Beast Castle


“Episode 46”

Ray was awakened by the heat and the sound of running water. She vaguely opened her eyes, still struggling with drowsiness. Half-opened eyes first saw toes swimming in the water. Next, it was a pinkish naked body, and then the touch of someone bringing a towel. Clearly, it looked like someone soaking in a bath.


The voice calling her name sounded like a distant echo. As she tried to regain her senses, something moist touched her lips and disappeared. When Ray almost opened her eyes, her cheek was tickled. Like a playful bird pecking, it felt affectionate. Unconsciously, Ray smiled.

The cautious hand that was bathing gently lifted Ray’s arm and slid down to her chest as if gliding. It wiped her skin in accordance with the original purpose of bathing, then gently massaged both breasts, releasing tension. It was a gesture devoid of sexual desire. Only then did Ray, who had been groggy, move her lips.


He was rolling up the sleeves of his white shirt. The front was slightly wet, revealing his skin through the shirt. Ray, whose cheeks were reddened by the heat, became even warmer. Even his hand that was drying her body felt awkward.

“I’ll wash myself. You don’t have to do it.”

Ray quickly grabbed his hand, which was silently drying her. Claudan, who had been wiping her silently, looked at Ray.


“No. Not really. Just… a little embarrassing.”

Claudan, who had been listening quietly, chuckled.



“We’re married now.”

Holding Ray’s calf with a cautious touch, Claudan seemed like a sculptor. He meticulously wiped Ray’s feet, as if crafting a masterpiece, with focused eyes.

“Ray, do you still feel uncomfortable?”

Married. Ray, tied with a somewhat awkward title, was touched. It was a title she hadn’t dared to expect, a title she was afraid to say first.

In fact, Ray hadn’t asked about their future because she thought it would be burdensome. She couldn’t even afford the dowry. The fact that the ring still didn’t feel real, occupying the fourth finger, was still hard to believe.

And now they were married. If he wanted something more here, even if it provoked God’s jealousy, she couldn’t say anything.


He affectionately called her name and lifted Ray out of the bathtub. Ray, who had been suddenly exposed to the cold, shivered momentarily.

Soon, a towel wrapped around her body, and warm hands supported her back comfortably. Wrapped tightly in the towel, Ray managed to stick out her face and said, “You can put me down.”

But he didn’t let her down and instead gave her light pecks on her cheek. It was his habit. When the situation was awkward or if he didn’t want to follow Ray’s request, he would extend his lips first. Understanding his intentions, Ray playfully shook her foot.

“Claudan, I have legs too.”

“I know.”

“Would you let me down if I ask? Like this, one by one…”

As Ray playfully extended her arms and legs from a mischievous standpoint, she suddenly felt strange. Was it a momentary misconception in her sleep? But it was definitely different from yesterday. The day before, she had walked from the entrance of the annex, climbed the stairs, and reached the third floor without any obstacles.

However, this morning, suddenly, a door appeared blocking the space between the third floor and the staircase. And it was a door twice the size of Ray. There was no way she could have missed seeing that door as she entered. At first, Ray was doubtful, thinking she might have imagined it. But she was sure she hadn’t seen the door. She asked, “Wasn’t there a door originally?”

“You must have mistaken it, Ray.”


“It was there yesterday too.”

Ray shook her head in denial of his words. No matter how absent-minded she was, it wasn’t to that extent.

“No. It wasn’t there.”

“Do you dislike having a door?”

“It’s not that I dislike it. It’s just strange because I didn’t see it yesterday.”

“I have no reason to lie.”

“Was it really there?”

He chuckled as if dispelling her misconception. Ray, who had an uncomfortable corner but was difficult to doubt further, was Claudan, the architect of the annex, and the door wasn’t as important as he was making it out to be. Perhaps it was just a bit inconvenient to pass by. Ray raised her emerging doubts, but the irrelevant debate of memories ended there.

The door, which didn’t even push against her, opened on both sides. The door opening as if recognizing its owner was refreshing, but Ray, who had already become accustomed to Claudan’s magic, was not very impressed. She was just curious about Claudan’s destination as he carried her.

“Where are we going?”


Claudan swiftly descended the stairs and arrived at the second floor. It was a floor that hadn’t received much attention yesterday due to its lack of attractions. But considering there was a study or Claudan’s office, it was probably the most frequently used place apart from the third floor. It wouldn’t be boring to see it now. Ray, who was swinging her legs casually, noticed something she hadn’t properly seen before. A long sofa brought for her to lie down and read. A soft white sheepskin carpet praised for its softness. The hallway plant that she used to take care of. Although it was just passing by, Claudan was listening to everything.


Ray wanted to learn expressions she could use in moments like this. “Thank you” felt light, and her smile felt insincere. She didn’t have anything to give him. Her pockets were empty, filled only with a strong desire to repay him.

“We’re almost there.”

He seemed to interpret Ray’s hesitant expression as urging. Hurrying his steps, Claudan passed by the newly woven bookshelf and went to the dressing room where their clothes were. Although there were several sets of pajamas on the third floor, he seemed to have brought proper clothes for going out. It would have been enough if he just brought the clothes instead of carrying her around. Ray felt embarrassed at the thought.

Claudan hung Claudan’s clothes on the left side of the dressing room, and Ray’s clothes on the right. However, the area occupied by Claudan’s clothes was small, and more than half of it was filled with Ray’s clothes or hats. Since Claudan’s clothes were simple, Ray’s clothes, lined up one by one, looked flashy. It was hard to tell who was the owner and who was the guest.

“Let me down now.”

Ray couldn’t even entrust him with choosing and wearing clothes. Ray, who struggled, clearly expressed her intention to be let down. But for some reason, Claudan casually went to where the dress was hung, carefully choosing like he was picking his own clothes.

“It’s all the same.”

Ray stopped struggling as Claudan picked out a dress.

“You hung all of them, Claudan.”

“There’s nothing that matches.”

“I’ll just pick anything. Let me down. Huh?”

“A dress that reveals your shoulders would look good on you.”

After carefully selecting for a while, Claudan shifted his gaze to the mirror on one side of the wall. Reflected in the mirror, the two of them looked like a baby wrapped in a swaddle. He pointed to the mirror, showing Ray her exposed shoulders.

“What do you think?”


He kissed the bewildered Ray and gently untied the towel that wrapped her. Gradually pulling it down, he finally pulled down her body that had been securely wrapped.

At Ray’s unexpected action, whether she was embarrassed or not, Claudan seemed satisfied only after pulling the towel down to her shoulders. Ray’s round shoulders were clearly visible in the mirror.

“I was right, wasn’t I?”

Ray had been feeling something faintly off since yesterday. Claudan was affectionate without reservation, but there was a slight misalignment somewhere. Ray couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but there was a tendency towards impulsive emotions.

“Claudan, I’m cold.”

Ray faced Claudan in the mirror, one shoulder exposed. In the eyes exploring each other, Ray could barely find affection.

Upon closer inspection, he wasn’t angry. Rather, he seemed fascinated by an uncontrollable joy. Even Ray, who was constantly being oppressed, could tell that he was delighted.

“I’ll help you change, Ray.”

Even after saying he would help her change, he didn’t move towards where the clothes were hanging. Instead, he slowly lowered Ray’s leg, which he had been supporting with his hands. However, as Ray stood on both legs for a moment, the towel draped over her shoulders disappeared in a dazzling white light.


As Ray, who had just become naked, looked at Claudan, he playfully flicked his finger. “Oops.”

The light that just made the towel disappear rose from her toes. Like grains of sand on a white sandy beach, small white things passed her calves and gradually transformed into a dress that barely covered her thighs.

It was a dress that clearly revealed her bare shoulders and had straps suitable for underwear. It was loose enough that her chest would be visible if she bent over.

Shocked at her reflection in the mirror, Ray shouted, “Put on proper clothes!”

“It is proper.”

“I don’t have any underwear.”

“You don’t need it.”

“Why don’t I need it? How am I supposed to eat like this?”

Ray had never worn something this short in front of others. It was the same as seeing herself naked tens of times. It was a secret activity during nighttime, and now it was clear daytime. Everyone was dressed formally, and even Claudan was in a fully buttoned shirt.

Ray bit her lip. There was no underwear to cover her bottom. Absolutely unacceptable attire. Ray became increasingly angry.

“Claudan is dressed perfectly fine.”

As if waiting for that remark, he unbuttoned the wet shirt in front of him. In a posture to completely undress, Ray, who was surprised, shook her hand to stop him. “Don’t undress. I didn’t mean for you to undress.”

“In that case.”

“Are you teasing me again? Putting me in these strange clothes.”

“I like it.”

“Why do you like this?”

“Because only I can see it.”

Once again. Sensing a strange energy, Ray took a step back. Unconcerned, Claudan approached and swept her waist with both hands. Passing through the thin fabric of the dress, the warmth of his hands came through. The hand that went down gently settled on her hip.

“Your neckline, legs, ankles. There’s no reason to cover them.”

“I thought it would be a waste to cover up. Every time you buttoned up to your neck, it hurt. But it couldn’t be helped. There were other people’s eyes there.”
“What are you talking about?”
“It means I’ve been waiting to have you.”
It was a position where a finger could easily penetrate into the vein if you were careless. Excessively delighted, with darkened eyes, he was dangerous. Ray spoke persuasively, as if trying to convince.
“Are you still joking around? Mrs. Mary will be here soon to serve the meal. How am I supposed to eat like this? I’d rather wear pajamas.”
“Oh, Mary?”
“Isn’t she coming today?”
Ray had a lot to say to Mrs. Mary. She wanted to boast about the day she was proposed to and also wanted advice on Claudan, who was becoming increasingly strange.
Above all, after being tormented by him all night, she longed for Mrs. Mary’s mushroom soup that she always made. If Mrs. Mary’s schedule was busy, there was nothing she could do, but if it was possible, she wanted to ask again today.

He stood silently. Ray, who turned back to pick out clothes, called him once more.
“Claudan, what’s wrong?”
Claudan slowly walked over to Ray’s side. Ray couldn’t escape from a certain gaze. She had seen him with such eyes before. Where was it? When had she seen similar eyes before?
Ray’s bewildering questions in her mind abruptly ended as he held out his hand.
There was a small bottle on his palm. Inside the bottle was a deep purple liquid. It looked just like blood. “It’s for you.”
“For me?”

As if someone had extracted blood and put it in a bottle. Ray somehow felt reluctant.
However, when Ray didn’t accept the bottle, Claudan floated it in the air. The lid opened automatically, waiting in front of her mouth. It was clearly a sign to drink.
“Why do I have to drink it?”
“Because I love you.”
Claudan didn’t smile when he said that. His eyes shone earnestly, and his closed lips waited for her acceptance. He said the reason she had to drink the mysterious liquid was because of love. It was Claudan’s inexplicable power. It couldn’t be ordinary, and it must have contained some ulterior motive.
But Ray believed. Claudan, who explicitly stated they were married, wouldn’t harm her. He was mischievous and playful, but he didn’t gamble with Ray. He was someone who didn’t know what to do if Ray got hurt. At that moment, Ray believed Claudan’s gaze.
As she opened her mouth slightly, the bottle tilted as if waiting. The bright red liquid flowed down her tongue into her throat. It didn’t taste like anything. In fact, it even had a slight sweetness. Expecting it to be bitter, Ray’s eyes widened slightly.
“I love you, Ray.”

In Claudan’s embrace, Ray felt dizzy. And at the same time, she became very hungry. Various foods she had never considered came to her mind.
Her mouth watered. Ray was usually not very hungry in the morning, but today she felt like she could devour even dried grass.





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