Became The Adopted Daughter Of A Family Of Assassins


Chapter 52:


Heckenka had manipulated Python’s appearance, who was in a semisentient state.

Both Python and Heckenka couldn’t muster their original strength, so they were small in size.

Looking reminiscent of Zigbert’s childhood, Riche caressed Python.

“I’ll be back. Contractor.”

“Yeah. Take care.”

On Python’s back were three glass bottles firmly tied with straps.

Heckenka, in squirrel form, climbed onto Python’s back and bid farewell to Riche.

“I guess we won’t be seeing each other for a while? If you want to terminate the contract with Python and make a contract with me, just let me know.”

Then, perhaps thinking of something to say, he whispered into Riche’s ear so Python couldn’t hear.

“…I hope to see you again next time you come to the human world.”

Riche silently looked at Heckenka.

After that, they bid farewell to Riche again and jumped out of the window.

Riche looked at the bright full moon beyond the open window.

The story Heckenka just heard lingered in his ears.

“I stopped their plan this time, but I can’t guarantee this is the last you’ll hear of it. Be careful. Rithiom.”

Human lives are short, aren’t they?

Heckenka, who said so, added the next words.

“Yours was even shorter.”

* * *

Riche headed to Blake’s study.

In Riche’s hand, there was a book after visiting the library.

Though Blake wasn’t reading picture books to him as before, Riche sometimes had reading time by Blake’s side even after starting to read books with words.

“You’re here.”

As Riche entered the study, Blake smiled faintly.

Beside his desk was another desk attached for Riche to be able to stay whenever he came.

Blake pulled out a chair from that desk and watched his daughter who was coming eagerly to him.

“Dad, I found an interesting book at the library today.”

“Is that so?”

“Yando said she read it, and she said the latter part is very exciting! Dad, have you read this?”

Riche showed Blake the book he brought. Just as Blake was about to reach out to take the book.


Someone knocked on the study door that Riche had closed when he entered.

It’s probably Paul.

The familiar visitors were distinguished by the sound of their knocks alone.

When Blake invited him in, the butler Paul opened the door and appeared.

Paul, with a perplexed expression, spoke to Blake.

“Sir, Lord Serdia…”

“What’s the matter?”

“Lord Serdia… he’s visited the castle.”

Serdia. Why would that man?

The visit of Lord Serdia was not at all appealing. Blake’s brow slightly furrowed.

“…Zig’s dad is here?”

Riche looked puzzled.

Except for when he came to fetch Zigbert before, he had never visited the Ludwick Castle once.

Moreover, Ludwick and Serdia had inherently conflicting temperaments, so they had a naturally antagonistic relationship.

“Why would Lord Serdia come?”

Did Zig come along?

Riche thought he should go with Blake to greet him. Blake, however, held Riche’s hand and spoke.

“Riche, stay in the library.”

“Not going to greet Lord Serdia?”

“It’s okay if you don’t.”

Blake attempted to usher Riche into the library, but Lord Serdia was quicker.

Ignoring the suggestion to wait in the reception room, he followed Paul all the way to Blake’s study.

A man with brown skin, muscles as impressive as Python’s, and short red hair like grass entered the study behind Paul.

“Blake Ludwick! It’s been a while!”

His hearty laughter echoed in the study.

Riche looked at Lord Serdia with fascination.

When he first and last saw him, he had a chubby face, so he had thought he would be as taciturn as Zig, but he seemed more talkative than he had thought.

“So, is this your daughter? Nice to meet you. I heard you’re Rithiom?”

So that’s why he came suddenly. Blake’s expression soured.

Not many people knew that Riche was Rithiom.

Only the ability users and their closest associates.

The problem was that the Chief accidentally overheard a conversation between Lord Serdia and Lord Hibetzman.

Blake and Lord Hibetzman warned the Chief.

“Don’t tell anyone.”

“Oh, okay. Just the ability users, right?”

It seemed like he mentioned it to Lord Serdia as well. He was an ability user too.

Even if they hadn’t stopped the Chief’s mouth, sooner or later Lord Serdia would have heard about Riche.

It wasn’t pleasant for him to come to the castle and try to meet Riche like this.

Blake’s clenched fist tightened quietly. He said to Lord Serdia.

“I’m sorry you came all the way here, but today is not a situation to entertain guests, so please leave now.”

But Lord Serdia didn’t agree. He was the type who would listen with one ear and let the words flow out the other if he didn’t want to hear them.

He stubbornly moved to the reception room and took a seat on the sofa.

Across from him, Blake and Riche sat side by side, looking at Lord Serdia.

“What’s the reason for your visit?”

“Purification, is it possible?”

Anyone listening might have thought it was left to him.

Blake felt uncomfortable but didn’t respond. Riche’s ability wasn’t his to control. Neither refusal nor acceptance. It belonged to Riche.

Fortunately, Riche shook his head at Lord Serdia.

“Not right now.”

He spoke the truth.

Since Python went to the grave to recover his body, they couldn’t purify the ability users until he returned.

While he could prepare for the pain, Lord Serdia’s life wasn’t immediately at risk due to his energy. It was better to refuse.

“Did you come through the forest? I’m sorry to have come this far.”

He probably didn’t come all the way around like Zig, so Lord Serdia must have come a long distance to see him.

A feeling of apology seemed to linger in his words.

Riche met Lord Serdia’s gaze, who seemed interested in him.

“Why’s that, Lord Serdia?”

Blake reached out one arm, obscuring Riche’s face from Lord Serdia’s view, and asked.

“Your daughter will become quite a beauty when she grows up.”

What’s he trying to say?

Even if Lord Serdia didn’t expressly praise, it was a well-known fact to everyone.

Not only beautiful but also adorable. Smart, too. Not to mention her exceptional magical talent. If he were to talk about all of his daughter’s merits, it would take all night and still be insufficient.

Blake looked at Lord Serdia. If he was going to talk about such obvious things, it would be better for him to leave now.

But Lord Serdia probably wouldn’t catch the hint Blake was giving him. He was in the middle of conversing with Riche beyond Blake’s arm.

“Is she friends with Zigbert?”


“Then would they get married?”

Blake rose abruptly at the out-of-context remark. Insanity. Serdia.

The dozen or so pairs of eyes in the reception room all turned to Lord Serdia at once.

Despite the hostile atmosphere of the Ludwicks, Lord Serdia naturally shrugged.

“My child isn’t the type to fall for anyone, either. What about you, Lord Ludwick? Not a bad idea, is it?”

It was a flagrant remark.

Riche, the one in question, sat dumbly, observing the situation.

“So, adult jokes really are like this.”

It was as Anna had said.

She had complained about people hastily suggesting marriage partners for her.

“It’s all nonsense. They just say they suit each other well if they’re similar in age.”

Anna shook her head, saying there was no need to listen to that.

Moreover, Riche was only ten years old. So, Lord Serdia must have been joking about him and Zigbert.

“I won’t give my daughter to just anyone.”

Before Blake could rise, genuinely wary of Lord Serdia, he interrupted.

But it wasn’t a joke for Lord Serdia either.

“My son isn’t just anyone! He’s the heir to the Duchy of Roxha! Ah, did I mention it? A while ago, there was an inquiry from Zigbert about the position of the princess’s fiancé.”

“Great. Let him marry the princess then. But don’t touch my daughter. …And that Duchy heir.”

To be looked at with disdain just for offering the position of Duchy heir.

There was nothing more to say to that man. If Lord Serdia had no intention of leaving the castle, moving Riche to a different location would suffice.

Blake attempted to lift Riche from his seat.

But Lord Serdia once again grabbed Blake’s foot.

“Still. Isn’t marriage better when it’s with someone you like? My son likes her. Your daughter.”

“Probably just as a friend.”

If it were any other topic, they would have left the reception room already.

Once again, Blake, caught off guard by the mention of Riche’s name, responded to Lord Serdia.

On one side of the reception room, Jed, seeing Blake’s discomfort, inwardly sighed.

“Our lord, not even willing to say a word about Miss Riche.”

Being a doting father was terrifying.

“Why is Lord Serdia acting like that? There’s nothing good in persistently provoking our lord about Miss Riche.”

Hope he leaves peacefully. Lord Serdia.

Even as Jed prayed for peace, the strange confrontation between the two lords continued.

“Friend? Zigbert said he’d marry your daughter?”

The moment Lord Serdia spoke to Blake.


Ice began to form rapidly on the floor.

Thin ice that would shatter if stepped on.

Riche followed the gaze of the ice that halted at Blake’s foot. Robenhaf stood at the door of the reception room.

Was today the day he was coming to visit? It was the moment when Riche was about to greet him with a smile.


“Me too.”

It was his usual sociable smile, but the muscles of his face were slightly tense.

Stepping on the crunchy ice, Robenhaf walked toward Blake and Riche.

When he got close enough, Robenhaf stopped and spoke.

“I want to marry Tuariche, Lord Ludwick.”


“What… do you want to do?”


Riche, Blake, Lord Serdia, and everyone else in the reception room.

They all witnessed in real time Robenhaf informing Blake about his intention to marry Riche before proposing to the person in question.

Even the servant of the Hibetzman family, who followed his lord, couldn’t bear to watch, so he turned his head.

“I… I won’t… do it.”

Then came Riche’s stunned voice.

A dreadful silence settled. Even Lord Serdia shifted his gaze away, subtly avoiding Robenhaf’s eye.

What the people witnessed was the pitiful scene of Robenhaf being rejected before he could even propose to the person in question.


  1. Nishasingh says:

    But will happen I can’t wait for next chapter

    1. Rumi says:

      New chapters are out

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