Beast Castle


“Episode 37”

Living, I could roughly estimate cursed dates, but lately, with Ray, there were no crowds. I vaguely noticed feeling dirtier, but if Ray wrapped me up, even that was forgotten. Philip and Mary have one major misconception.

They dream of attaching Ray like a leash, longing for satisfying days, but the opposite could easily occur. Previous curses occasionally irritated me through Clodan, but I didn’t lose my sanity.

The seriousness was revealed during the last rutting season. Despite locking Ray in the room, I crawled down and indulged in debauchery. Furthermore, I felt an unprecedented satisfaction confessing to Ray in tears.

I was not sane. My life had always been at odds with sanity, but now it reached an uncontrollable point.

I need to find a way out. Just now, I planned to put Ray to sleep and focus on my research.

However, her sweet trickery changed my mind, and I found myself transformed into a rutting mess. Ignoring Ray’s gentle request, I couldn’t resist watching her crying and trembling. “Uh, yeah…”

It was a ridiculous excuse. Even now, realizing that, I can’t move away from Ray’s side, who is unconscious. I sense it. Soon, this facade will be swept away by the curse. But I restrain myself with the rationality I desperately hold onto.


She was asleep, oblivious even to the moonlight spilling over her chest. Considering the lack of recent intense climaxes, I understand why I abandoned her so easily. After composing myself, I step back, but greed overwhelms me.


My voice cracks with overflowing desire. Unable to shake off the remnants of my folly, my hand hesitantly brushes against her thigh. I should get up, but I can’t. Carefully, I pull Ray, who has fainted, into my arms. Tears glisten in her eyes, but she doesn’t whimper.

She’s completely out of it. Savoring Ray’s sweet breath, I endure. No longer greedy, I bury my nose in her exposed chest. Then, gently, I reach for her lower body and take out her genitals. After thrusting in without consideration, I want to shake her. After a brief kiss, I firmly grasp her swollen genitals and shake.

“Phew… Ray.”

Entering her genitals would be a fantasy, and in the midst of rutting, I might not be able to withdraw until all the semen is spent. Breathing heavily, I imagine Ray wrapping her neck around the brutish genitals, pleading for love. When I penetrate again, she moans, pushing me away. Eventually, writhing in climax. My brain is ablaze with lust. Nothing could be more stimulating. My hand shakes faster on the genitals.

“Ray, Ray, ah, Ray…”

A pitiful woman with her ankles cut off by rotten vines. If she loses the will to overcome the curse, Ray will always have to deal with the crazed me. If the problem arises, Ray won’t be able to abandon such a me. As usual, she’ll tenderly reassure and promise eternity in my wicked ear. And I will gladly cut off even Ray’s arms.


Lost in the moment, I ejaculated uncontrollably. Though her name, uttered in sleep, sounded noble, I, transformed into a beast, stained Ray with semen on her fair, slender legs. As I satisfied my desires, my rationality interjected.

Clodan bit his tongue as he rose. Losing control over his rationality had become more frequent and intense. Moreover, Clodan was a curse that was hard to resist. When he delved into a woman he loved, he couldn’t distinguish between tender love and carnal desire. Distinguishing between the two was deemed impossible from the start.

Ray, asleep with a contented sigh, turned over. Seeing the semen smeared on her legs excited Clodan’s mind. Should he take advantage and not even notice the semen? But Clodan stood up with the intention of tearing himself apart. If he gave in to instincts once or twice, he might end up justifying any actions later on.

Regrettably, he couldn’t clean up. The semen smeared on Ray was incredibly satisfying, and wiping it off made him feel deprived of rationality.

Clodan, stepping heavily, left the bedroom and encountered Philip coming. As faithful as ever, Philip seemed to sense something amiss. Strangely, Clodan felt a pang of discomfort, despite the expected commendation.


Philip didn’t show any signs of concern on his worried face. His eyes reflected disgust at the approaching steps under the moonlight.
“Are you alright?

You look…”



Clodan’s hand touched near Philip’s neck. Despite suppressing his frustration, Clodan questioned himself as he almost lost control.

The hallway where Ray slept was there. He wanted to explore Philip’s entrails wandering without restraint. Mary, who would eagerly replace Ray’s beddings, was the same. Suppressing the urge to kill, Clodan, confused, spoke again as Philip, perplexed, spoke up.


“It’s me.”

Clodan sighed as if swallowing his saliva. “We need to tie me up.”

“Oh, Master. I…”


Seeing Philip’s eyes filled with life, he was speechless. “Don’t make it long,” he nodded as he slowly walked away to prepare. As the frightened Philip receded, Clodan couldn’t help but laugh. Who’s going to kill whom? In fact, isn’t he the one who should die first? This absurd fact amused Clodan.


Unlike other cozy mornings, a chill set in. It was torture even to raise damp, limp fingers to open my eyes. I didn’t want to wake up. But someone pushes and shakes my shoulders, urging me to come out. As Ray slowly lifts her rusty eyelids, pale-faced Lady Mary sits beside her.


Unfortunately, Ray was preoccupied with other thoughts. Clodan’s bright yellow eyes from last night. The sudden change in attitude. A series of similar nights. Something seemed to be hinting.

“What happened?”

And after such nights, there was Lady Mary, unable to raise her head. Though no words were exchanged, she bowed her head like a guilty sinner. Ray, shaking off the drowsiness, took Lady Mary’s trembling hand.

“Where’s Clodan now?”


Worry etched on her face, followed by a flicker of confusion.

“I heard it would be difficult for him to come today because of his busy schedule. Do you miss him a lot? But can you endure a little longer…”

“Don’t say that.”

Clutching Lady Mary’s hand like a lifeline, Ray pleaded desperately.

“I don’t want to be deceived anymore. You’re the only one who can help me.”

Ray’s desperate voice stirred Lady Mary’s heart. But that was all. There was no need for further deliberation. If she were to bring Ray to Clodan now, who else would be the one to attend to the awakened master? No one was more important than his life.

There’s nothing. Thus, I survived like a rat relying on the sewers, enduring the gritty passage of time. I know it’s not a proud life.


if I wasn’t ashamed, it would be a lie. ”

You might find it difficult to see him today,

Ring” Lady Mary said, placing each dish in front of the disappointed Ray.
“He said he has a lot to research at the end of the second-floor corridor.

” Ray’s gloomy expression was like the sun breaking through the darkness of dawn.

Lady Mary was an accident that could never be overlooked. Ray knew that going to Clodan now would mean certain death.

“Are you okay?”

Philip’s face in the kitchen didn’t look normal. Though he never chattered, I could tell something was amiss. Perhaps he was not fond of being manipulated. Seeing Lady Mary’s worried face, Ray smiled even more bravely.

“Of course. Clodan won’t harm me.”

“I suppose that’s just your hope,”

Philip remarked. “I know it’s risky, but…” “Risk…?” “This is when Clodan is most honest.” “So?” “Maybe now is the time for answers.” Lady Mary, forgetting any further advice, noticed Philip from afar outside the window and hesitated. If things went awry, Philip was the only shield to ward off trouble. Lady Mary put down the plate she was holding and futilely urged once more, “If something seems strange, just run away. And please finish your meal.” Ray nodded as if to agree, and took three consecutive spoonfuls. But as Lady Mary, who had been nagging, left abruptly, Ray put down the spoon. She had lost her appetite. Lady Mary may come back bustling, but for now, Ray’s taste buds, which were supposed to enjoy the meal, had given up.

What Ray said to Lady Mary earlier was a lie. The statement that Clodan wouldn’t harm her wasn’t wrapped in any conviction. Forcing herself to utter such words, despite knowing Clodan would disapprove, stemmed from Ray’s dwindling patience, despite her claims of endurance.

And Clodan, who had been clinging to her last night, was nowhere to be seen in the morning. If she continued to wait for change today, similar events would likely repeat in the future. She’d rather suffer and speak up; she no longer wanted to endure.

“Huh?” As she attempted to tidy up the tray of food, a white piece of paper protruded from under a plate. Even in her haste, she couldn’t overlook it because she recognized the pattern drawn on the corner of the paper.

It was the crest of the Riesburne family, a nightingale. Few people in this world knew about it: Ray, her mother, a few cousins.

And it was from Heish.




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