Contract Marriage Interrupted

Maturity freezes to death

Episode 46. Maturity Freezes to Death


When Arnold first heard of Ellodie Montoire.

‘Is he finally taking an interest in women?’

Surprisingly, he thought quite positively.

Of course, Montoire was a relatively weak noble family among the recognized vassals, lacking in power compared to Ertmann.

However, the fact that Walter, who had shown no interest in anyone, especially not in appointing anyone as a duchess. Now he was bringing someone into the Duke residence for the first time, Arnold perceived this as a rather hopeful sign, particularly because it involved a woman.

‘Weak influence is a bit of a drawback, but……. it’s not a bad idea to pair up with a vassal family.’

Arnold could view this matter quite positively, especially concerning the family status.

It was Walter who was the most problematic in the first place, so as long as the bride’s family and Walter were good, Arnold was willing to applaud and support whoever came, using both hands and feet.

However, Arnold was well aware that if he had too much vain hope on news like this, could lead to disappointment.

– I heard that Walter brought a woman into the house, so I can’t help but find out about it. Send someone to the capital secretly and find out. Find out who she is and how she is doing!

He moved quite meticulously, and as a result, he stumbled upon unexpected information.

It turned out that Walter was not marrying the daughter of Montoire but a Princess!

“…… So that’s where the rumor about me marrying the Fourth Princess leaked from.”

“What’s the big deal? It’s the same noble family anyway.”

“I say it leaked because it’s the same noble family. If it were a different family, I would have found out who the rat was.”

Walter clicked his tongue at himself for being so careful not to let the information intentionally reach Arnold’s ears, but it was all in vain.

His tone was cynical, but there was no denying the truth of his words.

For it was he, Walter, who had brought back Elodie, who had been driven from Erdmann and had nowhere to go.





After the commotion with Odette at Duke Ertmann’s residence, Ellodie was swiftly discarded by Grimoire.

Grimoire had never intended to maintain a long-term relationship with Ellodie in the first place.

Marchioness Grimoire dismissed Ellodie immediately after receiving a reply from Ertmann saying, ‘You don’t have to be Ellodie’s chaperone anymore.’

With money on hand, there was no reason why she couldn’t find a place to stay right away, but this reality came as quite a shock to Ellodie.

After being treated luxuriously at Duke Ertmann’s residence, she suddenly found herself on the streets.

Of course, it was natural to be shocked.

And Walter took advantage of that opportunity to make contact with Ellodie again.

“D- Duke, you haven’t abandoned me after all! Will you take me back to Ertmann……!”

“Shut up. First, get down on your knees and show some respect, Ellodie.”

Ellodie tried to rush towards Walter, but she was blocked by Russell.

Even so, Russell’s gaze upon Ellodie was now as cold as looking at an inanimate object.

“You still don’t think you and His Excellency are here on equal terms, do you?”



Anyway, Ellodie was also a noble daughter who grew up with respectable treatment in her family’s estate.

Therefore, during their first meeting, Walter dealt directly with Ellodie and treated her with courtesy.

Because there was no reason for Walter to look down on Ellodie in the first place.

But now things are different.

Ellodie regretted everything about Walter, including the wrongs she had committed against him.

Ellodie wasn’t stupid enough to be stubborn even in this situation.

“…… I- I apologize for my offense. Your Excellency the Duke, please forgive my rudeness.”

Walter gently released Ellodie from Russell’s tight grip and continued the conversation.

“…… I- It won’t happen again, I swear!”

“I can tell by your long tongue that you don’t want to go back to your hometown in such a pitiful state. However, going like this means you won’t be able to set foot in the capital again. But it’s not like you have an abundance of money either.”

It was a very cruel line for someone who encouraged people to waste the extra money they had in the beginning.


“I will allow you to stay at Ertmann’s mansion. Of course, I’ll provide the support we initially agreed upon in Montoire, and I’ll also provide a chaperone again. But this time on a different terms.”

Walter’s terms were clear.

“Encourage Louis Clovis to marry you.”

“T- that means…….”

“Why, don’t you like it? A viscount like Clovis should be a surplus husband for you. Clovis has a decent status, a wealthy family, and he himself doesn’t look bad. Moreover, he likes freedom, so he won’t try to restrain his partner……….”

Walter folded his fingers and counted them one by one, then sneered coldly at Ellodie who was kneeling on her feet.

“Yes, it would be perfect to share similar things with each other.”

This was referring to the fact that Ellodie had constantly been spreading rumors of an affair in her hometown.

Her blood ran cold as she realized that even her past had been completely revealed.

“Let me just make one thing clear. My demand is to arrange a marriage, not for you to marry him. If you’re willing, fine. But I’m not insisting that you must marry him.”

If you are not satisfied with sex, it is okay to marry him.

However, one thing he wanted to make sure of was the arrangement of ‘Louis marriage.’

“Whether you discover his tastes and act as a matchmaker, or encourage a young lady who has her heart set on Louis Clovis. That’s up to you.”

All she had to do was get Louis Clovis to announce his marriage.

The deadline is by the end of this socialite season.

“If you accomplish this, your social life will be in good hands. Will you do it?”


It was a clear explanation, but Ellodie looked somewhat confused after hearing the command.

“Wh- what happens if I can’t do it?”

“I don’t know.”

The tip of Walter’s shoe tapped the floor a couple times.

Tap. Tap.

“If you’re curious, it might be a good idea to experience it yourself. What awaits you.”

It was a blatant threat.

Failure would mean death or worse.

“T- then why…… Are you going this far? What on earth does he have to…… uh, His Excellency is going to marry the Four Princess anyway, Then Count Clovis won’t be able to do anything…….”

“Marriage is a weak institution.There are too many holes to keep two people together.”

Walter gaze lowered towards the back of his own hand as he muttered something lowly to himself.

Hands that were well-defined and thick, but whose elongated shape gave them a sleek silhouette.

Wrapped in black gloves, the hand slowly rolled inward from the outside.

The scene of each joint folding and finally closing tightly was more like the movement of an elaborate clockwork mechanism than the movement of a human hand.

“And I’m afraid I don’t intend to leave any room for possibility.”

With the voice that followed after a beat, Ellodie suddenly snapped back to senses.

She was hopeful that maybe, just maybe, she could use what Walter had said to her advantage.


“T- then does the Fourth Princess know that you’re this kind of person? A person who does such things behind the scenes…….”

“You’re quick to ask, If you wanted to ask, there might have been a better opportunity.”

Ellodie was talking about the first time she set foot in Ertmann and the deal Walter offered to her.

It was an obvious mockery, but there was no trace of embarrassment on her face.

“If you think of threatening me with just talking like this, I advise against it. It won’t make much of a difference if you tell the Fourth Princess.”

Odette would hate her anyway, even without this story.

Although curse word followed the sudden thought, Walter didn’t utter either out loud.

There was no need to provide information to Ellodie.

However, everything seemed confusing to Elodie, who knew nothing.

“T- that can’t be……. She certainly didn’t seem to know anything…….”

“If you want to know the answer, then go ahead and try revealing it.”

Whether that curiosity was worth exchanging for her life was uncertain.





With those words, their ‘deal’ was over.

Realizing that Ellodie’s negotiating tactics wouldn’t work, she completely surrendered to Walter.

– I’ll do it, I’ll do it…… but you have to keep your word.

But as Ellodie spoke, her eyes were filled with a fierce ambition.

Perhaps in her mind, she probably pictured herself enduring this humiliation and using Walter’s support as a stepping stone to rise again as a rising star in the social world.

‘Each to their own, I suppose.’

Walter kept his promise.

Ellodie came to occupy a nearby mansion and quickly returned to social circles.

It seemed like she was skillfully building her own reputation, avoiding places influenced by the Marchioness Grimoire or Lizaina.

However, there was no longer the same favorable treatment for her in Ertmann.

There was no great chaperone like the Marchioness Grimoire.

Without such connections, Ellodie would have to work much harder to achieve her ambitions……..

‘…… I deliberately chose someone who is greedy, so she will move clumsily.’

Walter thought, putting his reflections about Ellodie aside.


Anyway, that part was working well in his hands.

Except for the interference of his Grandfather and Cedric who suddenly appeared in front of him, it was even more likely to go that way.

Walter sighed and said.

“Ellodie Montoire is left out of necessity. There’s no personal connection, so you don’t need to worry about it. Originally, you were going to get married out of your own will, so why are you bothering with such unnecessary inspections now?”

“Unnecessary, Where do you get off saying that to an elder? I’m worried you’ve been seeing other women behind my back, cleaning your mouth, and not focused on marrying the Fourth Princess. That’s what worries me!”

“…… Do I look like I would do such a thing?”

“How do I know what’s in your heart, You’re just a blabbermouth.”

This time, Walter frowned, perhaps feeling a little embarrassed, but it was nothing compared to Arnold, who was pacing.

“I told you to get married, Did I say to throw away your conscience and bring a precious young lady and make her a bird in your cage!”

“A cage, isn’t it fine? It’s safe, and no one else can touch it.”

Seeing his grandson answering calmly, Arnold grabbed the back of his neck.

‘Maturity Freezes to Death….’

Walter, this punk, came back even crazier.

Hi there, hope you'll like my translation. Please correct me if there's something you don't understand by comment or contact me on Dc. Kindly support me on Ko-fi gi0zzzxx (๑ↀᆺↀ๑) Thank you!


  1. Gio says:

    Hi again everyone. I hope you could enjoy the translation. If you find some sentence or some words is incomprehensible, please tell me by the comment or you can text me right away on DC.
    I’m still process editing all the chapter. Thank you.

    1. Skandi says:

      Glad you are back !!! Thanks again for the translation ♥️

      1. Gio says:

        Sorry and Thank you for wait.

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