After the Ending, I Received the Second Male Lead as a Gift


Sorry for the late update! I’ve been busy and trying to improve some of the quality of my TL. Just so you all know, I am going to be changing Ludwin’s nickname from ‘Lou’ to ‘Lu’. I will probably go back and update the previous chapters at some point too. I just like the spelling more even though they should be pronounced the same. Thanks for reading! Enjoy! Hopefully will be back to weekly updates again now… Plus I absolutely love this novel so far!!!


I turned my head slightly while half-leaning on the chair.

“Shut up. If you’re going to nag, just leave.”

“Wow, I came all the way here to help, and this is how you treat me? Do you think I have nothing better to do?”

“It’s fine because Jeffrey is my subordinate.”

He made a face that showed he agreed but didn’t really want to admit it.

Seeing his thoughts so plainly displayed on his face, even though it had almost gotten him killed several times, I couldn’t help but chuckle.

Jeffrey then pouted, looking unbecoming of his age.

“Fine, even if you cry tomorrow because you’re busy, don’t expect me to help.”

I shrugged.

“It’s fine. How busy can it be on opening day?”

Although I’d advertised, it’s just a flower shop. How many people would flock in on a regular, non holiday when flowers weren’t needed?

‘Why did I choose a flower shop?’

In response to my words, Jeffrey looked like he had a lot to say but chose to keep quiet.

“If you’re going to make that face, just say it.”

He shook his head.

“No, just cherish my presence since it’s rare.”

“What’s with that?”

After working all day, he seemed to be talking nonsense because he was tired.

Stretching my limbs, I asked him.

“Did you find out what I asked?”

“Are you finally asking? I’ve been waiting since morning.”

“I didn’t have a chance to ask.”

He glanced toward the back room, then pulled up a chair and sat across from me.

He had switched to his information dealer persona, all traces of playfulness gone.

Jeffrey was the leader of ‘Laplace Garden,’ the intelligence organization I bought when I was eleven.

It’s now a giant information guild known even in the empire. Just like in the original novel, but back then, it was a small organization struggling financially.

At the time, I only had information about the original work, and since I was still a child, I desperately needed an outsider to help me until I became an adult.

So, I did what any reincarnated person would do.

Using every bit of allowance I had, along with some threats, I took over the information guild that Ludwin frequently used in the original.

After giving them some information and a large sum of money, the founding members bowed before me.

The one who followed me the most was Jeffrey, and that hadn’t changed even now that I was an adult.

The ending had passed, and I didn’t think I’d need him much anymore, so I told him a month ago to run the guild as he wished, but nothing much had changed.

He still called me the boss and brought me information as soon as I requested it.


This morning, he brought me the information I requested and got caught up here.

Jeffrey started his report with a serious look on his face.

“The trail was lost near the border.”

“Which side of the border?”

“The Drew territory.”

I frowned slightly at his words.

Margrave Drew’s territory.

The land bordering the La Sente Mountains where the beastmen lived.

I didn’t know the exact location of the Beastman Kingdom, but it was clear that they lived somewhere in the La Sente Mountains.

“Why did the Duke’s son go there?”

“It was an order from the crown prince for support.”


“Boss, do you know about beastmen?”

‘Huh? Why are beastmen coming up now?’

“…I’ve heard of them.”

“Beastmen are a race that usually appear human but can transform into beasts. They live in a kingdom at the far end of the La Sente Mountains, and lately, they’ve been trying to cross the border, so Margrave Drew requested someone capable of suppressing them by force.”

I furrowed my brows at Jeffrey’s words.

‘Beastmen crossing the border illegally? Why?’

In the original work, beastmen were only mentioned when referring to Ludwin.

And since it was after the ending, it wasn’t easy to find useful information from the original work anymore.

“Is there any other information?”

“Hmm, I found out there was a battle with the beastmen at the entrance of the mountains, but his whereabouts have been unknown since then.”


“That’s all we found out.”

Jeffrey ended the report by showing his palm.


I lightly pressed my lips with my clenched fist.

‘In the original work, he went missing around this time too. What happened?’

Not only did I feel uneasy about this situation being related to beastmen, but I also had a few questions, including who sent Ludwin to me, why he keeps maintaining his animal form, and why he wouldn’t go home.

That’s why I had Jeffrey investigate.

But it was still a mystery.

I pressed my index finger between my eyes.

“First, let’s look into the situation at Drew’s territory in more detail. I need to know exactly what happened.”

“Understood. We’ll investigate as quickly as possible.”

After finishing his report, Jeffrey called me in his usual manner.

“But boss.”


“I’ve been curious for a while, why do you pay so much attention to the duke’s son even though you don’t do anything?”

Startled, I deliberately put on a bright smile.

“Why? Are you curious?”

“Yes, I’m curious. You know everything major on his schedule and ask to be informed whenever he moves. It sounds like stalking.”

Hearing it from someone else, it did sound like stalking.

‘Was I really that bad? I think I asked for information on Lilian and Pedro too. Though I guess I did ask about Ludwin more often.’

I smiled awkwardly and avoided his gaze.

“I’m just trying to avoid him.”



“Why are you trying to avoid him?”

“Uh, well.”

I couldn’t just say ‘because I’m a reincarnated person’, so I smiled awkwardly.

“Because I’m afraid he might kill me?”

I was only half-joking when I said that since the ending had already passed, but his reaction was explosive.

“What? That guy is threatening you?”

Jeffrey slammed the table and shouted. I was the one who was most flustered.

“No, no! It’s not like that. I’m just avoiding him in case he does!”

“Wouldn’t there have to be something unusual going on for you to have a feeling like that?”

Did I just pour fuel on the fire?

“It’s not that! He’s very kind!”

Well, at least he was when he was young.

Hearing that, Jeffrey’s face twisted.

“Kind… huh. I don’t know about that. Anyway, why do you think that way?”

“Well, I often run into him because of Lili, but he always looks serious when he sees me. So, I thought he might have some grudge against me.”

“You’ve been stalking someone for ten years just because of a vibe?”

“I’m not stalking!”

I shouted, covering my burning face. Then I quickly covered my mouth.

‘He couldn’t have heard that all the way inside, right?’

Considering beastmen have better senses than humans, I thought it was best to be cautious.

I waved my hand.

“Anyway, that’s the end of that conversation. The carriage will be here soon, so you should go.”

“Boss, really…! Sigh, understood.”

Jeffrey, who was about to say something more, looked at the clock on the wall and stood up. From the looks of it, it seemed like he planned to help until closing time.

I started wrapping up the store, waiting for the carriage to come and pick me up.

Despite the ups and downs, tomorrow was finally the grand opening day.

Humming excitedly, I turned around after closing the windows, only to trip over something.

In an instant, I lost my balance and fell to the floor.



Fortunately, there was a carpet on the floor, so there were no injuries.


What on earth did I trip on?



Hearing a growling sound, I looked up to see a dark shadow looming over me.


It was Ludwin, who’d been waiting quietly in the inner room at my request.

‘Why is he here?’

Usually, he would have waited obediently until I finished.

But today, he seemed different.

‘His eyes…’

A strange emotion flickered in his amber eyes between the black fur. The unfamiliar look sent chills down my spine.

‘Did he hear what I said?’

I cringed, feeling like a thief caught red-handed.

‘Did he find out I was investigating him and stalking him for years?’

It felt like all the blood drained from my body, leaving me dizzy.

‘So, he’s planning to eat me?’

I was like a weak prey in front of a giant predator.

With Ludwin’s massive size and my small stature, I looked like nothing more than a snack.

As his mouth opened, I caught a glimpse of his huge fangs.

Pure white fangs that were thicker and sharper than my fingers!


If I get bitten by those, it would really hurt, right?

In a semi-panic I hoped he’d at least make it quick if he was going to kill me with those vicious fangs.

‘I just wanted to open a flower shop!’

I closed my eyes tightly, bracing myself for the pain to come.


But the pain didn’t come.



Opening my eyes at the unfamiliar sensation, I found Ludwin licking my cheek.


He didn’t eat me.

‘Weren’t you angry after hearing what I said?’

Confused, I watched him carefully, but luckily, there was no sign of anger.

He was just eagerly licking my cheek.

“What are you doing, boss?”

Jeffrey asked from across the hall, closing the window.

“It’s nothing!”

When I realized that I’d made a mistake, I blushed and jumped up from my seat.

Ludwin stepped back as I got up but continued to stare at me with those strange eyes. They looked almost wistful.

‘What’s wrong with him?’

Something seemed off. As I puzzled over it, I heard the strange sound again.


When I looked at him in surprise, Ludwin turned his head away, avoiding my gaze as if he was embarrassed.

And I understood what the sound was.

“No way, that sound.”

And then I realized why he had come out of the room instead of waiting.

“Are you… hungry?”




Scrappy Patreon


Hi all! Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy as always. You can follow my novels on the Moonlight Discord for updates. Click here to visit my Patreon to read ahead *RPWS-Completed* *IBMMLLWAM up to Ch 54* or support me on my support me on my ko-fi here . Thank you for the support and don't forget to check out some of my other novels!


  1. melody says:

    Hehe now i want he’s pov after he heard that convo 😂
    Thank you for update ❤️

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