be considered to be defying the Emperor.”


The nobles widened their eyes and held their breath.

The fact that the emperor is still alive and has not abdicated his throne yet, transferring all authority and power to the crown prince, was an unprecedented event.


“You look like you don’t believe me.”


Julion took the scroll from Freck and tossed it among the nobles, observing those expressions.

As the scroll fell to the ground, Julion’s cold voice added,


“Then see for yourself, Count Iel.”


Standing near the scroll, Count Iel’s shoulders shook as he had been singled out.

He was hoping to bury himself in the crowd with as little fanfare as possible.

Count Iel nervously cleared his throat and nodded.


“Your Highness, I, Iel, believe that you hold the Emperor’s authority and power.”

“Is that so? Then, Marquis Ranches, will you confirm?”

“……Your Highness, how can you test our faith?”


Some nobles echoed Marquis Ranches’s calm response.


“Yes, Your Highness. Please ensure that we do not commit any disloyalty.”

“We will follow your command, Your Highness.”

“Please do not doubt our loyalty.”


Unlike when Duke Cassian wielded power openly, the balance of power had now shifted completely.

Cassian had become a sinking ship.

Moreover, they had failed to obtain the antidote, which was the only leash they had on him.

Now, they had to preserve their honor, at least. No one among the gathered nobles was unaware of this reality.

Julion chuckled as he remembered the nobles who had praised Cassian unanimously at the noble meeting not long ago.


“I don’t know how these so-called nobles of Sertizan can be so bat-like.”


The hall fell silent again at the sarcastic remark.

Some nobles frowned, but quickly forced a smile and raised the corners of their mouths.

Amidst the awkward chuckles, a small, elderly man walked forward.


“Your Highness, it’s truly a relief that the traitor Cassian is dead. Now, we must root out the remaining traitors, shouldn’t we?”


With white hair and a face adorned with freckles and wrinkles, Marquis Bianthe still exuded a strong presence despite his advanced age.

Julion looked down at him.


“That’s exactly why we’ve gathered here. But first.”


Julion stopped speaking and gestured to the guard at the entrance.

Upon his signal, the guards opened the door, and knights waiting outside streamed into the hall.

They surrounded the room and stood tall, like fixed pins, their spears tapping the floor.

Then, the sound of locks clicking echoed from all the windows and doors.


“What is this…?”

“Your highness, are you imprisoning us?”

“How could you do such a thing?”

“This is persecution, Your Highness!”


The nobles, who had been watching in dead silence, began to panic and protest against Julion.

Watching the commotion grow, Julion spoke with an even colder voice.


“This is to prevent traitors from escaping. If you are not a traitor, you have nothing to worry about.”


Julion’s golden eyes, hard and cold as metal, swept over the nobles as if they were claws.

His gaze paused on Marquis Thetman for a moment, and then turned to Countess Rivolain, who stood beside him.

Under his gaze, both individuals swallowed dryly in nervousness, but they tried not to show it and took a step forward.


“Your Highness, however, enforcing this so forcefully will be recorded as tyranny in the future. Please reconsider.”


Marquis Thetman was the first to speak.

Countess Rivolain followed him, with others echoing his sentiments one after another.


“You all talk too much. But don’t worry, the traitors are already determined.”


Julion smiled softly, which was inappropriate for the situation.


“Although it may have been unavoidable due to the poisonous beetles, the fact remains that they acted against the imperial family, following Cassian’s words.”


Confusion floated over the faces of the nobles, but it quickly turned into shock.

Julion continued.


“You may choose to end your life here. Then, it will be considered individual faults rather than charges of treason, and your families will be spared.”


𝑺𝒖𝒑𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒐𝒏 𝑲𝒐-𝒇𝒊


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