After the Ending, I Received the Second Male Lead as a Gift

AEIRSMLAG Chapter 10

This week’s release is coming a bit early since I have an announcement. For the month of July, I will release one extra chapter for the novel ‘After the Ending, I Received the Second Male Lead as a Gift’ for each coffee donated up to the goal posted on my ko-fi. If the goal is reached I will release 2 additional chapters. (Potential for max of 12 extra chapters for the month of July)  you can use the button at the bottom of the chapter to access my ko-fi. Thanks for reading! Enjoy!



“Are you the owner of Tyria’s Flower Shop?”

“Oh! You’ve finally arrived!”

“When does the shop open?”

I couldn’t come to my senses as so many people were asking questions at once.

“Oh, no. It opens at 10 o’clock, but it’s now 7 o’clock in the morning…”

On the contrary, I wanted to ask something instead.

Why are you all standing in line in front of a flower shop at such an early hour as if it’s a celebrity concert?

Just then, someone in the crowd loudly asked a question.

“Is the newspaper advertisement true?”


Newspaper advertisement? The one in the Dilucia local daily?

“The one that says you’ll get an invitation to the royal ball if you buy a flower!”


What are they talking about? I never put out such an advertisement.

I naturally turned to Jeffrey, who was beside me, and he looked pale as he shook his head vigorously. He had no idea what they were talking about.

At that time, someone tapped my back and I turned around to see Ludwin holding a newspaper in his mouth. He must’ve snatched it from one of the people in line.

The third person in line had a pale face.

Anyway, I opened the newspaper that Ludwin brought, and saw the article featured on the front page.


[Tyria’s Flower Shop, a flower shop opened by a highly regarded florist.

The creator of the flower decorations that received rave reviews at Count Dilucia’s 48th birthday celebration!

The undisputed best florist in the country opens a store on Adelen Street!

A drawing will be held among those who purchase at least one flower, and three winners will be picked to receive invitations to a royal ball.

Note: 2 tickets per person, not for sale.]


“What’s this?”

When did I, a plant killer, become the best florist in the country?

The advertisement that I didn’t put out, the raffle prize I never promised, and the embarrassing promotional phrases!

“…Are they trying to pick a fight with me?”

I crumpled the newspaper in my hand.

My blood pressure, which had been low due to lack of sleep, skyrocketed from the ground to the sky.

“Jeffrey, find the person who put this out immediately. Royal ball invitations! Are they trying to get someone arrested for spreading false information….”

It was obvious that a competitor or someone who disliked me had put out this ad to trap me.

‘They’ll regret messing with me, now that there’s nothing to worry about except for the second male lead….’

Just then, someone snatched the newspaper from my hand.

“Hey now, false information? I only stated the truth.”

I froze at the familiar voice, stopping mid-turn.

“Oh, uh? You are….”

I heard Jeffrey’s startled voice beside me.

‘No way….’

My neck began to turn stiffly like a hinge that hadn’t been oiled in a thousand years.

I prayed it wasn’t true.

I had deliberately come down to the Dilucia estate instead of the capital to open my shop, avoiding them.

I hadn’t mentioned the shop to them, using the excuse that they would be very busy right after their marriage.

So, they couldn’t be here right now.


Someone called my name cheerfully and hugged me. Bright blue hair resembling the autumn sky filled my vision.

“Congratulations on opening!”

A clear and bright voice rang out in front of the shop.

The original female lead, Lilian Biod, or rather Lilian Biod Lucretia, smiled brightly.

And next to her, the original male protagonist, Pedro von Lucretia, who took the newspaper from my hand, was grinning.

“Surely you won’t kick us out as unwelcome guests?”

It was the crown prince and his wife.

Oh, my blood pressure.


I announced that the opening time would remain unchanged and quickly led the crown prince and his wife into the shop.

Even though they were dressed simply for an informal outing, Lilian’s blue hair was a rare color that could easily attract attention.

“Please take care of the security. If there are any spies, deal with them.”

“Don’t worry.”

I stationed Jeffrey at the door and entered the shop with Ludwin.

Pedro, who’d come in first, was looking around the modest flower shop with interest. When he saw me, he jokingly complained.

“The service for guests is quite unsatisfactory. How could you run a shop like this?”

Lilian, who was equally excited to look around the shop, chimed in brightly.

“Pedro, anything Tyria does is amazing. This place will soon become a very famous flower shop.”

I quietly held my forehead as they chatted.

‘It’s already over because I’m famous.’

A flower shop that offered an invitation to a royal ball as a prize for its opening event!

This flower shop had hundreds of people lined up on the opening day!

It was obvious that articles would be spread throughout the country tomorrow.

I wanted to tear my hair out.

‘It’s ruined, it’s all ruined. Haha.’

I couldn’t figure out why this couple of cockroaches who couldn’t do anything for me were here.

“Please sit here for now.”

Still, since they were members of the royal family, I couldn’t kick them out, so I had them sit at the table in the inner room. When the herbal tea was served, a fragrant scent filled the store.

“Oh, it smells nice.”

Pedro held the teacup to the tip of his nose and savored the scent before readily drinking the tea I offered him.

‘You drink well.’

Given his status, he should be cautious about eating or drinking outside, but he seemed to trust that nothing bad would come from me.

Lilian, too, sipped the tea happily.

Feeling strange, I refilled their empty cups.

As I sat down, Ludwin quietly settled next to me.

“How did you find out about this place?”

Though Lilian was now the crown princess, I spoke to her as I used to because addressing her formally almost made her cry before.

At my question, Lilian raised her head.

“Tyria! How could you open such a wonderful flower shop without telling us?”

Lilian looked extremely disappointed. Pedro nodded beside her.

“We found out about it when we saw the ad in the daily newspaper!”

“How did you see something like that in the palace…”

“I’m learning about current events these days.”

“You mean you look at every local newspaper?”

I asked, flustered.

The advertisement had been in a small local daily newspaper only distributed in Dilucia. There must be hundreds of daily newspapers distributed in the vast empire.

“What do you mean? Of course, I only read the Dilucia daily because that’s where you live.”

“Oh, right.”

Her nonchalant answer made me feel foolish for being surprised.

It was my fault for underestimating Lilian’s overflowing affection.

Maybe it’s because I helped them when they were having a hard time, but these two have followed me around fondly since they were young, and these days, it feels like it’s been amplified several times now that they’re together.

Of course, it was quite a nuisance.

“I didn’t tell you because I knew you’d both be extremely busy right after your marriage. Aren’t you very busy?”

I was only half sincere. I didn’t say anything because I expected it would be a disaster if they found out.

At my words, they immediately crossed their arms and nodded affirmatively.

“Very busy.”

“Yes, I only got two hours of sleep last night!”

Then why didn’t you sleep instead of coming here at dawn?

“But it’s not just anyone else, Tyria is opening a store, so we couldn’t not come, right?”

“I chose a time when there would be as few people as possible. It seems my prediction was wrong.”

I looked at Pedro with cold eyes, seeing the slight frown on his face.

Was he saying that they posted something like that in the newspaper and thought no one would come?

Despite usually being a highly competent crown prince, why did he show such cluelessness in situations like this?

Feeling a headache coming on, I rubbed my forehead and waved my other hand.

“Thank you for coming this far despite your busy schedule. But let’s clarify one thing. What’s with that newspaper ad? Royal ball invitations?”

Lilian held my hands tightly, her big eyes sparkling.

“Of course it’s a gift from us! How about it, is it effective? A lot of people gathered!”

I called Lilian’s name gloomily, sensing her pride.



Lilian, who flinched when my reaction was different from what she expected, answered calmly.

Even though she’d become the crown princess, the female protagonist I grew up with as a child was like a younger sister to me.

And I am a person who does not hesitate to discipline others when necessary.

“Didn’t I tell you that gifts should be something the recipient likes?”

“…You did.”

Lilian blinked her big blue eyes, gauging my reaction.

“Did I make a mistake? Did you not like it?”

True to the title <Cuteness Is the Best>, this world, especially around the protagonist, specialized in cuteness.

The pinnacle of this cuteness was Lilian.

Her white, round features, bright blue hair, and big blue eyes were reminiscent of a little bluebird.

Despite being married now, she was still cute.


I had a particular weakness for such cuteness.

I couldn’t understand how the original Tyria could tormented such a cute girl.

‘Well, it can’t be helped.’

I cleared my throat and deliberately spoke sternly.

“Uh-huh! I’ll let this one slide since it’s too late to undo it, but don’t do it again or I’ll get mad.”

Looking through the window at the long line of people outside, I felt my headache returning.



When I answered firmly, Lilian’s shoulders drooped.


Ludwin, who was sitting next to me, growled lowly. It was as if he was echoing my mood, which was oddly comforting.

When Ludwin even showed his fangs, the expressions of the crown prince and his wife, who’d been overly excited, stiffened. It seemed they were finally coming to their senses.

“Ahem, I apologize. I didn’t think it through.”

“I’m sorry, Tyria.”

The two people apologized obediently.

‘So, you guys are scared of Ludwin too, huh.’

Because Ludwin was larger than most wolves, it was difficult for even the servants and knights to feel at ease around him.

It seemed to be no different for the main couple.

But for some reason, Ludwin seemed to be in a worse mood than usual.

In particular, he bared his teeth and growled several more times towards Pedro.

“Are you okay?”

When I cautiously asked, he turned his head away and rubbed against my shoulder.

‘What’s going on?’





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