Contract Marriage Interrupted

The painting Walter wanted

Episode 65. The painting Walter wanted


When making the second deal with Ellodie.

Walter deliberately told her exactly what he was aiming for.

– Encourage Louis Clovis into marriage.

– Marriage is a weak institution. There are too many holes to completely bind one person.

– And unfortunately, I have no intention of leaving even the slightest possibility.

At first glance, it appears that Ellodie is given the directive to ‘marry Louis’, but the heart of the conversation lies elsewhere.

It was revealed that Walter wanted Odette, and that was why he ordered her to marry Louis as a means to control him.

While making it sound like there was little difference from the initial demand, he subtly leaked different information.

And even making a coercive suggestion by blatantly revealing the reversed position.

Terrified and blinded by vanity, Ellodie forgot that this was a deliberately extended bait and immediately took it.

– D-Do the Fourth Princess also know, Your Excellency is this such a person? That… engage in such deeds behind the scenes…….?

She knew he cared about Odette, so she tried to blackmail him over her.

Of course, the transaction ended with Walter cutting it off like a knife and Ellodie acting as if she had calmed down.

However, Walter was well aware that Elodie couldn’t just accept to settle for what was being offered to her.

Because Elodie was a woman who tried to approach Walter several times in the past, which no longer exists.


A woman who’s literally the embodiment of vanity and greed.

“That aspect appealed to me. Without desire, someone wouldn’t move at all, but a person overflowing with desire can never truly control themselves.”

And with such clear desires, her actions were easy to read.

So, from the beginning, Walter gave Ellodie very desirable things.

Ertmann’s halo, the luxurious and extravagant things that come from it.

And perhaps, the faint hope that she might become the Duchess of Ertmann and enjoy all of this for a lifetime.

After blinding her with all that tempting offerings, Walter then snatched everything away in an instant.

Instead, he offered compensation that was much lower than what was initially given.

If only he had taken everything away at once, she might have been able to reluctantly let go of her greed.

Walter acted as if he had shown some leniency, preventing Ellodie from giving up even a glimmer of hope.

Of course, he expected that Ellodie would not be satisfied with this given compensation.

“Considering your obsession and desire, I thought you would definitely find your next goal.”

Someone who could use the cards she held to threaten or intimidate Walter in return.

And a suitable candidate for that role was obvious.

“Louis Clovis, There’s no one else to turn to if you’re looking for.”

In other words, Walter never expected Ellodie to obediently manipulate and seduce Louis in the first place.

Of course, this was not the result that Walter was aiming for.

He wanted Ellodie to go to Louis and tell him what she had been asked to do.


Then Louis would realize that Walter had tried to put a wedge between him and Odette.

‘Louis Clovis joining hands with Ellodie Montoire and trying to stab me in the back.’

That was the picture Walter wanted.

The problem was that Louis was regaining his memory far too quickly for Walter’s liking.

Instead of wandering around social circles as before, he began to meet with scholars and investigate his own condition.

And finally to some extent, it seemed like he gained some access to the truth, or ‘the past memories’.

‘I’m very surprised when we met at the Palace.’

For a moment, he could see Louis past self seemed to overlap distinctly.

However, after watching a little more, it seemed that Louis had not fully regained his memories yet.

In many ways, this was a good thing.

If Louis had regained all of his memories, Walter would have found a way to kill him as quickly as possible.

But it was too early to be relieved.

Considering the circumstances, it wouldn’t take too long for Louis to recover all his memories.

So, while Walter was on guard to prevent Louis from approaching Odette, he quietly followed Louis movements behind him.

Of course, his reasons for coming and going from the masquerade ball were an extension of that, and as Walter predicted, Ellodie was also showing signs of doing foolish things, such as creating an illicit fund.

In summary, everything seemed smooth on the surface.

At least until this happened today.

“Walter set the stage to lure in Louis Clovis, and all of a sudden you joined hands with Blake.”

Even without asking, it was obvious that Ellodie wasn’t the one who initiated the situation.

There’s no way Ellodie would have gotten the idea to bring Blake into her life in the first place, and there’s no way she could have met him.

That narrows it down to one conclusion.

Louis refused to cooperate with Ellodie, and Blake sensing something was up, and he approached her.

But there was something else that Walter wanted to know.

“Ellodie Montoire.”

“Yes, hicc, yes…….”

“Tell me all about the Louis Clovis you met, what his condition was, what he said to you. The only reason I’m keeping you alive right now is because of that.”

Walter wanted to know if Louis had truly recovered all his memories.

* * *


Thud, thud, thud.

Two black shoe horns paced the room.

One of them not only had bound feet but the entire body was tied to a chair, so it was clear who owned the shoe.

Walter Ertmann.

After hearing all about Louis condition from Ellodie, he was pacing around the room, muttering to himself for some reason.

“This is just too much. You asked me if I could handle it, and then you put all these distractions in my way……. If you’re going to grant me a wish, it might be easier if you make it a bit easier.”

I gave you my heart, but you are too strict.

Walter frowned, muttering some incomprehensible words to himself.

And Elodie, tied to a chair, watched the whole thing with a shudder.

‘What on earth is he saying?’

He came in as if he was going to cut her head off at any moment, but now he was muttering incomprehensible words, providing no clear explanation.

It made Ellodie’s head on the verge of exploding.

Even though things were like this, she desperately wanted to live, so she told everything she knew.

– W-when I approached Louis Clovis, his face changed as soon as I-i mentioned Odette’s name…….

– A-and when he heard that I was one of His Excellency person, he told me to get lost- hicc, I tried a few more times, but the result was the same.

Desperate to say anything that might keep her alive, Ellodie rambled on, trying to scrape together every bit of information, even if it was irrelevant

However, after Walter hearing everything, he continued muttering to himself without uttering a word about sparing her life.

‘Is he trying to save me? Or is he talking like that to kill me?’

Maybe there’s a clue in those words that could save her life.

She racked her brain, desperately trying to interpret his words, but no matter how hard she thought, the words still didn’t make sense.

No, not just nonsense, but almost insane.

How could anyone be sane when they’re so obsessed with a single thing that they can’t even see their surroundings?

The moment she saw Walter’s eerie green eyes deep in thought, Elodie knew.


‘Thi-this man is crazy.’

Only then did she realize how foolish it had been to try to interpret his mutterings.

The reason Walter, who had been so disciplined, was now talking to himself so casually was simple.

He didn’t even consider Ellodie’s presence.

Since she would soon die, any secrets would be buried with her.

For Walter, Ellodie has already become a non-existent person.

Tears rolled down her cheeks in horror at the realization.

Her mind reflexively searched for someone to blame.

‘I shouldn’t have believed him! That son of a bitch lied to me!’

Of course, Elodie had no intention of being satisfied with just this much.

She had always wanted to capture and torture both the Fourth Princess and her maids until their bodies were covered in blood. However, it remained just a desire, and she never dared to attempt it.

If only it wasn’t for that damned bastard!

– Don’t you want revenge? Let me help you.

A sharp-looking young man with wavy blue hair.

The Second Prince, Blake Rodell Celestine.

Ellodie was surprised to find someone who gave off a dull and dangerous aura at the same time.

Blake certainly had a handsome appearance, but anyone who spoke even a word with him would know this.

That this man had the soft feathers of a white dove and the black tongue of a snake.

But what is inherently dangerous tends to mesmerize, and the drink that black tongued man  offered seemed too sweet.


– Kidnap one of the Fourth Princess’s maids and keep her somewhere. Since that girl is the one Odette’s dear person. I’ll take care of the rest, and when I’m done, you can do whatever you want with the maid. It’s a win-win situation. You get your revenge, and I get what I want. Isn’t that a good deal?

But Ellodie was a woman who could think clearly even in such situations.

– B-but I don’t see any reason to take such a risk. I don’t see why I should go to such lengths-

– Don’t you want to get away from Ertmann? You don’t seem to have a very good relationship with him.

– ……!

– Don’t worry about the mess. I’ll make sure you’re safe, and make sure you get away from him.

His words seemed sweeter than any temptation.

Especially since Elodie found little satisfaction in her newly assigned social life.

‘If I can escape the threats of Duke Ertmann, I can live a luxurious life.’

Elodie thought that the reason she had to live so poorly was all because of Odette and Walter.

Walter’s new chaperone was an idiot who couldn’t say a word in response to outright mockery, and the dresses she could afford within the reduced budget were terribly shabby.

Of course, she couldn’t adorn herself with jewelry like before.

Everything was disappointing, and the desire for the missed life of the upper class only grew stronger.

When she closed her eyes, she could see the dresses that were once hers and the luxurious life that was originally hers.

Walter’s plan was working perfectly.

Elodie was consumed by vain delusions and greed.

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