Became The Adopted Daughter Of A Family Of Assassins


Chapter 47:

Why Are We Running Away?


“Oh, right. This isn’t the time for this.”


Riche remembered that she needed to cleanse the Duke of Hivetzman’s aura before Deon arrived.


“I’ll be right back! I have to get this done before my brother gets here!”


“Okay. Take your time. I’ll explain to Senior Derkedeon.”


“No way! My brother is scary. I’ll be back quickly.”


Riche hurriedly ran down the corridor, turning a corner and retracing her steps.


She passed Ian again, but due to her cognitive manipulation, he didn’t recognize her.


[See, my ability is perfect. What kind of person is Derkedeon to have seen through it?]


Pythons, eyeing the potential of a warrior, swallowed hungrily. Even the remnants of these guys might not be bad as his disciples.


Meanwhile, Riche entered the Duke of Hivetzman’s bedroom.


Blake, deep in thought, and Rovenhalf, with a dark expression, were there. A few others, including the doctor, had come to visit.


Riche walked past them to the Duke of Hivetzman lying on the bed.


The accumulated aura spread through his body, to the point where his face was almost unrecognizable.


‘This is the worst I’ve seen since back then.’


It was reminiscent of the powerful beings Agnes had seen before her death in a previous life.


‘…Why was it so severe? Zeke was 20, Deon and Rovenhalf were 21 at the time.’


Could something have spread the aura so intensely?


However, in Agnes’ world back then, the underground cellar of the Gerwer estate was all she knew, so she didn’t understand what had happened to them.


‘When I get back to the dormitory, I’ll have to review what the Duke of Gerwer said. There might be a clue in there.’


With these thoughts, Riche held the Duke of Hivetzman’s hand and used purification. The aura gradually decreased, and she felt the pain fade from the Duke’s now-visible face.


Pythons asked.


[Are you going to purify it all?]


‘No, just as much as last time.’


While it would be good to completely purify the accumulated aura, now was not the time.


Since she had already purified Blake and Deon before, if she completely cleansed the Duke of Hivetzman as well, they would notice the common link and eventually realize she was involved.


…Deon seemed suspicious already, anyway.


‘Let’s go quickly.’


So she needed to get back before Deon returned, sit calmly on the sofa as if nothing had happened.


Confirming that the Duke of Hivetzman looked better, Riche hurried out of the bedroom.


As the door closed, Blake turned his gaze towards it. His red eyes briefly watched the now-quiet door before returning to the Duke on the bed.


Meanwhile, Riche, having left the bedroom, was running down the corridor.




She felt a surge of exhilarating success. Now the Duke of Hivetzman would not die. Rovenhalf would not be sad.


When she reached the corridor and saw no one around, she released the cognitive manipulation.


She walked towards where Ian should have been waiting, but he was not there.


[Where did he go?]


“Who knows…”


At that moment, someone grabbed Riche’s hand from behind and started running.


Pulled by the unexpected force, Riche moved her feet as well.


It was Ian with his sparkling blonde hair.


“Ian? Why are we running?”


Asked a surprised Riche. Ian, not stopping, replied.


“We have to run away.”


“Run away? Why?”


“My father is here.”




After dealing with the monsters in sight, Deon hurried to where Riche was supposed to be.


But what awaited him was an empty living room sofa, with only Zikbert sitting there.


He expected this. He had a bad feeling.


“Where’s Riche?”


“She went to the dormitory. Said she needed to get something.”


Serdiya. Someone who would believe Riche even if she claimed the sky was falling.


Deon headed straight to the bedroom.


“Sir, you can’t go in there right now…!”


Someone’s attendant urgently called out to Deon.


Certain that something had happened inside, Deon opened the bedroom door without hesitation.


The scene unfolded just as he had expected.


The Duke of Hivetzman was sitting up in bed, his condition visibly improved.


Where was Riche? As Deon heightened his senses urgently, Blake’s voice, laced with anger, reached him.


“Why are you here?”


Deon turned his head. The question wasn’t directed at him.


“Duke Gerwer.”


Standing on one side of the bedroom, keeping a distance from Blake, was a man.


It had been two years since he last saw Duke Gerwer, who now looked much thinner than before.


His slightly sunken cheeks and softly glowing golden eyes looked at Blake.


“It’s true.”


Of all places, they had to meet at the academy where Riche was. Blake frowned. Duke Gerwer smirked.


“You’ve been purified too.”


Purified? At those words, the Duke of Hivetzman and Rovenhalf pricked up their ears.


A short while ago, when Duke Gerwer appeared, Blake had dismissed the others. Now, the only ones in the bedroom were those with abilities.


Blake, Deon, the Duke of Hivetzman, Rovenhalf, and Duke Gerwer.




Sensing the tense atmosphere, Deon closed the bedroom door completely, which had been left slightly open. Zikbert, who had followed Deon, also entered the bedroom.


Six out of the eight ability users were gathered.


Duke Gerwer began to speak.


“The girl I saw two years ago, was she really your daughter or a stand-in?”


Blake’s warning to stop talking about Riche tightened around Duke Gerwer’s throat.


But Duke Gerwer twisted his lips mockingly, despite the growing difficulty in breathing.


“Are you going to kill me? On what grounds?”


Blake did not respond, but Duke Gerwer continued.


“Even a duke will be executed for killing another duke. What if you die?”


No one else in the room spoke.


The bedroom was as quiet as if cold water had been poured over it.


“Is that young one monopolizing your daughter?”


Duke Gerwer’s finger pointed at Deon.


It was offensive, the way he spoke of Riche as if she were a possession.


Deon was about to speak.


“No, not your daughter, but…”


Duke Gerwer smirked at Blake. The next words must not be allowed to come out. Blake directed his full power towards Duke Gerwer.


The ability was strong enough to end his life in an instant.




“You should say ‘Lertyom.'”


Duke Gerwer, still alive, managed to utter the next words.


Blake looked at Duke Gerwer in disbelief.


Clink. A ring shattered from Duke Gerwer’s finger and fell to the floor.


The silence that followed was incomparable to before.


The Duke of Hivetzman, Deon, and Rovenhalf could barely breathe. What had Duke Gerwer just said?




‘Blake’s daughter is…’




Although the possibility of a lie couldn’t be completely ruled out given it was Duke Gerwer speaking, each of them had an incident in mind that made it plausible.


Deon’s aura, which had vanished completely.


The Duke of Roadwick, looking healthier in his mid-thirties instead of worsening in health.


Even the Duke of Hivetzman, who had been on the brink of death, had stabilized and awakened.


The only way to resolve all these incidents.


Purifying the side effects of the ability users.


“It’s something only Lertyom can do. Purify this cursed side effect.”


Duke Gerwer looked at Blake.


But it wasn’t just him. The Duke of Hivetzman, Rovenhalf, and Deon were all staring.


“Duke Gerwer is a no-go.”


Now they understood why Blake was so reluctant to let his daughter be seen by Duke Gerwer.




The Duke of Hivetzman called out to him.


“Has Roadwick been keeping Lertyom?”




“Where is your daughter now?”



Watching Ian’s back as he ran ahead, Riche fell into thought.


She understood why Ian wanted to avoid Duke Gerwer.


After all, his father had tried to kill him.


But why he was running with her instead of alone was puzzling. And why—


“Riche, let’s hide in that building.”


As if he needed to hide her from his own father.


Riche followed Ian into the building he pointed out.


It was a small building within the academy grounds, resembling an abandoned chapel. There were no lights inside, making it dim. Ian asked Riche.


“Are you cold?”

“Yeah. What about you, Ian?”


“I’m fine too.”


They hid behind a large curtain draped along the wall. The hidden space was spacious, more than enough for the two of them to hide.


It wasn’t an urgent situation where Duke Gerwer was immediately pursuing them.


In the darkness, as she sat on the floor with her legs stretched out next to Ian, Pytonis spoke to her in her mind.


[Take this opportunity to practice your light magic.]


Pytonis had taught her spells that could transform stones into water, and create fire and light.


Reciting the incantation, Riche conjured a small light that floated in the air, illuminating their surroundings.


Ian, impressed, praised Riche. She turned to look at him, observing his features quietly.


He had a beautiful face. His shimmering golden eyelashes framed clean, dark eyes that always looked at her with gentle light.


“Ian, why did we run away?”


Of course, Riche had reasons to flee from Duke Gerwer, but Ian wouldn’t have known that, so she asked.


Ian hesitated before quietly speaking.


“Because my father mustn’t see you.”


His calm tone struck Riche like a bolt of lightning.


She had many questions but couldn’t bring herself to voice any of them. Ian, sensing her unasked questions, nodded.


“My father is looking for you, Riche. He’s… dangerous.”


She recalled the madness in Duke Gerwer’s eyes from her childhood.


Her father was obsessively searching for Riche, as relentlessly as when he tried to kill Ian.


Ian also knew his father had visited Roadwick’s estate several times under the pretense of meeting Roadwick’s foster daughter.


If his father discovered Riche’s true identity, he would never let her go. Probably not until she was dead.


The moment Ian heard people in the hallway saying that Duke Gerwer had arrived, the only thought in his mind was to hide Riche.


“I don’t know why he’s at the academy or how long he’ll stay, but you mustn’t meet him.”


“…How long have you known?”


This was different from Deon’s suspicions. Ian knew exactly who she was and why Duke Gerwer was after her.


Ian answered her stammered question readily, seemingly with no intention of hiding what he knew anymore.


“Since last weekend.”


Last weekend.


It was when they had returned to the Roadwick estate because of Deon’s condition.


“But how? Ian, your abilities…”


Riche glanced at the necklaces Ian wore, now visible outside his shirt from their run.


“Right. It wasn’t because of my abilities. Someone told me.”


“Who? Zeke?”


As far as Riche knew, only Zikbert knew her true identity.


Given Ian and Zeke were friends, it seemed possible Zeke might have told him.


But her guess was wrong. Ian shook his head.






“What did you say?!”


Even Pytonis sprang out of her pocket, shouting.


Hikenka. Why was that name coming out of Ian’s mouth?


“You little Gerwer brat! What do you mean by that? How do you know him?!”


Pytonis, now perched on Ian’s head, leaned down to demand answers.


Seeing this, Riche reached out in shock to grab Pytonis.


“Get back! Pytonis!”


“Huh? Why, contractor?”


As Riche grabbed Pytonis, he too sensed what she had and his fur bristled.




Riche’s eyes widened as she saw Ian’s right eye turn a shimmering gold.


  1. Nishasingh says:

    Thank you for your hard work we really enjoy reading this story

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